Is he right?

>In my view, and in the view of my music theorist father who went to music school, there are three elements to music. There is harmony, there is melody and there is rhythm. Rap only fulfills one of these, the rhythm section. There's not a lot of melody and there's not a lot of harmony. And thus, effectively, it is basically spoken rhythm. It's not actually a form of music. It's a form of rhythmic speaking. Thus, beyond the objectivity of me just not enjoying rap all that much, what I've said before is that rap is not music.

Attached: ben shapiro.jpg (326x402, 16K)

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He's not.

Jews aren't people but no one is calling out on that bullshit

No, but rap still sucks.

it's the musical equivalent of cavemen drumming

>effectively, it is basically

fucking ben psuedpiro

He's right technically speaking. I think his framework is outdated and his generalizations about hop hop while mostly fair preclude him from being able to see the rare few hip hop acts/ projects that are genuinely brilliant art. I feel sorry for him that doesn't feel the same appreciation for someone like Kanye that I do

Even other conservatives call him out on this opinion

He's never been

>there are three elements to music. There is harmony, there is melody and there is rhythm.
Forgot timbre.
>Rap only fulfills one of these, the rhythm section.
That is irrelevant. Lots of music doesn't use every element of music, just as not every song uses every chord. Does Shapiro also think monophonic singing isn't music? How about solo acapella, with no harmony? Is that not music?
>There's not a lot of melody and there's not a lot of harmony. And thus, effectively, it is basically spoken rhythm. It's not actually a form of music. It's a form of rhythmic speaking. Thus, beyond the objectivity of me just not enjoying rap all that much, what I've said before is that rap is not music.
This is just retarded. Yeah, rap sucks shit. You don't need to make up stupid arguments for why. If it's not music, what is it?

Those words modify the meaning of the sentence in two distinct manners, using both especially in the context of conversation is justified

God I hate this fucking faggot

If fucking harsh noise is music then so is rap, and I fucking despise both.

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lmao you're a pseud too

basically effectively means effectively the way he's using it

Honestly listening to rap is pretty fucking embarrassing. Singers can't sing so they autotune the hell out of their voices, which sounds even worse and waaaaaay cornier than just being a bad singer. Concerts are a complete fucking waste of time because you're just paying a guy to yell over beats which have no additional elements to them to make them sound better or more interesting than they do on record. It would be the lamest most boring form of music in the world if electronic music didn't exist.

hip hop has an abundance of harmony and melody though

its literally pop music

just a manlet who never grew out of his "everything but rap and country" phase

I'm an English major. You are wrong as fuck. The better way to phrase what he said is this:
"Effectively -- it is basically.."

Literally nothing wrong with this sentence.

Timbre is an element describing the character of a sound, what Ben is talking about are the three constitutive pillars of musical form.

Second point is exactly right, I'm surprised he doesn't see this but I'm assuming that since he is a solo violinist when he is having the discussion this quote comes from that he is considering music and a musical composition two separate entities but applying his conditions of what defines the latter upon the former.

Thank you

I wonder what his opinion on ambient music is, considering that often forgoes melody and rhythm

I like how Fantano calls other peoples' arguments shitty yet his go-to response for political discussion is just ad hominems and "have sex" memes. And his leftypol fanbase praises him for it.
Shapiro is still trash tho.

jeez i didn't know you had an associates in general studies my bad lmao

shoulda paid attention in comp 1

why do you give this weasel's takes any thought? he is on the same tier as limbaugh or hannity

>brilliant art.
>for someone like Kanye
Its funny that he is considered a genius in the genre and still he is just a retard. The bar is very low in rap.

100%, he's such a disappointment in this regard

I don't see this argument for ambient but I do see it for drone. On that front I would say that I don't think Ben is too much of a fan of anything avant-garde, he is a temperamentally conservative person and that holds with his artistic palette. He enjoys classical music, plays etc. but has never shown a fondness for anything too experimental.

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how is he a retard? he's a musical genius. you need him to be good at chemistry too or something?

He's not even a genius inbthe realm of hip hop either, he's just massively overhyped by his dickriding fanbase. They're literally "I started crying" tier.

Percussionists aren't musicians, they are rhythmic tappers.

Seriously this. Why don't we debate Rachel Maddow's Spotify playlist next? Ben Shapiro is not an intellectual, he's a meme neocon talking head like Steven Crowder or something, he's really no better at all.

>Rap only fulfills one of these, the rhythm section
Sure rapping as an activity only fulfills one "element of music", but almost every rap song is set to a beat (rhythm) which in some fashion incorporates the other 2.

