What if Death Grips was black?

What if Death Grips was black?

Attached: #huh.png (359x358, 212K)

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death grips is black

what if no relligion

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imagine all the people


death grips


do you mean like a bizarro world Death Grips, where MC Ride is white, but Andy and Zack are black and they appeal more to the black audience than the white audience?

I mean what if Death Grips was black. Would Yea Forums still like him?


the production style would be derivative and the vocals would suck

If ride was white, blacks WOULD not majorly like dg

What if a retard was gay?

He would only like other retards.

"Homo" in homosexual = same, retard on retard

dead gripd




thank youou

but it's produced by white guys

good bait

all of their work would be like volta if bjork were a man


What if your mom was your mom?

What if le bobo gary mama haha

but Death Grips is Accelerated

sweetest and funnest little cadens i have EVER seen. sweet many little baby garys and cadens runnign around on cute little baby feets. meme. meme fuck. little itty bitty little gary bobos little caden bobos coo for le auntie mama. hahahahaha

If Ride was white then there could be 10^50 bands in the same genre fronted by a screaming bearded white guy with tattoos, and no-one would say that screaming white guy number two wants to copy the aesthetic of screaming white guy number one. It would just be accepted that multiple white guys just enjoyed the look.

this is not


haha epic bobo le gary mama fug

wisest gary in the land. making auntie proud.


What if Casius Black

Attached: Pillow Fort.png (800x600, 649K)

or what

oh fucj

this music vid is lovely, thank you Sourceposter