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Other urls found in this thread:

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post more wonys

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second for yeji

this is the thread

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you are now imagining some butthurt ugly as sin white guy talking shit about white women in a kpop general

jennie sucks

I'll take twice tranny thread over the early one

my 2 waifus and Chewy

Attached: cubmtzu.jpg (564x752, 75K)

here's a candidate for webm of the year

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he doesnt understand the metagame

k but no pits cause I don't trust you

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sehun is pretty handsome bros...

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sweaty is fine too

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Fat ugly pig you are repulsive

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best guys

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I'll take the chewy for myself then

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we wanted a seulgi thread

my favorite squidward

Ugly tranny

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torrent guy are you here?

any other candidates?

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finally a thread for transgender folk

musically lovelyz is better than oh my girl

post THAT yujin webm

RM looks like Jimim there

you're welcome

he was even a model at pre-debut

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that retard really think that Ugglyz are mogging OMG

For me it's the cutest girl on this planet

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lovelyz haven't had a good song in years

Not really 2nd gen I guess, but this was my personal highlight of the last few years in kpop.

She has always been a lifelong Michael Jackson fan and I felt so happy for her. Not only singing 'Man in the mirror' but singing it together with the actual person who wrote the song for MJ back in the day. Great great feels.

Attached: boa-boa-22702214-500-675.jpg (500x675, 179K)

love these harmonies bros. kpop needs more doo wop

you could have let that topic die, but you're going on about it
do you, perchance, possess a roast beef vagina

you must be delusional if you think hes uggo there

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based loonachadette

kai gets the best teasers as usual

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i can't take it anymore, i need to blast

its 2019, so no girl is going to be as submissive and '''''''''''pure''''''''''''''' as you want them to be. sorry sweetie but no one is gonna be your maidwife.

He is SM’s favorite after all.

Pig nosed fuglo tranny

mogged your profile

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they're boring but he's so handsome that they're still perfect

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musically the #1 gg is arguably twice or loona

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post your pic

that's not true

close to you and beautiful days are great

he looks boring and plain. even the uglier members are still more interesting looking than him

yuck what is this?

>twice or loona

that's how i know you're a tranny

seulgi's arches

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it's gfriend and there's not even a question

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the lighting is what makes it
even bacon's bathroom pics looked good because of that

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Is it underage posting already?

BoA has such a sweet voice. I started to listen to this song before reading your comment to the end and was like wow this black lady in on the point, then I read your comment until the end...

based twicebro


any yejibros in

you just proved his words

wtf is suga wearing

Attached: 7.jpg (1536x2048, 825K)

Who remembers when moot made Gee by Girls' Generation autoplay in the background here 10 years ago?

in like 8 hours

at this point I wouldn't be that surprised if SM just doesn't debut a new gg till late gen 4. They just don't give a fuck about girl idols anymore and have what, less than half retention rate? If RV didn't have attentive managers they'd be completely fucked, too, since it's clear the higher ups just don't want to be bothered

black excellence

face doesnt fit the muscles. you should get a bit leaner so you can wear nice clothes.

he wants to be a fashion designer

Super M? more like Super OLD just enroll in the military already

name one oh my girl song better than those two songs

it's so weird every single members teaser seem so disjointed from one another
i don't even think sm bothered to come up with a concept for this

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Bro, you probably don't like to hear this but I've met people in their 60s who are immature af. Besides there's nothing wrong with keeping your sense of humor alive, especially when you face ageing. You may learn this someday.

I agree and disagree. I think there's no such things as 'quality' of music. It's not a sport. And kpop today has exactly the same amount of cheaply made songs and great songs as back then. What I agree is that I rarely listen to music in general anymore. Just don't have time and the market is so fast these days. I just check out new MVs when they drop but that's it.

The girls being 'prettier' is a matter of taste. Every girl today tries to go for the same mask. It's a very pretty mask, but I miss individuality and honestly I liked the sweetspot era where girls had no problem with a more natural skin tone. That golden yellow was more delicious than today's pale white IMHO.

