Attached: punished-heej.jpg (800x1199, 239K)
Gabriel Edwards
Other urls found in this thread:
Aiden Price
first for yeji
Landon Lee
Mason Myers
Zachary Jones
Post prime slabs of fuckmeat
John Butler
yeji's feet
Logan Perry
Thank you for posting my daughter
Nathaniel Gomez
Charles Thomas
Levi Edwards
Post your hottest FEMALE KPOP IDOL
Connor Edwards
Rosie :)
Brody Gomez
are busted and not ticklish at all
Samuel White
Uglyz on suicide watch!!!!
Logan Gomez
lol get fucked uglyz
Oliver Harris
Nicholas Young
Jaxon Campbell
Tyler Foster
Ryan Phillips
not the prettiest but..
Easton Cruz
what a woman
David Clark
i LOVE arin
Josiah Gonzalez
Alexander Davis
theres many of us shartman
Alexander Moore
Noah Rogers
Jason Brooks
based joonkster
Luke Jones
for me, it's yeonwoo's ass cheeks
Jordan Rivera
I only post pure idols
Grayson Jackson
Jacob Martinez
fuck arin
fuck oh mygirl
Samuel Baker
oi no joonking
Alexander Morales
a top qt even in the worst pics
Sebastian Turner
Caleb Myers
DC shouldn't withhold food from Gahyeon
Jordan Barnes
Brody Morales
that's the dream
Ryan Bell
Obligatory Eunha post
Leo Myers
based shartman is the most powerful kpg faction of all time
Nathaniel Stewart
Jayden Perez
The duality of man.
Joseph Cox
when did this sharkman / shartman bullshit start?
i swear it just appeared one day clogging up these threads
Robert Howard
i used to see this on porn ads, hilarious
Luke Parker
why are so many kpops wearing eyepatches? is that some kind of meme?
Thomas Rodriguez
Oh shit Kwangbae feet 2.0
Jeremiah Ward
nice tiddies
Luke Diaz
mommy is getting older
Christopher Myers
this kind of shit happens here on kpg
just like a stroke
Elijah Williams
Justin Robinson
>cake and duck
donny living the dream
Oliver Cook
Same poster btw
Cooper Peterson
Stye infections
Henry Powell
the only thing that's clogged up here is the back up shartman
Landon Flores
Matthew Bennett
Lincoln Nguyen
Beautiful as always
Luke Howard
dunno really, started with some autist fighting the guy that always post the white coat pics iirc, now he keeps spamming and other meme kids imitate him
Aiden Martinez
Which one tastes better?
Camden Bell
time for her to settle down and become my wife
Oliver Edwards
youre not supposed to aim for the eyes but they pay extra so its obliged
Nicholas Cruz
The shartman is a divine punishment from God against yejiniggers for spamming the white coat pic in every thread for months.
Kevin Barnes
Samuel Thomas
i used to be a part time sharkman then i became a dedicated shartman
Nolan Cooper
Remember the cake Downblouse vlive doni was in? Dude must have been in heaven. Hyewon clearly didn't give a fuck and just kept bending over again and again with that loose top and swinging udders. Prime fap material
Kevin Roberts
i hate the meme kids the most if it wasn't for them all these mentally ill fucks keklo-like shits would die out faster
Julian Perez
Brandon Gomez
based and shartpilled
Noah Reyes
Lucas Cruz
the stye infections I had and always see here are just barely noticeable pimples, is more extreme there or something?
Nathan Rogers
Adrian Thomas
chill out fellow shartman, you're taking kpg too seriously
Logan Adams
Zachary Price
I'm pretty sure it's the same choa-anti, slug-anti that keeps spamming the same lame "memes" every thread month after month.
Aiden Evans
would dook him
Ayden Scott
smells like /trash/ in here
Dominic Phillips
they just try to fit in I guess, the joke is funny for a day or two
Austin Young
love foolish and trick it sound good
Evan Anderson
you're actually smelling fresh shart
Ayden Bennett
Alexander Bailey
jungkook's nose is pretty big
Henry Campbell
Why yes, I listen to twice. How could you tell?
Xavier Sullivan
>sharts every single day as if it was his fucking job
i will try to work my shit up, you do the same
Brayden Myers
You look like a fag lol
Easton Hernandez
sana and sluganti use the same fucking words, motherfucker is bot-tier
Austin Murphy
Why yes, I listen to twice. How could you tell?
