Attached: beauty and the beast.jpg (1108x936, 179K)
Charles Green
Other urls found in this thread:
Easton Price
Seulgi is so disgusting
Justin Peterson
nooo slugbros noooooooooooooo
Jayden Rivera
10 -2
Nicholas Williams
cringe thread
ctrl w
Jack Garcia
>slugroastie falseflag op
Give us a break, roastie
Nolan Brown
kpg will never admit irene is the most beautiful idol in the game rn
Mason Howard
what the FUCK is that thing on the right
Leo Rodriguez
Jeremiah Sullivan
fucking. OMO
Justin Hill
>slugroastie falseflagging
Kevin Carter
Luke Lee
Kevin Rodriguez
based her stubbly dry pits are the best and shouldn't be altered
Isaiah Butler
who is this dyke
Jack Wood
still mad I see
Jaxson Davis
nice try slugroastie
Juan Sanders
Wendy is hotter and more breedable
Parker Walker
yes we know you’re mad, slugroastie
Julian Thomas
Austin Taylor
what is haseul's best feature?
Benjamin Price
ugly brown girl photoshopped and still uggo
Kevin Bell
save us yejibros
Jeremiah Bailey
Just so you know Sakubro I'm saving all these photos
Jacob Jenkins
why are the letters so misaligned? that tattoo looks fucking stupid
Julian Murphy
Asher Jenkins
Who cares
Robert Johnson
i don't know who you are or where you're from, but i will find you, and i will buy you a beer for introducing me to this site with ultra hq gravure sakura pics.
brb (tomorrow)
Jaxson Thomas
feel free
Connor Wood
i cant wait....
Brayden Stewart
Jacob Bennett
Lmao. No.
Joshua Taylor
Kayden Rodriguez
chewy mogs so hard
Dylan Stewart
Angel Richardson
Go right ahead
Sebastian Bailey
TIL sakura isnt pure
i feel so dumb
Mason Allen
Mnet should've cheated and added Miru and Juri to the Izone lineup instead of Chaeyeon and Hitomi
Jose Davis
>mfw j line will never do a gravure photoshoot, fuck korea
Robert Thomas
Evan Bailey
>Babysoul in that revealing clothes
I literally gagged
Cameron Johnson
Jeremiah Wright
brown and still stunning and perfect
Landon Richardson
gonna save this pic too
Nicholas Garcia
Isaac Carter
Adam Foster
Asher Reyes
id imagine kpop idols would be pretty open to photoshoots like gravure
if the culture demanded it which is a huge what if
Zachary Jenkins
an interesting case of obsession indeed, he/she even makes anti OPs now
Connor Nelson
her beautiful monolidded face of course
she reminds me of a young babysoul
Nicholas Allen
Does this basically confirm that evolution is real?
How can someone as beautiful as Chewy be the same race as someone as hideous and disgusting as Sluggo?
Logan Young
Blake Ortiz
one of my favs
Connor Adams
God imagine how much money kpop groups would make if they did this gravure shit
James Wright
Mason Richardson
cripplecuck dead in a ditch
the whole world clapping and cheering in unison
Parker Williams
chewy is taiwanese royalty
Daniel Wilson
Samuel Butler
Reminder that Miru is pure
Henry Perez
i think there's 3 of us. for sure at least 2
but she's in izone so she's a kpop
Lincoln Green
Some people were just born lucky
Lincoln Thompson
Jose Rodriguez
make a jpop general for you virgin weebs
no one gives a fuck about you faggots
Brody Walker
You mean like Stellar?
Nicholas Allen
do you think if i think about it hard and long enough i can make lisa from blackpink being my gf a possibility?
David Phillips
don't use the word royalty, it makes you look like a brainlet
Brandon Murphy
>is evolution real
user skipped his biology class..
Caleb Ramirez
Imagine she is in BLACKPINK
Ryan Harris
>trying to start shit with everyone
>tons of samefagging
>countless threads being derailed because of that shit
no wonder people here hate onces
Thomas Brooks
>someone as beautiful as Chewy
Gabriel Young
Wut? There isn't any Sana or Mina posting going on in this thread
Jordan Wood
Josiah Watson
Christian Miller
to be fair you’re comparing a stunning visual (chewy) to an ugly shit
Juan Rogers
you're so gay, cripple
Samuel Gomez
IZ*One shitters belong on /jp/
Joseph Cox
Parker Sullivan
wow, this indian girl is beautiful
Brayden Murphy
even lisa is lighter kek
Josiah Sanders
except stellar was ugly
Evan Jones
why are you avatarfagging, attention whore?
