Name my band, Yea Forums
Name my band, Yea Forums
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How about Renegade Riders.
Dreen Gay
The Fjord Boys
Lemmon Party
One Cute Guy and Two Incel Creeps
Who's the cute one and who are the incels?
I hate pop punk.
Nice, I like it.
Qt and the Cavetrolls
Pop punk hates you :)
That's cool, fuck pink haired faggots singing about American stuff.
Also great name. Reminds me of the name I've come up with, Bahoi and the Bridge Jumpers.
>who’s the cute one
Obviously the guy on the far left
>doesn't know what pop punk is
>hates it anyway
I guess foreigners really aren't as smart as they think they are, bahaha.
Didn't Green Day sing about American politics?
He's the guitarist, mostly plays chords and some wank solos. I want him to have a more creative, experimental approach to his instrument.
Green Day is not the embodiment of pop punk.
Dude in middle is super cute. I want him to be my bf
The two dudes on the right looks like my cousins but dorkier lol
Coke no Ice
i wouldn't mind having an experimental approach to his instrument if u no what i mean
can't believe you got the real John Lennon in your band
(that's what you should call the band)
KEK, how many homosexuals are on this board?
It's nevertheless something that I would listen to. I dislike most of punk, adding pop elements wouldn't make it any better.
He's single. His girl left him last week.
Or The Wifebeaters...
how about Stupid Mr Idiot and the Gays
Ok guys, OP is metal john lennon.
The John Lennon Beat His Wifers
women are the n*ggers of the world band
Just say nigger, nigger.
Debut album would be called Japanese Tears.
Yoko's Latest Bruise
Bloody Top Lip
John Lennon and the Women Respecters
The School Shooters
>Didn't Green Day sing about American politics?
Sort of, but they were superficial about it, not talking about anything people obsessed with politics would talk about only what people who didn't care very much would already know about
The Spergs
So, basically, they didn't care enough for what they were singing about. It is, therefore, not authentic at all.
Already taken.
Should have worn my Burzum hoodie...
let's have a listen to your guys's stuff
We haven't recorded that much, what we did has a very grim production.
This is the only half decent thing. It's me and the guy in the middle.
sounds great man keep it up
what about The Desperate Measures?
John Lennon wifed his beaters?
It sounds like a fairly good name for a demo album.
When we see a nigger, I say "Damn, nigger, that's some gourmet shit" while pointing at my cigarette, then the drummer replies "Into the dead nigger storage it goes."
When they hears us, they do nothing but give us bad looks.
Hemo and the rroiders
Lenners his Jife Weaten
Tool fans
Running Joke
not sure which fits best
Average Slipknot fan vs average Porcupine tree fan
the john lennon apologists
debut album would be called cynthia deserved it
the crack baby bandproject