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Other urls found in this thread:


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i thought this was bang chan in the thumbnail

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you first, sweetie

another early thread, based!

Attached: MOVEFATBITCH.gif (308x500, 1.85M)

incel here, just can't stop thinking about jawlines, chins and hairlines, bros

reminder that her drama airs today/tomorrow (20th)

wtf happened to him?

Attached: 1563027769575.webm (1000x1114, 2M)

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wife sent me this

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Attached: DRKGfvBUQAAKTyN.jpg (1000x1500, 269K)

omg bambam I love your work

Attached: 《ADORABLE》 LOONA(이달의 소녀) - Hi High @인기가요 Inkigayo 20180902.webm (1280x720, 2.71M)

xiumin's eyebrows on point as always

Attached: military lyfe.jpg (1152x1770, 243K)

my nigga from the projects

Attached: playlist.jpg (1009x524, 46K)

Why are you gay

Exotrannies iffy, uh

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Because they are constantly abused by their superiors but they are also too low on testosterone to stand up against them, so they vent up their frustration against celebrities instead.

Attached: 1545142282585.webm (868x628, 2.96M)

They all look like they're being abused wtf
They look sad

Attached: rty43hmXo.jpg (941x1280, 182K)

*swoops in*
*mario theme*

kek, they obsess over that shit in other boards too

Attached: 1568013721685.webm (480x600, 2.74M)

Is anyone worried about Weki Meki going to Texas? There's so many niggers there it's not even funny.

What happens to Koreans if they refuse to do this army service?

the best soldier

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EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW friends what the heck is that?

Attached: dawntranny.jpg (960x960, 170K)

avoiding mandatory enlistment is a pretty serious crime, it rarely happens but you can get punished for years

fuck you

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Attached: 1560775300884.webm (720x1280, 2.01M)

how is he so fucking cool, lads?
it's like when god made him, he put way too much talent and coolness into him, so he tried to make it up by giving him a kinda weird face but even then, including the coolness, he bumps to a 10/10 anyway
how can i be like j-hope
he's so fucking good

Attached: 52a5c80cea847b4d93021a8f6bb9485773f0603b_hq.jpg (683x1024, 94K)

post that Rocket Punchu falling

they'll probably throw you in a van and send you there anyway. nobody refuses

I want a Lana slutpop comeback

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can we please post yuna

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heej can get all 7 inches of it.

superm flop when? taekaiposter do not reply

goodnight my dudes

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he looks really tired though

Attached: 1068.jpg (452x1000, 78K)

I worry about their feet.

Attached: weki meki feetsluts.png (1366x768, 1.26M)

if we had a kaisoo unit it would break records

Attached: C4wPIlm.jpg (6048x3944, 2.1M)

rosie! :3

his book he releases after he steps out of celebrity life is gonna be sick

Attached: 60699222_2345531925729330_4738587758285319187_n.jpg (723x540, 55K)

First, you need the budget of a gucci buyer

Poor man's Jiho

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Attached: yuna omo.gif (268x350, 1.88M)

is more about the confucian morality an the mantaining muh dodgy harmony thing

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i heard that they sleep at 8pm, it must suck

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fucking hell she's so gorgeous now

why is kai sitting like that i hate him

Attached: DTbjBqPU8AEtsZT.jpg (800x1199, 111K)

the only thing that's gonna break is ksoo's fat ass on the scale

I can't wait

Attached: getitcookie.jpg (480x580, 42K)

I can't help feeling bad for g-idle , they remind me of T-ara, receiving
all this crappy treatment and forced to smile just because they are
super talented girlgroup from 'small' company, Mnet froze their views
once it reached half million in 2 hours. it is been frozen for 4 hours ,
they let it go for half hour and it is frozen again. Their performance
was crazy and the best and the Youtube views proof it but Mnet can't let
them shine because it was scripted otherwise, they will make them look
like they don't have popularity. I can't believe Mnet promised not to
manipulate results in their shows again :) ..while they manipulate the
views in front of everyone. I hope this will not damage girls spirit.

it's not the cost of the items that makes it though
if i wore this couple thousand dollar fit, i'd look fucking retarded

Attached: jhope.jpg (1536x2048, 636K)

false prophet

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making room for ksoo to sit on his lap

how can a fifteen year old be this perfect?

I'd personally rather go to jail than do that stupid shit. The end result is the same, a giant waste of time, but jail is arguably safer and teaches you more relevant shit.

Attached: mark.jpg (1365x2048, 369K)

what difference does it make when you go to sleep? you seem kinda dumb no offense

t. roastie nigger

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fucking hell she's so ugly now

White roasties

Attached: 1550953801052.jpg (1280x2092, 1010K)

lmao is that jokwon behind xiumin?

sleeping early is for boomers

yeah but you're a pussy so...........

what did she mean by this

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What if you just leave the next day once they brought you there? If they kidnap you again and cart you back, you could just keep playing this game until they give up.