Blake Fisher
They go for 5 dollar a piece in Bangkok
Tyler Morris
why are onces using tzuyu to pick on seulgi after tzuyu hit the wall?
no amount of photoshop can save her now
Noah Reyes
>Some people were just born lucky
James Carter
She's the purest
Jeremiah Hall
Logan Martin
fucking SHIT FUCK
Camden White
even at predebut she mogs most kpop idols
Juan Robinson
Samuel Collins
no lie when I first saw tzuyu on sixteen I thought she was an indian girl
James Edwards
Her love rush booklet is so cute
Luis Turner
her parents own plastic surgeons in taiwan
Noah Lewis
Juan Martin
Cooper Martinez
Kpops do Maxim shoots which are roughly equivalent though
Adam Turner
thats not very nice of you.
in that case ill be moving to bangkok
Anthony Cruz
ugliest shit
Adam Stewart
Daniel Brown
Adrian Perry
lucky tzuyu got lots of work done
Jordan Watson
there is this tulpa thing you know
Jeremiah Gomez
but uggo
Joshua Miller
cute brown girl
Isaac King
those are less common
Aiden Thomas
minju is better than sakura in every way
Joshua Morris
damn, you're easy to bait
Levi Moore
leave chewy alone slugroastie
Joseph Thomas
it's of whores we don't care about
Kayden Harris
Ethan Long
Jayden Cox
she can't help it
her own waifu is an ugly melting mongoloid
Isaac Parker
if Minju did gravure my left nut would implode
Robert Thompson
fugly goblin
Lucas Allen
is chewy aboriginal?
Nicholas Lopez
>minju is better than anyone
fixed you
Brayden Perez
unfunniest place on Yea Forums
Ayden Peterson
Christian Parker
i kinda hate japan and how its so easy for men to get what they went
imagine being a hardworking korean man and porn is illegal
Jace Thompson
I swear, this Slug/Sana anti roastie deserves a fucking beating. What a fucking autistic piece of shit.
Robert Gomez
Brandon Jenkins
japanese website you fucking gooks. go back to twitter or whatever shit site
Hunter Collins
unlike OP case no slug poster is anti chewy, those are the mad loona posters
Dylan Lewis
pic related
Xavier Campbell
Andrew Ramirez
Colton Brown
>irene is the most beautiful
that’s a fact
Jonathan Smith
slug is the #1 visual voted by millions of people on twitter and instagram
Noah Jenkins
I prefer her later photoshoots
looks much better imo
Kayden Long
This but hyewon
Also, based Sakura poster, do you have any lewd Hitomi from her akb days?
Julian Thompson
Austin Gray
Juan Ramirez
okay that is nightmare material
Oliver Ramirez
Ryan Clark
your devices on an irrelevant poll doesn't count, roastie
Brandon King
Bentley Scott
is because the obsessive faggots, they can't just stay cool without antisperging, the slug and sana antis are pure cancer
Xavier Scott
/jp/shits colonized this place because they got hounded out by the touhou music only posters
Austin Murphy
i want to smell some idols farts
Nicholas Ross
minju is boring as fuck and sakura is a goddess but nice try
Camden Williams
imagining Hyewon's bust in a bikini...
Juan Jones
Lincoln Ross
This but Eunbi
Aiden Garcia
she's not interesting
Lucas Barnes
you must have meant that for the post above yours
Joshua Flores
Justin Robinson
this is why people hate izone fans
Jack Watson
that’s why we love her though
Nicholas Smith
holy fuck
Gavin Rogers
her face is literally melting
Liam Reyes
cute dog
Anthony Collins
just have all of izone do gravure, that should be how the end
Sebastian King
>Taeyong had a reputation where his likes and dislikes are very clear. He was nice to pretty or popular classmates. But on the other hand, he wasn’t the same with classmates who were fat or ugly.
the nerve of this uggo
William Price
motherfucker is monotonous as fuck for insulting, even kek*o is good poster in comparision
Jeremiah Perez
>jpop idol
Colton Sanchez
He's guilty
Lucas Martinez
don't disrespect the slug
Ian Roberts
>not a single attractive idol
why do people listen to jpop
Nathan Ortiz
it's a reaction pic you predictable fuck. if it wasn't for that pic you'd post something retarded like "slugroastie in tears". you onces are literally cancer
Elijah Davis
who is the other girl? HKT?
Ethan Sullivan
for the music
Wyatt Fisher
Not the Sakura shitter but keep in mind that Hitomi was basically a literal who in AKB that had zero pushes whatsoever until she got into Izone.
