Who was in the wrong here
Who was in the wrong here
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people really still type lol with lots of o's for embellishment? sad
Based antifa.
>throw milkshake
>he becomes stronger than ever
wow globohomo is really on top right goys
Jahseh was essentially a clout martyr.
Everyone is claiming this was a random robbery, but it's clear what was actually happening: his killers were driven to take his life solely for the sake of clout. They wanted infamy of their own and found it in gunning down a 20-year old.
As Jah was taking his final breath, he was surrounded by kids taking video and pictures of him. Why? For clout. No one was taking his pulse, no one was calling 911, everyone was standing around with their phones out as his body was clinging to life.
The moral lesson of Jahseh's life story should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of social media and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.
RIP Jah. See you in Heaven...
Anthony's the kind of dumb fag who thinks punk is all about leftism. Completely ignoring all the bands who write about apolitical stuff like horror movies, violent nihilistic criminal shit, or just straight up pro-Nazi anthems.
If by "stronger" you mean tanking in the polls, sure.
Embarrassing post, lad.
You guys are so dense lmao
it's about the conservative + BXP numbers, leftcoper.
the joint government will be stronger than anything that came before
Fuck off Fantano spamming zoomers
why are straight white men so powerful? highest IQs, biggest dicks, highest strength... so unfair I was born brown skin and small dick....
Conservatism was the original punk rock
>t. cracker cope.
>the joint govt
LMAO, the economic fallout from hard Brexit (which is inevitable btw) is gonna wreck cons support for the next few years.
>the economic fallout from hard Brexit (which is inevitable btw)
u wot, m8?
I've seen it before, and it's always been idiotic. Listening to the Misfits wouldn't make you leftist or conservative. It would make you someone who just likes horror stuff. There is no singular purpose to punk rock.
>my cuck porn is reality
>t. tranny pre dilation
>throw milkshake
>ruin $50k suit
>guy presses charges
>can’t afford a lawyer because you spent all your money on anime figurines and gun parts
>ey cracka your soap, you gon pick it up or what?
sure showed those libcucks
You for going on Twitter.
Can you elaborate on how cons support WON'T tank following the economic fallout from hard Brexit?
>my lefty delusional prognostications are going to be reality!!! just you watch dad!!
leftcopers get off on being humiliated
Why do blacks make up 13% of the population, but commit 50% of interracial relationships?
literally everyone and everything in this picture is massively cringe
t. enlightened centrist
can you self-hating white leftist cucks explain to use what happened in your life to bottom out your self-esteem this hard?
spics and niggers go together like liberals and HRT
What's delusional about it? A politician that economically fucks people over tends to lose support. I guess you're unable to back up your claim and are resorting to deflecting. I bet you won't be able to prove me wrong.
Get a job, chap
>libtumor doesnt know what 'prognostication' means
I should learn to not speak to the retarded
>hickety hick hick muhhhh dey tuk er jerrrrbz
Guys, I think it's trying to communicate with us.
Ah yes
Doomer >tfw no gf posters who idolize school shooters
The pinnacle, the absolute definition of establishment neocons
lmao you fucking retards
owning the conservatives epic style
Hard brexit is going to result in an economic fallout that'll tank cons support. This is an undisputed fact.
you on the left
>>>there isn't a white christian establishment
trump is literally bring back the crusades
how blind are you?
Didnt open your meme. You have no power here. hehehe
this post reminded me of my sweet old grandma. i miss her
Hard brexit is going to result in an economic fallout that'll tank cons support. This is an undisputed fact. You can't provide a rebuttal.
>trump is literally bring back the crusades
Huh, so this is what alex jones must sound like to people who take him seriously
Sounds pretty rad, tee bee aich
He got elected.
She'd come by more often if she weren't so busy sexually satisfying her Paki husband.
Guys I developed swimmers ear over night. It hurts and I hear liquid sometimes when I move my jaw along with the ear canal being swollen. How long does this shit take to go away? I can't go see a doctor because the hospital is way out in the country on the edge of town and I have no way of getting a ride.
Anyone got experience with this?
your post is more bullshit than hillary winning 2016
is this projection
Why do you insist on sharing every sexual fantasy that molds in your brains?
What does ding ding ding lol mean? Is he expressing disapproval?