>There's not a lot of melody and there's not a lot of harmony.
"Not a lot" still implies there is some. See my above statement.

So no, he's a fucking idiot..

He's not an eloquent individual by any means. Please forgive my somewhat nonsensical language but I think Kanye's relationship with art is on a very visceral level in that he exists very much within the ethosphere of art, he's an effective curator and observer, he listens to many different types of music, exposes himself to all kinds of art and I think his specific psychological profile is the reason why he's able to combine what is currently existing in the realm of art and exist on the cusp of what is and what can be, he helps push that boundary forward (not so much lately) but I really think he is a genius artistically

>musical genius
>doesn't make his own music
>can hardly string a thought together anytime he opens his mouth

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>Why don't we debate Rachel Maddow's Spotify playlist next?
ebin false flag

i don't think anyone claims him to be an intellectual, besides himself of course

>mixing and sampling isn't making music

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Idk I think on some level he just doesn't like black people. Also there's a lot of rap that absolutely does have harmony and melody. Which I guess makes it hip hop or RnB in some cases, but most rappers will admit that rap without a beat is closer to poetry. A lot of them think of it that way.

i see what u mean

Rap isn't a genre, it's a vocalization. "Rap Music" can be literally anything from EDM to funk to rock to jazz.

What? I'm serious, it's the same as debating this pundit's music taste. Who cares about these people? Stop giving them attention.

in theory you can make literally any music at all and as long as there is somebody rapping over then its called rap.
its not really a genre musically, there are no rap scales
possibly the early hip hop of the 80s could be a distinct musical genre on its own but thats over

He literally doesn't make his beats. He hires people to do it. Even he admitted that.
And his production is Rick Ruben-tier, fuck outta here.

I think more likely he's probably afraid of black people that he doesn't interact with in a professional capacity.

He's not he's just Hannity for younger people.

hope he gets lost in the hood one day and experiences those fears irl

I think you missed the hours of footage of him producing plus all the interviews people who have worked with him have given him about the experience. I don't think you know enough to speak on this at length. Look into what the process of MBDTF was like. He started out producing entirely by himself but as he got more resources he shifted to more of a directorial role but he recently had a phase where he was making the beats himself, the bulk of the Wyoming era projects was Kanye produced

So you admit he has a reason to fear them?

I really dislike this little rat jew

No but I hope whatever he fears will happen happens. Would love to see his midget ass mugged.

Sources on any of this?

It doesn't matter if you're an English major. It's still clumsy wording. It doesn't matter if the meaning and structure are "allowed". Using both words isn't meaningfully signifying anything or aiding him in making his point.

It sounds like you're dancing around the fact that he has reason to fear them.

shit gotcha. no shit a hood would have dangerous black people

>genius hip hop director kanye west
this fucking board

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(fun fact, this became "Feedback" about 10 years later)

I've read so many interviews so I've just seen so many dozens of artists praising his process

He was speaking off the cuff. The average individual struggles to speak without mumbling or interjecting "um" or "like" every other word. Minor syntactic/ semantic issues in conversations shouldn't be thought of this scrutinously

>the interviews and press are sometimes work
Jesus what happened?

The dissect podcast on MBDTF is pretty good too if you're interested

I always knew drum solos weren't music.

Music is fractal
Drums both are and aren't music
They are both an element of music and music within themselves
At what point does drumming becomes music?
How many different drums with unique timbres must you have, how much is performance a factor?
Form is something we all tacitly agree on exists

In my opinion that kind of fluff tends to be a cover up for under-thought opinions that you're trying to assert confidently.

He knows that what he's saying is just a passing thought that he hasn't developed appropriately but Ben Shapiro likes to be assertive and maintain his credibility so he uses language with inappropriate expressions of certainty, and he does it twice because he nervous about being disingenuous.

Ben's always been a faggot but he's actually reached peak retardation with this shit. He's such a monkey anti-intellectual I don't know why the right holds him up on such a high pedestal.

Even /pol/ and the alt right hates him now, he mostly only has boomers left.

Also, I watched his video and he said some shit like "this isn't English isn't the point of language ot be able to communicate with each other why are we suddenly changing it all of suden" like language evolves we don't speak fucking old english today do we.

guess he's just got boomers + 14 year old feminst owners

Can't spell (c)rap without rap.

Does he think that a drum solo isn’t music? You don’t need all of those three elements for music to be music, you really only need one

This basically. You can play a solo for your masters in music at uni and get a fantastic mark if it's structured correctly with a clear progression and thought put into it.

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what kind of pseud shit and im reading here