Thoughts on this album? Personally I feel like the highs are incredible but when I get to the lows I just want to Mayonaise and be done with it.
Thoughts on this album...
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I mayonaise all over this album
Coomer's first album
It made me mayonnaise in high school
2nd best album after MCIS. No bad songs on it. Soma, best guitar solo.
I live in Chicago, and I remember when SP started. They sucked then, and they suck now.
And Billy Corgan is a JERK!
>Billy Corgan is a JERK!
Citation needed
this is the last thing on earth that needs a citation, Billy Corgan is a fucking asshole
SD is the best SP album though, hands down. my favorite album in high school.
This band is garbage
Okay but what did he do to make you think he's an asshole? I really have no fucking idea what you're talking about, are you really that much of a lazy useless piece of shit that you can't come up with one fucking reason? Why do you even bother posting?
Since when is mayonnaise a verb?
dude, he has a fucking ego meltdown at nearly every live show he plays.
the one time I saw SP play a couple of years ago, he literally bitched for like 5 minutes that some guy in the front row was being "too loud" and kept saying he was gonna stop the concert because he didn't think the crowd appreciated him enough. this was in a packed-out theater in New Orleans for fuck's sake.
he's also a wack-job conspiracy theorist who has gone on Alex Jones' old show more than once to talk asshole bullshit.
literally just look up any interview with Billy Corgan from the beginning, and he just spouts absolute pretentious fucking nonsense. he interrupts the people interviewing him, he rarely answers questions and just prefers to go on pseudo-intellectual digressions about literally nothing. he has a history of lying about all kinds of shit, particularly with how he records music.
billy corgan being an asshole isn't like some secret or something that needs to be explained, everyone knows about it lmao
the bands best effort
a precursor to easy listening 2000s rock
3 doors down and whatnot
The casual fans tend to prefer Siamese Dream over Mellon Collie and the hardcore fans tend to prefer Mellon over SD
literally the opposite of true. Mellon Collie was a manic, incoherent collection of tracks that happened to have 5 hit singles and a few other gems hidden in the rough.
It's a collection of great songs overall, but as an album it's an extremely rough listen because it goes from one genre to another every track and doesn't have any common denominator throughout. It sounds more like a best-of compilation for a band that didn't know what they were trying to go for at the time.
Siamese Dream presented a cohesive collection of emotionally mature songs all coming from one place, with consistent production, but each track having its own unique flavor of songwriting.
idk, it's just good all-around and makes a great album. Mellon Collie is a bit of a hodge-podge and is harder to listen to because it yanks you back and forth with its direction and production. it's not bad at all, it's great, it's just not as good of an ALBUM as Siamese Dream.
Well I've seen them 2 times last year and in 96, no meltdowns.
Corgan talked abiut wrestling a lot on rogan.
Lies about how he records music....
You may need meds.
>listens to Rogan
>has seen SP 3 times
aight dog, time to log off
They're both perfect albums. SD is easier for the casual fan to get into. MCIS takes longer to digest but is ultimately more rewarding which is why a lot of die hard fans gravitate towards it. Personally my favorite is Adore.
This is a bullshit statement. There’s never been a double album that didn’t have filler. If the Beatles couldn’t do it, then Smashing Pumpkins can’t either. Mellon Collie has some really great songs, but the listening experience is uneven with much lower lows.
>If the Beatles couldn’t do it, then Smashing Pumpkins can’t either.
There's nothing on MCIS as bad as Don't Pass Me By and Revolution 9
>pretending to be a boomer on Yea Forums
>There’s never been a double album that didn’t have filler
Speak for yourself. Billy wrote over a whole extra album's worth of original material during the Mellon Collie sessions and you think he decided to pick filler songs for it?
was this ever considered to be a decent record? never hear any SP fan talk about it and (well to me at least) seems to be an inferior version of the previous album
The message board diehard fans love that album. I always thought it was boring but Im not a diehard fan.
It's 10/10.
Up there with Loveless 2bh.
SP is about loud textures, I will never understand this album.
>seems to be an inferior version of the previous album
It sounds nothing like the previous album
This thread is pretty cool and all but WHERE MY GISH BROS AT
i am one
Got me fucked up just saw a brockhampton thread rip mu