ITT: albums critics praised that are actually terrible

You know I'm right. I know a couple of you will attempt to defend this garbage "album" but deep down you just went along with the hype to feel like you have a superior taste for music. You don't. You are just an introverted fuck who succumbs to nonsensical audio in order to feel validated by fellow introverted fucks.

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The real answer
Pleb answer

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Suck a dick pleb

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Wow, hat trick. You autists humor me so much. I would love for you guys to livestream your first ventures outside of your step-grandparents' basements to see how brutal you actual are when it comes to common human interaction.

do you really think everyone who say they like this album is just "pretending" to like it?

Nope. I KNOW they are pretending to like it. It isn't music. It's absolute garbage and a disgrace to art.

lol your retarded

Since when did critics ever praise AC/DC?

typical Yea Forums response.

enjoy listening to your dumpster fire of an album for years until you finally realize you're nothing more than a fucking faggot

It's a good album that has been massively overanalised to the point where nobody really knows what to think about it anymore. Hey if you don't like it it's cool, music is subjective but I thought it was pretty good (tho no way is it the best album of all time)

enjoy being a mad nigger

LOL, using racial slurs. I bet you beat women and rape children.

Vast Aire is a trash fucking rapper. Production is top notch though, El-P at his best.

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Getting legitimately mad on a Mongolian basket weaving website. Who hurt you?

Although this album fucking sucks you should go back you fucking stupid nigger

This album doesn't suck, YOU suck

i like how this album exists and think its funny af and creative but no way anyone actually enjoys this shit

Imagine not fucking heavily with literally every song on TMR... Too much fun to be denied. Funniest Beefheart album as a matter of fact.

Yeah it's good shit, some people just get scared off before they get a chance to appreciate the riffs

How can anyone not dig Pachuco Cadaver? Second half of that song is some of the most fun I've ever had listening to music.

What's your favorite album, user? Show us your amazing taste in music

fuck you, trout mask replica has some bangers

if you've listened, you know.
if you haven't, you're welcome.

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Too unsubtle a bait... c’mon now.

tmr is just fun and I like listening to it because its fun and catchy :)

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LOL. Enjoy your weekend, little guy. Don't forget to study for your algebra quiz on monday.

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Good thread OP. I agree.

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>nonsensical garbage
Wrong, actually listen to the music instead of blindly consuming it like fast food.

>hates classics like TMR
>likes bandcamp vapor ambient crap
holy fucking shit lads you just can’t make this shit up

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>"actually listen to the music"

jesus christ i didn't know 4th graders were allowed on Yea Forums

>implying the greatest piece of music ever created is "bandcamp vapor ambient"

I pity you because I know your favorite musician Chester Bennington is dead and you'll never get to see him at the state fair

I only like a few songs on SO. the rest is boring AF. So as an album I dont like it.

If that monotone trash is really your favorite album, I can see why you wouldn't like Trout Mask Replica.

You listen to music for the 'aesthetic', the 'mood', you've never critically engaged with a piece of music before, because that would be too hard for you. Much easier to continue to consume trash that gives you fee-fees than actually analysing the stuff you listen to, see if it's worth the time you spend listening to it.

>what I don't like is shit
>no your shit
>no u
never gets old, huh?

I think it's a hilarious album

spores and bacterspores and bacteria

sounds based to me

youre gay dude

It's not the best, and the drooling over it by some on this board needs to stop.

But it's very good in its own right. To write it off as "bad" and leave it at that is a mistake.

>Listens to BOC, Deepchord Presents Echospace and Vangelis once

Of course you're right. Hipsters will insist otherwise, but we all know they don't actually listen to this shit.

Another such album is Jack White's Boarding House Reach. Absolute stinker of an album, but was weird enough that critics largely passed it off as "experimental"

What's your favorite album then, faggot?

It's funny you anticipate that lambasting my music taste as being too "normie" will help advance your argument

You wouldnt have heard of it anyways

>listening to Beefheart
u wot m8 ?

This thread smells like bait

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Hipsters = people who do things in a self-conscious attempt to seem cool

If you don't like this album you are a rock novice.

pic related is obligatory to the topic.

Trout mask replica isnt even that abstract tho it just has a lot of atonal shit, its pretty technically sound and got an entertaining off the wall aesthetic. I personally think its got too much filler, but it's not terrible. Acquired taste. It makes sense why this was so acclaimed at the time, there was nothing else like it really. Insulting others for liking an album is strange, whats the point of getting so mad over what others enjoy?

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Not even atonal either, it's polytonal, which is arguably more accessible provided you put in the effort to listen to it.