What do you think about Negative XP

What do you think about Negative XP

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garbage derivative chink nerd music
hate it, kid should give up and study math

The music is boring but it pisses off wokescolds so I'm a fan.

I don't.

boring shitty music

their covers don’t fit the music at all. i thought it was gonna be creepy vaporwave midis with a lot of bitcrush but instead i got the most bland and generic bandcamp shit out there.

liked it until I found it he was asian lol


based fuck chinks

Not this shit again

yeah im just gonna go ahead and say it
easily one of the most important bands making music today. easily.
It's true counter-culture that addresses societal problems in true punk fashion. melon heads and washed up fathers need not apply.

car seat headrest but instead for gay incels its for straight incels


probably the greatest contribution to art in the past 500 years

Melon is a gay retard as usual but this guy's music still blows

Most songs are hit and miss but when they hit i think there really good the song true is pretty great imo


im sick of people still doing this ps1 meme shit in 2019

Unironically the only person keeping punk alive in 2019

Give it 5 years and it'll be ps2 meme covers

That 1 song about fanty is cool

wait, the kid is asian? hilarious.
buddy stop liking when people are pissed off, it's time for us all to grow up, move on and find some fresh new motives. only faggots that are brand new internet like that shit.


Yep he's some asian kid with a bowl cut


honestly 3/10 pretty terrible

fagtano seethes at him so he is good in my book

most important musician of the century

Pretty much. His stuff is derivative but Tony got butthurt so that's nice.

holy shit i love this

anthony the shell of his former self fantano
can't enjoy anything anymore
what a sad fag

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I know he's an incel but jesus christ just get a medium fade or something

What’s a band that’s like this but better?

>better than the goat
Nice try melonhead.

it’s a part of the gag. bowl cut cult

imagine being mgtow OR incel
you will never get a woman no matter how perfect for you they are

>perfect for you
kek. it’s all biological imperative and lust. love isn’t real. half of all marriages fail, the other half are either miserable or religious. stop watching romantic comedies

his stuff is pretty fucking good for what he’s working with and it pisses off Anthony Fagtano so pretty based desu

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Tony Molina

best musician/poet of all time, no artist in history can hold a candle to it and if you disagree you are a retard.

car seat headrest

doesn't exist, this is the best band ever

idk he kinda seems stuck in a rut

It's worth a laugh.

He's turning inceldom into a serious artform. Very respectable.

Most of his music is more doomer than incel, and his shit based on classics are straight boomercore
Truly, a renaissance man of the modern world
1965 is pretty great, and I really like PROLIFE


>ding ding ding!

He makes good shit, I wish he was white though.

Derivative as all hell but he's made a few good songs. Goodbye, Computer Shy, True, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, etc. I think people take him too seriously. he goes by "school shooter" on other platforms so I don't think he's putting his all behind his music lol

Chigga looks like Kim Jong Un if he kept playing basketball ctfu
Jay Reatard

just put the scott pilgrim song on spotify already and stop shilling yourself you faggot

Shit music

This. A few decent songs overall

Mostly pretty good but not amazing. Clearly has a talent for pop melodies, and his output is impressively prolific, if annoying to sift through given how much isn't on the albums. He's leveraged his inceldom for some prime emotional conveyance, which is all lyrics really matter for anyway

This motherfucker has hundreds of songs across multiple identities, of course some of them are gonna be pretty good

Yea Forums is full of Anthony Fagtano's feet lickers and that's why there are so many retards hating on it, it's pretty cool and it makes normalfags very angry and that's the point of punk.

I like Wavves so this is alright.
Melon's an annoying cunt who forgot how to have fun.

Quit sucking dick faggots

it's more pop punk than punk tbqh

Everything but lyric wise yes

just broke and listened, average as music and terrible as a joke. you new faggots are only hyping this because you're new, the politics and >seething. abandon this phase immediately, save yourself the future shame. at the very least, do NOT express your fandom for this on real life social media. it's way harder to shrug off a lame, embarrassing phase if other people witnessed it. keep it in the youtube comments, nerds.

Shut the fuck up nigger and go back to posting on twitter with your fellow 13%ers

I will have you know that I only want to die semi-ironically, faggot

The music is average, but it actually makes people angry
That is punk as fuck

Stiff little fingers

Embarrassing. How can you claim to be remotely counter cultural while playing the most safe pop punk? I can get everything out of a track just by reading the terrible lyrics. The music is an afterthought.

t. listened to one song

They (or he) is super generic but the incel lyrics make it stand out, especially for such a bland genre as punk

I've listened to 2 actually.

Might as well just be poetry then. But of course this guy is more concerned about making it big than making engaging art. He's desperate for approval by fellow incels. Incels won't read/listen to this shitty poetry without generic and musically unrelated pop punk to back it up. It's pathetic.

It's not difficult to understand. Music is more fun than poetry. A catchy song about people you don't like is much more satisfying than just reading fucking lyrics.



I'm not gay and I like car seat headrest, Negative xp sucks however

If you like the lofi rock part of negative xp listen to Car Seat Headrests older work pre "teens of style"

this desu

Derivative music with really embarassing angsty incel lyrics


>it makes normalfags very angry and that's the point of punk
No it fucking isn't you moron, that kind of philosophy just leads to horrible music. Pretty much none of the best punk bands gave a rats ass about that.

>I'm not gay and I like car seat headrest
o i am laffin


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probably blue dyed hair womang


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I was actually talking about this song (I know I’m like 12 hours late)

Pretty derivative and not very good.

Despite this, I liked the Scott Pilgrim girl and fantano diss songs. They were amusing and the aesthetic (while probably not intentionally) worked on a meta-level relating to the content is was ridiculing.

I think if Zappa was alive today, he’d probably find those songs funny

Also let me add that I unironically first listened to NXP through fantano after the Twitter diss.

The Scott Pilgrim song popped up on YouTube before that, but I didn’t click it because I assumed the video was going to be some shitty late anti-sjw thinkpiece

I'm starting to think that incels get their angst more from societal indignation than genuine self hatred and bitterness. I'm pretty sure that XP isn't even one.

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I like the message that women are basically not human but unfortunately it's mixed with actual depression and his fans are full of the underage "doomer" crowd. Also this kind of music fucking sucks and is cringe even ironically.


I hope she sees this, bro.

I hope she sees this

the Ramona Flowers and MKULTRA songs were pretty good.
he also has a song about staying hydrated.

>creepy vaporwave midis with a lot of bitcrush

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music for aggrieved hetero smoothbrains

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What ever in your life you're posturing for. I bet when she sees how hard you defend women online she'll instantly fuck you.


why can't people just have sex?

just have sex, don't be an incel


I hope she sees this, bro. You got this.

"music" only so far as it use sound as a medium to express a reactionary hated for women

most of his best somgs are under school shooter. cry for help, better off dead, handguns are beautiful, bad vibes, death by cop, shutdown, etc. also he got me into/introduced wm to wavves, old country, 60s pop, P.H.F. , werewolf hair, and u have ppl who r making good "incelcore" music now influence by him like "willow" on soundcloud.

his musics based and catchy and captures certain feelings well even if its a little low iq.

its sad

Because that requires someone who wants to have sex with an ugly incel.

also its funny

I found his mysic when eggman was playinng school shooter songs on his stream over a year ago

Either terrible bait or retard with low reading comprehension, likely both

Pretending that NXP is bad won't get you laid

nobody has to pretend NXP is trash

I hope she sees this, bro