Ding ding ding my sweet summer sweaty. Y'all don't realize this so-called "fantasy" is a reality.
Plowing yr granny. AMA
Yeah, tell that to Johnny Ramone
Friendly reminder that if you unironically think shitposting neets are mainstream society, you're way too far gone to be able to identify what the establishment is or isn't
I think you meant to reply to
Wow just fucking ignore me, ok Yea Forums
I don't play the game cause I'm a based APAS (all politicians are scum) chad. So much better
This. You'll never get what you want out of these guys. But hey, good luck with brexit. Maybe in another few years, eh?
why am i not surprised?
No, I meant to reply to the guy who holds those views
If you think people you'd find on /r9k/ are representative of 'the establishment', you're legitimately delusional
Twitter threads are some of the worst on Yea Forums.
that shirt is actually prety punk
Ancient fag and literal boomer here
It was never cool to be "punk." It meant you were weak, gay, and masturbated in your room while everybody else was out enjoying their youth. Here in Australia self-identifying as one of these faggots was one of the quickest tickets to getting your shit pushed in. To see kids unironically fighting over this identity now is mindblowing.
It's not a left or right thing. It's a faggot thing.
Can't wait til 2040 when kids argue over whether furries were communists or nazis. At least I'll be dead by then.
>t. likely self loathing tranny white who wouldn’t say this shit to anyones face so bitches about it online and thinks people who feel sorry for them for being mentally ill actually agree with them and don’t just try and get the conversation over as fucking quick as possible to get away from you.
you must be 18 or older to post here
repost that but as a new thread. Just put "music for this feel?" after the last sentence so it won't get deleted by jannies.
How could a thread about Anthony Fantano go so horribly wrong?
probs from ur small liberal dick
Man, conservahicks are so easy to trigger
the incel
>punk is supposed to be a blacklash against what's trendy/pushed by the mainstream media
what's being pushed right now by the mainstream media?
neoliberal capitalism hun
>Wearing a polo is "dressing like you work at Morgan Stanley”
Leftists don't have jobs
>getting upset about mocking polo shirts
cringe level 10000000
>neoliberal capitalism
neoliberalism is globalism is socialism is bolshevism is judaism is satanism
What did he mean by this?
conservatism was always punk as it is a rebellion against our base instincts
Based Chapocel triggering conservahicks
Incels unironically believe this
>sorry, there isn't a REAL national socialist party to join nowadays, real modern extremism shits on nationality and race pride and wants to kill the politicians and end capitalism and religion which has become the establishment nowadays
Constipation is punk because it is a rebellion against regular bowel movements
Does the word "conservahick" upset you? Fuck Trump and fuck conservahicks has a nice ring to it.
I know it's an alinskyite tactic to accuse your enemies of what is actually true for you, but the only actual incels I know IRL are all fat leftist fags who talk about communism and privilege all day
link to tweet?
The funniest thing is the chances of me being a tranny ""female"" on Yea Forums are just slim statistically while the chances of you being a white male kissless virgin in their 20s is just about 100% lmao
Care to fill us in on the circumstances that led to your psychological trauma wherein you see everything as good guys us and conservahicks them?
Okay incel
im asian
chancels rekt
his uncle made him suck his penis when he was 5
For the incel that you are? You certainly were ;^3
discord tranny confirmed
Fuck Trump and fuck conservahicks
Incelism is based. Why the incelphobia?
Shooter please go
>he has been exposed as a discord tranny so many times that he needed to save an image like that
Not having sex is the complete opposite of based dumb incel retard.
Have sex
reminder that channers will always have more influence in politics than you, hence they're in the white house and you're not
ok leftcel
Conservatives will never go into a coalition with bxp after both lib Dems and dup you fucking moron. Bxp doesn't even have any seats to offer so their offer is worthless
Buddhist monks are more based than african monkeys tbf.
I'm cis, but it became useful.
How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all its flaws it still manages to mantain a level of discussion far above the other media boards.
Until you give up your bideogames and tendies you won't be on the level of a Buddhist so you're just a sad lonely virgin lol
Stop staring at the screen son, it's distorting your vision of reality.
Ignoring the trolls doesn't work. Healthy pushback is all that's stopping Yea Forums from becoming a shithole like Yea Forums.
Negative XP is hated for being asian and an incel and an mkultra victim
>These are the average needledrop viewers in 2019
Where did it all go so wrong?