David Ramirez
Smells like roast beef in here. Back to your containment board c*nts
Isaac Reed
the big dick
Ryder Cook
Of course it's bot tier, I can't imagine more than one person actually finding that stuff as funny.
Aiden Wilson
so many photocards. also the kings raid promotional thing is more serious than i thought, the 'limited edition' red version of the album actually has an artbook from the game with big tiddy anime character art
Jaxon Gonzalez
>discovering masturbation at 18
Brody Lewis
hello fellow twicechad
David Johnson
it's a russian retard and a tranny that posts saerom, we found out
Grayson Rodriguez
source please
Grayson Moore
oh no sisters, we've been spotted!!
Sebastian Lewis
>wanting girls to leave
based kpg
Caleb Myers
kek, what a freak show
Ayden Sanders
his name is sasha, use the archive
Nolan Ortiz
Christopher Phillips
I read that King's Raid are going to have an anime adaptation next year so maybe the anime opening meme will come true.
Luke Robinson
Daniel Perry
I don't play crappy web games like that but if this helps DC rise up to another tier of girl group status then more power to them
Henry Cox
they're not going to fuck you if you defend them
Jason Thomas
shut the fuck up, pedro
it's nobody fault your mommy whore was beating you up all these years
Evan Davis
John Scott
that's right! girls out!
Nicholas Miller
cute rose
Angel Torres
get her gay ass
Christian King
it makes coming here so boring, i can literally predict the posts before even coming here
Justin Powell
No hobby has ever benefited from woman being a part of it.
Isaac Hughes
Don't hate on Saerom
Cameron Davis
word. i'm not sure where the promotion is going to go but those mobile games make money hand over fist, getting in good with one of them is a great thing
Brandon Lewis
Well if he'd spend more time posting Saerom and less time being a fucktard that would be good.
Ryder Johnson
lmao, onda's ass is better
Hudson Gutierrez
anyone else diggin' this track? Reminds me of something Pendulum would produce
Luke Garcia
Jack Hall
i was like damn that reminds me of something. fucking Pendulum man
Carter Morris
Lucas Jones
Helps that several of the girls looks like they could be used for concept art models for a rpg game.
Nolan Foster
left wins here
Brandon Kelly
can't hate romsae, she likes some porn before bedtime just like me
Camden Sullivan
Yeah, it's great. Polaris is the only weak song on the album imo. It's alright but as far as slow ballads, Daydream was much better.
Cameron Cruz
Hudson Hill
it's so good. i'm wary about saying this cause i'm still in the honeymoon period but this might be overall my favorite dreamcatcher album yet
Evan Morris
remember when our girl Arin BTFO'd Lovelyz?
Henry Sanchez
William Davis
Not in question but we like both here
Grayson Watson
William Stewart
our girl
Daniel Carter
Henry King
Julian Torres
Jace Jackson
thinking abut JiU...
Grayson Thomas
is sperm the biggest debut of the year?
Dylan Taylor
cringe general
Elijah Collins
so boring in here without yejibros
Justin Thomas
of course, and also the biggest flop/investment ratio
Alexander Parker
I've watched this like 10 times, she's so cute
Cooper Miller
gonna be the biggest bust if you know what i meme
Isaac Mitchell
Rocket Punch
>best debut song
>most fuckable bitches
>predebut gravure n00ds
William Rivera
Henry Sanchez
Kai has the biggest dong iykwim
Nicholas Mitchell
Bentley Russell
only homosexuals hate saerom
Daniel Parker
the problem is that they’re nugu
Jaxson Young
It's mostly girls that take the photos and fancams you love.
Jace Anderson
Thomas Collins
Ryder Carter
Julian Perry
the joke she made was the best part, laughing at herself for crying in that cook show
Henry Hernandez
I haven't watched any fancams in years
Justin Davis
what is that miserable creature
Henry Price
Evan Morgan
Nathaniel Taylor
Jonathan Clark
Lua's dog, probably
Wyatt Torres
i think it's a dog
Blake Sanders
nice cutiecrop
Landon Walker
Nolan Russell
is this animal cruelty?
Xavier King
that dog looks too fluffy to be happy, he probably dreams of being an alpha dog, fighting and hunting, but now he's an accessory
Angel James
this is why yeri is the visual of rv now
take this cow out to pasture
Brody White
don't samefag
Justin Carter
Brandon Perry
nah, trimmed poodles are more comfortable than full fluff dogs
Dylan Brooks
Alexander Davis
Why is it a problem? They're not turbonugus; Woolim is a known agency and Lovelyz and Infinite are both known groups. Their debut sold like 16k which is reasonable. Or did you mean to ask "what was the best big 3 debut?"