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xiumin is a boomer

delete this

this one is even worse what was sm thinking

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daebak, this one's going straight to my jiwonnie folder

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oogie up

g idle is still going to win. But it needs to be by an upset, can't have them pulling ahead already. Mamamoo have to look like they're going to run away with this then they get griddled

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It just depends on when you wake up

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our freakin girls

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it must be hard for Jungkook to be drowning in all that pussy when hes gay...

then you go to jail for being awol

they'll fucking court-martial you? you don't wanna break military law. they don't really tolerate deserters

yes, onew was there too

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this but it's my beat up 3 inch monster in the box

im a sakura man in the streets but a hitomi man in the sheets

Park Chaeyoung

Even if this is true I literally do not give a fuck. White "women" should be second class citizens.

traitorous chink, at least pinky had good feet

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are you white?

because there's no limit

Attached: 90.jpg (1722x2339, 272K)

>tfw no gf
kpop is filled with qt fangirls. how do you date one?

only eunha

i always knew youtube views mattered
people who don't think so are just jealous

and all of them we love all of them here

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I agree

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Who would you say is the least cool idol? Like when you see them on stage and watch their fancam, they always seem awkward or just out of place on variety?

Pic unrelated, I just think she's hot. IDEK anything about Pristin

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where's the proof that he's gay

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Attached: _-D5gBGepzwyo.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

imagine asking kpg, even if you're just looking for conversation
smhing my head desu

have you tried asking one?

at least kai is handsome with mark it just feels wrong

Attached: DcFykQ9VQAEU28M.jpg (800x1200, 91K)

he looks like a gay

then please kill yourself

Attached: 1568424638312.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

weren't people complaining about how kai was too sexy or something

bullsht they wrote chinese on books not hangul

you would not believe how many times i beat off to these whores. RIP pissstain

Wow, what a great country. How long would you go to jail for in this scenario?



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most of them are woke leftists so trying being a soiboi cuck

Attached: iljin.webm (1300x1556, 2.63M)

i think everyone is just bored of him always being shirtless it feels like a cop out
being cute is his hidden charm when will sm realize

Attached: DThQYvYU0AEYo8o.jpg (800x1200, 109K)

what's with all the white hate in this thread?

*mogs your industry*

Attached: eunwoo.jpg (1366x2048, 412K)

>qt fangirls

Only in Korea and Japan. The fangirls everywhere else are the most hideous ogres.

Attached: 1541019951473.jpg (1971x1314, 444K)

how gaypop can even compete?


every country will absolutely fuck you up if you desert your unit. does it need to be explained why that can't be tolerated?


Attached: PRIDE.jpg (1920x1080, 930K)

yes but i get ignored

If twice love their fans so much how come they don't have sex with them?

very pure...
and cute...
i love her...

Attached: 1548784605766.jpg (1080x1350, 334K)

it depends
>In general, the South Korean public tends to be intolerant towards men who attempt to evade mandatory military service or receive special treatment, especially if they are exploiting family wealth or political connections. Draft evasion is a punishable crime, but many entertainers, athletes, politicians and their children are known to have fabricated medical or other reasons to seek exemption from military service.
>On 11 April 2011, rapper MC Mong was cleared of intentionally pulling out healthy teeth to be exempted from military duty but was sentenced to a suspended jail term of 6 months, probation for one year, and 120 hours of community service, for deliberately delaying enlistment on false grounds.

it's literally one white guy


Attached: binniere.jpg (682x1024, 102K)

Jaehyun mogs Eunwoo

at least he won't reproduce

Attached: bora-01.jpg (1080x1920, 386K)

>does it need to be explained why that can't be tolerated?
Yes please.

white incels with yellow fever and shitty moms so they hate white women. also ugly nonwhite chicks that also hate white women. take your pick

based thats one of my very few OC contributions

Attached: romsae7479.jpg (1333x2000, 218K)

>kpop is filled with qt fangirls.
nice delusion roastie

Attached: 10KPOP-slide-27VY-articleLarge.jpg (600x400, 73K)

but is he plastic or natty?


Attached: 1568674932081.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

*mogs every gaypop*

Attached: DutUcBmWwAEmB3Z-orig.jpg (3000x2000, 466K)


stop with the /pol/ shit again

Fagshitters must be wiped off the face of the earth

Attached: 1566130923736.jpg (2063x1119, 482K)

That's not Taehyung.

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a beautiful white girl

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I miss Wanna One

Attached: 1527370083683.jpg (572x400, 54K)


>jail term of 6 months, probation for one year, and 120 hours of community service
But that's much better than 2 years or army.


emma stone is cute

Attached: 1555291882119.jpg (2048x1536, 378K)

in weight

adam's apple angel...

Attached: cef4b21a6fd7820cf8cfff36f819e5ad.jpg (600x1000, 95K)

why can't they just appreciate some asian qts without being edgy about it?