>these are the people calling you an incel on the internet
>Yea Forums is blooming with culture and memes
>Yea Forums is a sanitized soulless shell of its former self
Thanks chappo trannies.
Pic related isn't culture. It's inceldom
imagine thinking liberalism isn't the current status quo in america you faggot piece of turd
Do you always get this homophobic when you're upset and wrong, user?
inceldom > "wholesome" trannydom
Always have a hard time understanding the level of delusion that comes from people online. Have they even looked at the past few elections, or even have the vaguest understanding of voting behaviour here in Britain? Regardless of these e retards the Brexit part is going to suffer a similar fate to UKIP; one man single issue party with absolutely no one of ability in the ranks. The fact they're vetting membership presumably better, it's only a matter of time before some idiot starts barking about conspiracy theories on Twitter.
Are you sure you're on the right website, xir?
damn you have a thorough understanding of things you must be very smart
Ilhan Omar > Trump
Get used to it, sweaty
Punk was a rebellion against the results of 1970's socialism. The socialist "liberal" establishment policies had turned NYC and London into a festering shit holes of poverty, crime and debilitating bureaucracy. Starting to notice some parallels to modern times? Notice how punk came out of NYC and London circa 1976-1979. What was happening politically in those cities at that time?
Yeah, but I think you'd fit in better on reddit.
Anyone can sound clever compared to the retards on pol user
Holy shit. This can't be real
Are you certain?
>the absolute state of Yea Forums
I fucking hate this board
there's redditor rick and morty atheism """clever""" which only sounds smart in your head then you make a cringe post and it sounds like a hillary clinton soundbyte
and then there's /pol/ clever which is funny, endearing and genuinely acerbic and witty which is why they influence elections globally and you do not
Based Zoomers are better than Cringe Boomers
I thought zoomers were the nazies according to your memo. Can't you stay consistent with your cultural warfare thing at least for once?
Calling people Jews or NPC niggers isn't witty, neither is posting endlessly about that Greta girl or Alexandria Cortez. Shit I wouldn't have heard of them if it wasn't for pol going crazy over it
Discord trannies have peak sense of humor and the most original memes.
this post reveals a diseased mind
Kekd and checked
Fantano, for ever thinking he mattered.
All based
Kill yourself
jew seethes are best seethes
is this guy JESSE an adult?, Only conservative children fall for the" new punk" meme
I disagree. It's frustrating because they could just stop believing themselves to be above everyone else and put an end to millennia of suffering, but they can't bring themselves to a simple act of decency if there isn't a salient reward. They're the most emo race of people.
Trump shutting down the human trafficking makes me coom bigly, no wonder jewbrains are going off the rails
It is not dude lmao, people pretends to be progressive for social points thats it
Yeah, 50 years of whining about capitalism and sexual puritanism as you sell out to the big labels and society becomes so frivolous that you can buy condoms everywhere, every pop album has songs about one night stands and every popular tv show has sex scenes
Now that's what I call True™ Rebellion®
Sneedposting is one of the most retarded and unfunny things to ever plague this shithole
sneed is not posted by auhentic Yea Forums users, it's probably a CFR study into forcing memes
>Concerning yourself with the tweets of a slave
damn you have no understanding of things you try to talk about you should shut the fuck up
I can understand that there are 2 genders without having a public meltdown and commissioning menstruation art. Can you say the same, user?
>still beliving in the jew conspiracy meme
Get help
>t. conservative children
I hope you get sterilezed you absolute piece of trash
big words for a small boy
I think gender is construct and only biological sex exist. That doesn't mean i have to bully someone for wanting to change sex or adopting behaviours that don't respect the retarded gender division you have in America.
lmao, first post best post
>the retarded gender division you have in America.
so glad liberals are going extinct
>thinking a "starter pack" meme is funny
This board is fucked.
Okay boomer
That's a very jewy rebuttal.
it's a bunch of 16 year olds trying to preserve imaginary social hierarchies
>being a faggot
>when your memes are so good you have to give detailed labels to explain all the things that aren't even jokes
I need to drive to the pharmacist and buy some post-contact HIV preventative after reading this
Ramones suck and are barely punk
kek. he's obsessed.
Source on the pic?
Both conservatism and Liberalism