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who cares? all they need is superm, exo, nct, shinee, and tvxq to keep making them money

t. starcraft fag

I remember a lot of things like that, but not that specifically. Was it just on mu?

freakin cute

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>who cares if the previously dominant force in girl groups completely abandons the very idea of them?

i remember that on Yea Forums. i didn't go here 10 years ago.


pre-plastic taetae...

does suju make good money too?

save us choabro

boa is a qt

>That golden yellow was more delicious than today's pale white
fucking A

of course.

this isn't the royal family, past connections don't matter.

sm's dominant girl group, snsd, haven't been the nation's girl group for years
leave that to twice or whatever company debuts the next big group

closer is worse than the worst lovelyz song

why would he dress like that? I’m guessing he gives no fucks

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damn thanks for turning me onto this, i try to keep up with the khiphop scene but i missed both of these. i'm listening to the young trapper album now and it's pretty awesome so far

they certainly don't

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based has no concept of business bro

Kpop fans:


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that’s a lesbian couple

Rosie :)

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Not gonna lie, I got kind of emotional. Jumping BoA forever!

Attached: boa chile 76578.jpg (952x960, 98K)

eunseo :]

i prefer boykook over trapkook

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damn! this is what jpop looks like

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that's a cute sana

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that’s because you’re gay
real patricians prefer long haired qt girls

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he looks more awkward the longer it grows, he should really get a haircut

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I count 3 good looking women

imagine all the girls rm gets on a single day

yeah thats how it goes. he'll reach a point though and it'll look good. shoulder length probably

It's weird how similar kpop is to porn. Young girls who don't know how else to make money get put in skimpy clothes and shitty makeup, diet and sometimes do drugs to get through their work, their whole occupation revolves around their bodies, and the 0.3% that don't end up with nothing by the end of their short careers become directors or other kinds of creative managers in the same industry

Boa taking a larger decision making role in SM is no different than Asa Akira directing scenes

shoulder length is way too long, he'll just look retarded
only the guys with a masculine but "pretty" long face can pull that off

those ones and the dark ones are goat, the blue are more generic

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I've been on Yea Forums since day one but I only remember the awful Christmas songs. Didn't come on Yea Forums back then.

Didn't read. Jpop is shit.

is he really innocent?

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nah you're just imagining things

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Fuck off

nah he did everything wrong but he’s still based

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I feel like it would really be better if they let some time pass and let things settle. Work out a really bomb concept, find girls who are both good looking and can actually sing well, and then drop a new gg. The market is way too fast nowadays.

bitch go back to area 51

shareholders care. SM is not creating value and hasn't been in a while, and that's a big problem. exo and tvxq are depreciating assets, their returns will only diminish as time goes on. for a company to remain competitive it has to be innovative and continue to create successful products that can take over for the previous generation and SM is not showing that they can do that. shareholders need to see the future in a company or they'll jump ship. if all a company has is depreciating assets then the future is worse than the present

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why is this uggo still in the group

To be fair, a bunch of teenage/early 20s girls whose tickets were paid for by someone else traveling with short skirts/dresses with a "manager" sounds a whole fucking lot like sex trafficking. But weren't they actually denied because their company tried to sneak by with the wrong visas?

>Young girls who don't know how else to make money
i stopped reading here because i realized your iq is extremely low

SM's constant new NCT subunits (including SuperM) is enough for new innovation

is she really 100% korean? she looks so different from other k-girls it almost seems like she's mixed. I'm saying it a good way as in she's tall, has really pronounced facial features and has great personality at least on camera. Where did wujus even find her?

seeing this made me realise this guy was an absolute genius

when was the last time sm kicked out a member from the group? jessica doesn’t count because she left on her own accord

so breaking out of the dark night

they haven't debuted a new gg in 5 years, though. That's more than enough time to train up girls. Seulgi and Jihyo at 7 and 10 years each aren't supposed to be the norm, they're supposed to be the result of poor planning and bad timing.

I can never forget KARA's golden yellow back muscles against the white top and orange pants. I'd lick the sweat of them...

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everyone loathes them and finds them utterly detestable shits now except trannies
horrible reputation and possibly the biggest flop group ever domestically
dead guy is only profitable for so long
probably their main moneyspinner

if they don't invest into a girl group they can kiss the singles charts and irene's advertisements money goodbye

lead and face privileges
he can be weird looking but he's not uggo

Attached: 1384.jpg (1365x2048, 573K)

Bring back brunette Sana

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holy crap

if your iq is below 110, you need to leave this place

the state of this roastie

Cheap bait. SM has no reason to care about girl groups because they aren’t as worth investing

this but chubby sana

imagine sucking their toes
i'd do it to these girls too
hitomi especially can get it. i'd lick her fully clean

