Today's the 15th birthday of Green Day's 7th album, American Idiot. What are your thoughts on it?

Today's the 15th birthday of Green Day's 7th album, American Idiot. What are your thoughts on it?

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they seemed too old for that shit even then

I used to listen to it eveydays with my cd player on the bus to school.

I still love a few of those tracks (Holidays, Boulevard, the Medleys, Letterbomb and Whatshername.)
Fuck, do I feel old sometimes.

Thats where i draw a line, i dont like stuff after this

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Hey OP, looks like you're having some difficulty keeping your thread up. Let me lend you a helping hand.

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I said it was for faggots then and still say it now.

I used to love this album, but I was 12.

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It's pretty great to be completely honest. Many solid tracks on it. It's sad that people say it's overrated just because a bunch of zoomers wear the shirt

Very solid album

someone post the copypasta about how this is the best punk rock album ever made

didn't age nearly as well as TBP

>and honestly, I never saw that coming

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pop-punk is awful but I can't not like this since I grew up with it. Listening to this always reminds me of skating with friends in middle school.

What the fuck is up with this new garbage they put out though?

The B-Side Governator is better than the whole album .

This song is pretty good.

didn't like it at first but after 3 listens I'm starting to like it, you can't stay mad at Billy's voice.. the falsetto wasn't really necessary but it does give the song a certain flavor

The song itself is fine, but the production and vocals ruin it

It was pretty much the only album I listened to between the ages of 9 and 13. I still know every word.

> Green Day does the late 2010s indie rock thing
They can't possibly think this is gonna win them any fans.

Got this album for Christmas when I was 14. Still has a couple bangers. Homecoming/Letterbomb is probably my go-to's on this one. I still like Green Day, but not so much as of late. My music palette is rather fleshed out at this point.

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This just sounds like an outtake from Warning.