Cool chart thread!!!!!

these are always fun... let's rec stuff and guess personalities!!!!

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if u don't take drugs or drink then just put whatever you want in those two boxes

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+++new order, ++++orchid, +++moomin, ++mgs, ++++calpico

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do i know you on discord or something you seem familiar

+Animals, IGOR, Moomin, froge
+Konky Dong, Eva, Norwegian Wood, Trainspotting, sushi, red pandas

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I doubt it, I haven't used discord in months, and even when I used it I barely talked to people on servers

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fucking based and deathpilled.

BASED fucking great show
>Jeromes Dream
>Carissa's Wierd
I would hang out with you

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sorstind is fucking fantastic, pretty sure everyone in it committed suicide tho except for the chick
huh maybe i know you from RYM or something then