Hudson Lewis
Queen of the Cosmos
Jaxon Ortiz
Joshua Jones
Levi Flores
Jonathan Young
Jason Young
my 2 waifus
Lucas Walker
a literal dyke lover
Liam Bennett
Ahn Yujin galaxy unicorn dress.jpg
Zachary Parker
how can I samefag when its a new ip
Robert Green
I had a thought
Twice is shit
Jaxson Fisher
Dylan Foster
Caleb Lee
mine are superior
Nathaniel White
Chen's mole on his eyebrow bothers me so much, why didn't he get it removed?
Parker Wood
she should go easy on those colored lens, they are bad for vision when used excessively
Jayden Flores
how can mirrors be real if our eyes arent real
you tell me nigga
Michael Murphy
plastic thots
Andrew Russell
Logan White
Brandon Mitchell
his eyebrows are nice either way
Benjamin Bell
Jack Nguyen
Brandon James
James Mitchell
Is Chen going full ballad next comeback?
Isaac Moore
Ian Scott
good guy suho
Isaiah Ramirez
why can't dreamcatcher go back to releasing stuff like you and i or what instead of whatever bullshit they're releasing now?
Jordan Fisher
why do you fags always choose one slut and one femcel for your waifus?
Justin Russell
David Martinez
Literally what the FUCK is going on in John Gook's head? Has the drugs finally fried his brain?
Anthony Nelson
Christopher Hill
Gabriel Reyes
his lesbian girlfriend corrupted him
she's a tattoo artist and was the one who made him get those ugly hand tattoos
Carter Gutierrez
drugs? what drugs?
David Rivera
Adam Thompson
i choose 2 pure angels i don't know what are you talking about
Isaiah Foster
But literally getting ARMY? fucking hell
Jaxon Smith
Gabriel Miller
what happened
Nathaniel Murphy
Eunbo > Eunseola
Jaxson Lewis
Nana, Kahi and Dasom
Oliver Johnson
Nolan Gomez
Jose Williams
did she kidnap an army or something?
Lincoln Cooper
He should get full sleeves on both arms or even better go with the Jay Park level tattoos and then we can see how many Army drop him.
Luke Long
They should go 80s hair metal
Jaxson Cox
they are called yeon sisters
Carter James
damn kahi still has it
Evan Parker
i think they would probably find that hot
Wyatt Davis
For me, its SinB.
Lincoln Cruz
Luke Jenkins
Aaron Ross
looks like feel special is aoty
Colton Jackson
dead genre
Jacob Collins
best naeun
Bentley Collins
lot of the bsides sound like filler, fancy reigns supreme
Jaxon Myers
not me
Jaxson King
Adam Sullivan
a freaking baby
Luke Johnson
Sisters shouldn't do this
Jose Perez
oh yes they should
Gavin Flores
you just did
Blake Wright
Rainbow sounds like a Katy Perry song
Julian Bailey
I can already tell I'm probably going to like trick it and 21:29 more than anything on Fancy. Maybe love hate too depending on what the rest of the song sounds like.
Asher Perez
I assume there are YeonSis fics out there
Andrew Bell
>matching her hair with the roof tiles
based sluggy knows about photos n shiet
Adrian Jenkins
is that a compliment or an insult
James Hall
ear pone
Daniel Hernandez
a statement
Parker Price
Wyatt Bailey
twice is literally turning into roastie pop
all of their new songs sound like roastievelvet songs wtf
Jordan Adams
Blake Hughes
a classic moment
Dominic Jackson
They are aging out of being able to do teenager focused spankbank concepts so they have to transition to Ladypop
Juan Young
i dont even listen to any twice music post WIL
Jose Murphy
>yeonsis fics
sunseul fics and chungha fics are pretty spicy right now
Zachary Bailey
chewy mogging
Oliver Bennett
I wanna know
I wann know
I wanna know know know know
Parker Kelly
Happy two years to what might be the best subunit in Kpop.
Charles Clark
Fancy You is unironically one of the best kpop album of all time you fool
Thomas Allen
Did early WJSN ever do the Pepero game?
Benjamin Garcia
there it fucking is, i was looking for that webm for 2/3 days can't believe i never saved it
Jace Wood
please post some
Camden Torres
enough meme words for today, now go to bed kid
Sebastian Diaz
what is love?
