Reminder if 5 of these are your favorites of the decade you should consider necking yourself or staying in...

reminder if 5 of these are your favorites of the decade you should consider necking yourself or staying in reddit/youtube :'^)

Attached: epic.jpg (1198x829, 691K)

only 3 for me
why is blackstar in this list anyway lmao

>Swans, Sufjan Bowie and Daughters
That was close

what if it the five are the same album?

The closest I got is Bowie being one of my favorites for 2016.

Tpab is the best album there and it's 6/10

I could consider swans one, and money store isnt even in my top 3 grips
Rest of the albums 6/10 to 1/10 even (ye and twin fantasy)

Only one, that's nice


you can leave now

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In the time it took you to make that Paint 3D drawing you still turned out a redditor.

that awkward moment when I really like 9 of these albums. That awkward moment when Blonde is my favourite album of all time.

Blackstar is objectivly great. I can get behind disliking the rest.

sufjan one is great, the rest is pretty bad i agree.

honestly? fuck that, if even a single one of these is your favorite then you're a consumer of FOTM hype and have no place discussing music in any way
there, i SAID it

There aren't still people who unironically think that there's any proper connection between personality and what music you might like, are there?

>Hahahahaha I don't like MAINSTREAM stuff
>I don't get on reddit i SWEAR hahahahaha

Attached: CRINGE.gif (480x480, 2.56M)

Yeah, but it's only from people whose personality is completely based around what they consume and they think it's the same for others. If you consume "obscure" "unique" and "special" media than surely you are an obscure, unique, and special person.

ive heard less than half of those and the only one i kind of like is the money store

Blackstar sucks after the first 3 tracks, people just pretend it's good because he died

Nah the last three songs are good, the transition from Lazarus to Sue is total shit and my biggest complaint about the album. I've been saying this ever since the No Plan EP came out, but Blackstar becomes a better and more consistent album when you put the EP between Lazarus and Sue.

I search Google every day and stop liking anything that shows results.

Just a reminder that everything is subjective and you may have a taste as superior as OP and still be a huge raging faggot

Case in point, I present, OP