Even Nako has minimal gravure style content unlike Sakura, Jurina, Juri, Miru, etc
Robert Young
nobody listens to jpop though, not idol groups anyway
Alexander Scott
maybe they like the.... music... hard to understand for you twiceniggers
Jaxson Ortiz
how to fix kpg
remove onces
remove izone shitters
invite more buddies
David Sanchez
rv is below average visually which makes her standout
Isaac Fisher
>i-its a reaction pic!
Connor Smith
just ignore the schizo
Landon Anderson
how come no one dyes their hair?
Grayson Anderson
far left reminds me of that childyeon webm
Jace Cooper
God I would have kpg turn into babysoul pic only thread before i want more buddies in here
Eli Reed
this one?
Juan Russell
they're pure
Dylan Gomez
why do you hate buddies
Charles Watson
Sorry but the only acceptable GFriendposters are the Yujuposters
Gabriel Cruz
aka boring
Oliver Bell
take a look at her expression braindead twiceshitter
Connor Powell
JYP should've known what would happen when he let the Jline into Twice. It was inevitable that the end result would be slutty jpops invading.
Juan Torres
thumbnail looks like babysoul
Lincoln Reed
Adam Gomez
dont hate buddies but the only one in gfriend worth posting is sinb and maybe eunha
Robert Rodriguez
*says something i don’t like
>mutht be a twicethitter
Lincoln Gutierrez
I wasn't talking about her face
Jaxson Martin
why do you type like that
Adam Lee
Nako is the cutest thing ever
Makes me wanna kidnap her
Jacob Rodriguez
Nathan Sanchez
Anthony Garcia
japanese are pedos
Cameron Wood
Jayden Johnson
and yuju
and sowon
and umji
and yerin
Joseph Roberts
keep shitting the thread with inane bullshit
Josiah Turner
>no one listens to jpop
i do
singing-wise they are shit. melody-wise they are great
Adrian Roberts
Chase Bennett
Matthew Martinez
SEA buddies are obnoxious spammers that always post the same trash
Grayson Wright
Mason Scott
gooks are jealous of the superior nippon
Ethan Sanders
most of these juri pictures are too big to post
Carter Cook
I keep forgetting that Juri shitting is actually Kpop now
Owen Bell
>We could have had these hoes in IZONE
>But luckily only one mad it
God bless
Brayden Lewis
Any normal people?
Parker Watson
>shartshitter is here
Ryder Long
filthy illuminati shit jisoo
Elijah Butler
didn’t mean to interrupt your JAV posting party
Levi Wilson
kek based
Oliver Baker
what the fuck is wrong with you jpop fans
Andrew Johnson
Jaxson Jones
Elijah Bailey
wiz*chads are the sanest people in this mentally ill filled general
William Murphy
crop the face, win-win
Ryder Gonzalez
Hunter Cox
James Morgan
Josiah King
i only listen to twice
Jordan Myers
Nako is Kpop
Brody Lee
glad we are in agreement that Eunbi is ugly plastic abomination
Zachary Kelly
i saw kpop lyrics translated into something like
>im not good at much but i try my best
and i never cringed so hard
fucking asians man
Luke Myers
wtf i love rocket punch now
Kevin Edwards
there she is
Xavier Gomez
blind idiot
Logan Flores
sakura looks cute there
Zachary Rodriguez
manface whore
Nathaniel Reyes
i don't see the cringe
Dylan Walker
i wouldn't have cared about them if not for juri anyway
Brandon Sullivan
how do j-line members learn korean so fast? how do kpop members know japanese so fast?
i've been studying japanese for 5 years and i am still not fluent. it must be my low iq white brain
Dylan King
Wizshitters actually make me miss keklo
Austin Jackson
Imagine all of the poor examples that Sakura is giving to Izone and Juri is giving to Rocket Punch
When will there be Yeonhee gravure?
Adam Baker
which one of you is this?
Henry Hughes
Eunbi plastic nose scar fridge body busted face
Most replaceable izone
Gabriel Carter
you mean Eunha
Christian Collins
smells like trash in here
Liam Hughes
korean and japanese are languages with extremely similar grammatical structures
Oliver Turner
i don’t get it
Bentley Ramirez
how can he think that looks good? that’s just scary
Jayden Thompson
Camden Miller
haHAA cringe btw
Mason Robinson
Carson Brown
That is Hitomi tho
Brody Bell
this is my wife and I'm very much in love with her
thank you for listening to me
Nathan Mitchell
No uggo izone Eunbi
Big plastic face worst IZONE member terrible face
Any produce member would better
Adam Johnson
Ian Anderson
not all good but not all bad. i give it a solid 6
Benjamin Ramirez
was waiting for this
Xavier Howard
If he's going for Kpop why is he going full MCR Black Parade?