Henry Fisher
no, thanks for ruining my day
Aaron Hernandez
you are free to enjoy Twice's roastiecore era
for me, its Twice's purepop
Eli Hill
i have PTSD now i count if there are 9 in every Twice image
Daniel Watson
they've never been purepop
Christopher Cooper
I had to think for a bit to figure out that ship - was thinking it was something Haseul related at first and I was going why?
Yeah Sunmi-Slug is a pretty believable scenario.
Easton Morris
imagining slug's flabby body with a goddess like sunmi makes me feel physically ill so I really can't post sorry
Kayden Martinez
now you know how Mina feels, should have kept the kid
Dominic Rodriguez
what an ugly turd
Jose Torres
both highest tier, but you can't mog tzuyu
Angel Morris
You never know, I didn't like the previews for the fancy bsides either but ended up liking the full songs
Leo Lewis
Justin Evans
nothing is neutral
Luke Stewart
that’s understandable
Grayson Garcia
Robert King
i meant the chungha ones....
Matthew Powell
There goes my breakfast.
Nathan Clark
here is a cute haggy webm a haggy friend posted earlier
Lucas Hall
stop this retarded meme Mina is virgin
Angel Morales
you eat slugs for breakfast?
Aaron Gonzalez
thousand cock stare mentioned
Juan Perez
reminder that this is happening soon
Robert Sanders
they're about to leave male onces high and dry
Charles Walker
why does her face look so different
Bentley Perry
very cute
Jonathan Brooks
Adam Gonzalez
wtf is this Mina?
Oliver Fisher
Maybe ujungs can convince them to do it on a vlive sometime. Yeah no Chinity participation but oh well.
Of course I'm not sure Eunseo even needs the pretense of having a stick of chocolate to kiss another Wuju
Thomas White
kpop sucks. for me, it's camila cabello - liar
Ethan Long
What's this autism
Robert Wilson
well, he's mentally ill after all
Christian Kelly
sunseul is my guilty pleasure
they're mainly fics about her and her manager and they're very awkward
Gabriel Barnes
Is she joining AKB because this styling sucks
Gavin Phillips
People aren't mentally ill, they just find your busted waifu hideous
Levi Ortiz
Doesn't look like her desu
James Rogers
literally every single Feel Special picture with Mina in it, she has the thousand cock stare
shes fucking broken bros, literally what happened? no memes, whats the truth?
Jaxson Rivera
you guys actually read fanfic? sheesh
Jaxon Cooper
of course he is, what else would he do? beautiful goodbye did better digitally than any exo song
Brody Hernandez
antis are hating the jap line pretty hard lately
Logan Murphy
so dead in here without yejibros
Ryder Price
omo imagine awkward sex bullying with chungha....
Christopher Jones
Wow even includes Gauen and Jiyul. I guess Viki is the only one not participating.
Ryder Myers
just look at her
Jack Garcia
that's her dad in a wig
Ethan Jenkins
>no memes
>starts off with a meme
They literally all have the same expression except for dubu/jeongyeon smiling.
Hudson Walker
chenlegend indeed
Elijah Ross
they did mission jenga on some unit vlives after ujungs suggested so much, there was cute cheek kissing so maybe it could happen
Asher Green
hey thanks
Xavier Nguyen
tfw he will never do a rock album
Jaxon Bailey
You can see the panic here
Caleb Taylor
Evan Reed
that's the child killer stare
Dominic Campbell
never say never
Jordan Jones
i need a break from this fuckin site
Gabriel Bell
>needs to respond compulsively to each photo or mention of seulgi
suure bro, you're totally not fucky in the head
Wyatt Powell
it certainly bruised the lips a little
Cameron Jenkins
just /kpg/
there is a higher density of mental illness here relatively to the rest of the site
Wyatt Hall
seriously what the fuck happened
Dominic Hill
Jordan Campbell
dumb ass motherfuck
Zachary Nguyen
Yeah that was before Seola was really comfortable with full on lesbaiting fan service other than with Soobin. Recently she's almost as gay as Bona and Eunseo. Yeoreum needs to step up her game.
Blake Cruz
nothing? she looks the same as always.
Bentley Campbell
make a real thread
Robert Price
Landon Howard
Leo Myers
eye expert here, she's doing the thousand cock stare
i know this cos i practise it in the mirror
Blake James
they're seething hard with the same low quality bait since the teasers, just wait 3 more days
Brandon Harris
thats because you're mentally ill