Well Yea Forums, which Redditor speaks the truth?
Well Yea Forums, which Redditor speaks the truth?
gonna be honest, basing your musical tastes around whether or not it'll get you laid is pretty fucking stupid
responding to the thread like second user did in such bravado and anger is way beyond what is necessary for something so autistic and retarded honestly
not worthy of discussion imo
Tame Impala will actually get you laid though
>"b- but women can enjoy this music too!"
why are redditors so goddamn retarded
what is the first post referring to?
My mom likes Metal Box
If you're insecure about your music tastes or care what others think you're a faggot.
Can I get her number?
the title track of Flowers of Romance
come on that track is poppy as fuck, it's like the most pop PiL song in their first incarnation other than Public Image
You legit have to be pretty fucking s o y filled if Metal Box is too masculine for you and the women you know. It's fucking dance music with a noisy guitar.
Lol fuk a girl asked me for a playlist of what I listened to and I added a couple tracks off the album hes talking about and she said it was a cool playlist
Low Life is poppy as shit, Memories is a great pop song too.
redditors will respond with vigor to basically anything you post, even if it's obvious bait. it makes for some productive discussions in smaller subreddits, but it's also a lot of people engaging trolls ad infinitum and feeling like their downvotes mean something.
>censoring the username
Redditors arent real people, they are failed cartoons.
you should stop coming here if you browse Reddit.
the reddit links don't work here buddy
Oh yeah, you should definitely stop coming here.
Good on OP, he knows the board - the whole site, really - is filled with r*ddit gateway new faggots that always have it + 4ch + 5 other sites open in their tabs at all time.
Taking the obvious bait is reddit
See you when you tab back over, you Youtubing bitter waste of a Friday night.
ya worked for me then we drove to boston and made her listen to shitty punk and indie music and she stopped fucking me after that