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the only one who hates exo are armys

not even close

easy there fella that my waifus you're talking about
but yes this is probably an apex KARA outfit

exotranny seething

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prettiest girl ever

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we have no idea, starship scouters work in mysterious ways

Probably some Suju

Calling people names won’t change the fact that SM has good reason to not care about girl groups anymore. JYP is better at that anyway.

my waifu isnt even young shes old af


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>called a girl fat
>knets get mad
are they mad at him bullying fat people or his past scandals just because he's an idol

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>SM has good reason to not care about girl groups anymore
where are the proofs? you think shit like SPERM is a good idea? lmao
don't try and larp as a twice fan tranny, you do not and NEVER will belong here

If I was asked to guess having never seen her before, I'd probably guess she's Korean/Chinese mix

either way they scored big time with her

that’s not the only thing he did, he also scammed people and said something offensive about the japanese

fat cat

discog vs discog, I take kara over soshi as the GOAT

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EXO is already dead so what's their good reason to not care about girl groups? NCT? lmao

Who said I was a twice fan? I like twice but they aren’t my favorite group. SM just knows that girl groups aren’t as profitable as their boy groups which is why they’re always investing and giving them more effort in the end

they were doing good up until that rap part. rap just dirties the song. why would you do that? arin is beautiful btw

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sm boy groups never die
also they're on tour at the moment too

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magazine photoshop is so retarded, post the real kyungri

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they’re just mad he’s successful and that he bullied them years ago

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big 3 girl groups will always be profitable so there's literally no reason not to do it. you roll the dice and maybe have the next twice, or at worse you're still making profit

I can see your point, but nigga don't talk shit about BoA. Without her none of this shit would have happened the way it did and SNSD and others literally would have never existed + she's actually a very good influence and helps young artists.

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Post the SM new gg trainees

real lizard requested

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they wouldn’t bother because debuting another nct subunit would sell more than rv ever did

especially nct dream
apparently dream is the best selling subunit in nct

Attached: DxAhpcyWwAEu4yU.jpg (1080x1440, 187K)

fucking yikes

why aren't there any twice subunits?

Attached: 1554768630822.webm (1312x1000, 2.42M)

SMNGG doesn’t look very promising currently, so it’s safer for them to just focus on the groups they have now


oh fuck off with this shit
WiThOuT tHe bEaTlEs tHeRe wOuLd bE nO kPoP
fucking boomer, shit would have developed and it's not like she was writing the fucking songs anyway, it could have been any young slut sm pulled out of the gutter

the tranny is actually delusional
red velvet's singles commonly sell 6 times more than any of nct's

looks like the new tifa

I will never forget this monumental cringe.

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digitals or sales? because honestly they both don't sell that much compared to shinee, exo, or even tvxq
also nct has multiple subunits so it's obvious they sell more than a girl group

oh no no no yericucks

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nct is dogshit and once lucas leaves and taeyong gets BTFO for being a bully they're dead in the water

Attached: unknown.png (331x435, 138K)

are you talking about digital or physical sales


i agree that they make terrible music most of the time and their idols are still all young and pretty cringe but they make a lot of money which is what sm cares about

I'm not talking shit about anyone. It's just very similar in that there is no "and then" for 99% of idols. It just ends and you either live off investments or just become a housewife. Just like with porn, there's almost never an "and then" except for the very few who become directors. Boa found a way to stay in the industry after she more or less didn't have any more growth left as a singer in terms of popularity

any kpop song around politics?
Kpop song about the misery of life(no not gf )related but the struggle?

irene been old must have some story worth telling...
solo when?

Attached: kpop irene .jpg (563x846, 63K)

nct is the future

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Gaypoop roasties are crowdfunding their gastric bypass surgeries now

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you mean SuperM

Cuties. I miss the time with only little plastic.

Isn’t this a white guy?

Fuck off tranny

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they're still not gonna be as successful as the previous generations so either SM is gonna fall or they need to come up with something else. NCT isn't even close to any of their predecessors so the company is looking at a decline if they don't start hedging their bets a bit more

People have been posting the same pics for three years now speculating about how they're totally about to debut, definitely this time, for real.

i love kpop bros. even stupid fun songs like this. it's been like a year and a half. i thought i would be done with this shit by now but i like it even more. ahhhhhhhh

Sorry but that was a terrible cover. I saw this when it came out and rolled my eyes at the Jpop voices.

his name is jaehefty

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there was music playing?