Austin Anderson
post her ass
Camden Stewart
who actually wants to turn asian
Landon Phillips
any more pits?
Caleb Scott
David Foster
hope i get version A
Christopher Allen
Jayden Reyes
old and busted
Colton Reyes
gaypops are a horrifying mess
Mason Lewis
I preordered the A version but now I want all 3...
Mason Walker
this is kinda funny
Ryan Lopez
Meant for
Carson Thompson
a bit sappy, innit
over the top and all of that
Ethan Cox
imagine buying this and getting randomized all jihyo stuff...
Hunter Lee
maybe they identify as asian? i dunno man
Noah White
stop asking that every time I post her
Jaxon Hughes
buy all three
James Cruz
this is why you wait, i kinda want all 3 as well but i might just go for a and c versions
Aaron Fisher
What is his problem with Kazoo?
Jacob Bell
we love eunbi here
David James
>Big plastic face
literally eunha lol
Ayden Gray
she was in 3rd place if i remember currently in the 2nd episode to produce48 .
i wonder what happened
Camden Bailey
any sharkman in
Jonathan Bailey
my #1 pet peeve is caterpillar eyebrows
Juan Williams
anyone notice how much shitflinging happens when twice posters stop posting pics?
Cameron Martinez
A is still the best one, so im ok with just that one
Kevin Howard
Aaron Flores
Everyone in kpg hates her, she's the ugliest plastic
James King
Carter Torres
i can either get 2 versions for $64 or all 3 for $100. i might just wait for same to show the photo books for all 3 so i know if they're shit or not.
Dylan Fisher
>when twice posters stop posting pics
literally never
Connor Miller
how do I enter this picture
Levi Bailey
we need a yeji thread
Luis Bailey
The famous Jpops had early leads just based upon previous fame. Keep in mind most of the early voting tended to be by K-Wotas who liked the AKBs despite their horrid skill level.
Andrew Carter
is that with shipping
Jack Russell
Christopher Jackson
free shipping on orders over $40
Adrian Williams
you can get all 3 for $55 at choicemusic
Matthew Edwards
Charles Gomez
make it a chuu banner thread
Joshua Nelson
Gabriel Smith
Easton Davis
Wrong. We look Eunbi's Eunbis
Jackson Martin
sakura said she’s been living on her own since 16. that kinda made me sad
Lincoln Thomas
Henry Anderson
you're likely doing it wrong. look up SRS and get something like anki for your phone, otherwise you will never get anywhere
Daniel Thomas
I really thought this was some Halloween goblin decoration on the thumbnail lol
Colton Gray
sweaty coitus session with irene in the sun......
Noah Baker
she's amazing
Jason King
Ryan Moore
i was expecting shipping to be ridiculous but it ends up around $70 with the cheapest one so i guess i'll get it there
Nathan Jenkins
how can nips compete?
Julian Harris
Immersion also works wonders for most people to develop a tolerable level of fluency.
Ayden King
all these gravure pics make me sick because shes definitely been abused by tons of sick fuck japs since god knows how long.
Jaxson Rodriguez
is ktown4u a bad site to order from?
Charles Cook
why would you put that thing next to chewy
Jaxon Morris
my peepee is hard
Oliver Brooks
loona will blow shit out of the water with their next comeback
Eli Morales
Luis Watson
she's dancing to twice songs
Andrew Rivera
Andrew Martin
Jost in case Hotrene was too much here is some Coldrene
Nolan Kelly
i think Sakura is gonna cry the hardest at the end of it all.
Aaron Turner
David Gutierrez
i wanna hug sakura and let her cry out all her sadness on my shoulder
Asher Fisher
dunno, but I can vouch for Choicemusic. Excellent shipping and packaging.
Connor Ross
This but Minju
Angel Cruz
they don't have the 3 album bundle
Julian Sullivan
Jose Ward
wow she’s beautiful
Carson Jenkins
i haven’t dived too deep into the sakura lore, but there’s something vulnerable(?) about her. like her smile hides some kind of trauma
Kayden Peterson
sure but you need a base to work with. 6 months of anki and you're set unless you're extremely lazy
Nicholas Fisher
Hudson Barnes
She has said multiple times she is kinda a loner and don't make friends easily.