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my obese sister got a gastric surgery done, not sure which kind. I think she lost maybe 5lbs before getting fatter than ever before.

boss was such a banger

Construction site hooker.

>tiki taka

red pill me on weki meki's football IQ


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that's how it was with blackpink too

baby don't stop was exactly the same song except even better

a bunch of bts songs were like that. the new twice song may be like that too.

how do those two songs even sound alike? they're completely different

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chimp sweat

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twice singing song about life struggle is hard to imagine.
really hard to imagine

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and bts makes more money than all of em

I said 'the way it did'. Of course kpop would have eventually made it to the West but SM is on record saying they would have went bankrupt without her and she popularized Kpop all over the world like nobody ever since.

sperm bank told me my deposit was too low in quality (definitely not quantity tho lol)

kpop for this feel?

Mogs V

they're both good looking

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i like everglow except for the useless uggo


kai has gucci tho

Attached: guccibear.jpg (1200x1800, 230K)

any laboumbros still around
if so, what did you think of the new laboum

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mina wont be promoting, but will she ever come back to the stage? or is she going to be like youkyung and become a member that only shows up for certain things?

what browser? haven't seen this

gucci can’t compete with countless sold out stadium concerts

don't give up
one in a million

those are grannies lol
close enough


>there is no "and then" for 99% of idols. It just ends and you either live off investments or just become a housewife
That is because this whole 'idol culture' developed over in Japan from the geisha thing and all it has ever been was an advertisement for women to sell themselves to the highest bidder. So nothing much has changed.

But then there are also rich daughters like Mina and Tzuyu who only become idols for the fun of it. Those girls usually go to big 3 groups where they're guaranteed to succeed with less stress than lower groups.

Mina will be back after i vaccinate her if you know what i mean (after marriage of course)

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For me, it’s Baek Jiheon


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which is the one who fucks jisoo?

Attached: 1554485457901.jpg (1536x2048, 384K)

delete this right now

>gastric sleeve
Isn't that the ting where they cut off part of your colon so you can eat less food? Why not just live healthy instead? Fucking roasties.


Attached: tom holland exo.jpg (1276x1276, 699K)

>with less stress

They're not all BP

Attached: Hana10.jpg (1280x1920, 1.14M)

umji was probably richer mina, maybe tzuyu too. there's probably lots of rich girls in non-big 3 groups. you'd have to have security to be willing to take that risk

should’ve just added vernon instead

whats this look called and where can i cop?


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They were such shameless feetwhores in this MV...

Attached: weki meki feetsluts 2.png (1366x768, 1.29M)

Best trio?

>jiho, arin, binnie
>sana, mina, momo
>jennie, jisoo, rose
>yeji, ryujin, yuna

i doubt it. she just has a ton of pressure to come back and doesn't want to let them down. more like choa except more resources

Attached: PkFNPPp.jpg (3536x2899, 734K)

*checks notepad for the imagine pasta*

it's called chinos and a turtleneck you weirdo

sony make it happen

Attached: 1496367922218.jpg (1001x1218, 518K)

look for any cream/off-white colored turtle neck and beige pants

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Attached: 3jeans.webm (936x1080, 1.03M)

itzy for me

no lisa no best

Attached: lisa.jpg (1364x1404, 251K)

wtf with her knees?

so much sluts here

What's this? I don't go to /trash/

Attached: 1546452149142.webm (720x720, 2.91M)

They look like they're in Jurassic Park

Sakura, Nako, Hitomi

freaking yuck

They are great but the lazy chorus killed it. The song is fantastic right until the chorus.

i use firefox all the time but have never seen this

left is cuter

it predates the /trash/ thread

Attached: ElrisTrio.jpg (1800x1543, 341K)

Don't worry about it

Attached: 1564958066053.webm (1280x720, 816K)

just bacon and xiumin

even her teeth are like nayeon's wtf

retard police

Attached: 1.jpg (1500x1000, 213K)

lisa mogs 99% of kpop girls.
I know the truth hurts

i can't even comprehend how gay this picture is
literally unfathomably homosexual

slug, joy, yeri, trying to corrupt reeny

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Attached: 1545364423936.webm (600x1064, 2.88M)

I don't get it

retarded* police

it’s only because of sehun

he's trying his best

Mako KLK...

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theres nothing wrong with that


>gaypop is gay
really makes you think