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Attached: 1568424379792.webm (1080x1920, 2.87M)

>having a record is better than serving your country for two years

wow, what's it like being lobotomized

>cherrypicked celebrity paid 50k by bigshit to promote them
sure smells like roast beef sandwich in here

>using bora for insults
no shame

what dance?

you goddamn doofus you’re just setting him up to get bullied aren’t you

Attached: anatomy of egg.jpg (394x886, 134K)


Attached: [BIG영상][4K] 2019년은 여섯 소녀들의 해야, 여자친구(GFRIEND) 쇼케이스 포토타� (848x1080, 2.78M)

jimmys gigantic head....

Attached: cringe.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

why does he look chinese

that's BP choreo

he mogs himself

There's like 2 posts, don't be a pussy

the incel types here could do well with a year or two of mandatory military service desu

All the trannies are the most disturbing and gross aspect of gaypoop fandom. I can handle all the fat ugly roasties that larp as bisexual but this is just too much

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we can and we do just wait a few hours for euro ahmeds to go to bed

Attached: blink.jpg (640x640, 54K)

Attached: 1567775360518.webm (660x720, 2.92M)

jennie knows

wow, jeongyeon js beautiful

kys jimmy

The ugliest tranny

Attached: 1541854305850.png (593x687, 902K)

yeah put them all in the same barracks and create the ultimate incel echo chamber, create a legion of young elliots


Attached: 6632109003211894530.jpg (1000x1500, 342K)

>serving your country
Cute conditioning. Read some Nietzsche fag.

Attached: tae laughing.gif (250x250, 852K)

imagine being so cucked that you perform mandatory military service

pretty sure it's KTL

that's a tranny

kyungsoo is a lucky man

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Attached: 1568487376119.jpg (608x1080, 149K)

still better than a record

what do you expect from Yea Forums


any boomers in

objective list
>natty and beautiful
>natty and average
>plastic and beautiful
>plastic and average
>??? and beautiful

can someone pray for all my niggas in got7

Attached: yuggy.jpg (856x2025, 1.4M)

i don't hate white women but i gotta admit asian women are superior in every single way except curves i guess

what's up with black people

Attached: 99d44d07250b4965fbb8a388489214d4.png (428x750, 816K)

Lovelyz Jin, no contest. Awkward and unfunny (still find her hot). Doyeon gets a honorable mention for being fucking annoying on varieties, but she gives her all in perfs at least

just the old "I can't get laid because ____girls are whores, it would be totally different with____girls"

Attached: 0shlgk31.jpg (960x1200, 204K)

turn 13 brainlet

Attached: 1563683685655.webm (1280x720, 393K)

suho is natty

jackson deserves it

imagine the smell...

29 yr old here

Attached: BT3gwQ8.jpg (3456x1944, 295K)

both of you die now

Attached: DQHcxyFUMAAxDMO.jpg (800x1200, 68K)

We only hate white roasties here we are not anti white

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I really really really need her to dominate me


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hes not but at least he isn’t as plastic as bacon

YIKES, but that would be like 75% of them

Attached: no.webm (1280x720, 1.03M)


Attached: EErMIaFUEAAm6A2.jpg (1200x982, 199K)

>telling your gf to die

boy, momo sure is PROJECTING her beauty here

did scammer ruin nct even further now that his bullying scandal resurfaced? who even brought that up again?

which kpop idol resembles this cat?

Attached: 1568399896708.jpg (576x1024, 69K)

>implying nct can get worse than it already is

post slammable k-thot rappers

Attached: tumblr_p2tyobWuP41t0xok1o2_1280.jpg (750x936, 202K)

my future wife in the middle

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Attached: EBD2G_CVAAAiGIG.jpg (1133x1700, 182K)

oh sowon

Attached: [4K] 170914 여자친구(GFRIEND) 신비(SinB) @ 미니 팬미팅 Edit Ver. 직캠(Fancam) by afterg (694x720, 2.55M)

Attached: princejin.jpg (694x1023, 199K)

theres simply no denying it

i said it with so much love i swear

Attached: DlCaZwvV4AAwmlK.jpg (720x1080, 76K)

it's almost here
it's gonna be a super bop I can feel it

good good just checking

Attached: 3226.jpg (934x1400, 378K)

they’re just trying to bring his past scandals up because of superm

enjoy your stds

didn't know shane dawson was a kpop idol

Attached: EEjphw4VUAAFTJi.jpg (1080x1440, 411K)

Attached: [Special Clips] 여자친구 GFRIEND - 열대야 (Fever) 활동 스케치-sD22jHN-qZE-[07.07.293-07. (1920x1080, 2.86M)

Attached: swervy.jpg (960x960, 91K)

shit quality

Attached: EErMIaFUEAAm6A2.jpg (2200x1800, 586K)

white roasties and asian roasties will all fall for the allchad

Attached: 97e34e0ae4b320156acfee96770da900.jpg (1200x1799, 294K)

the true crimson chin...

if you're over 24, stop breathing

what the hell is an allchad

Attached: sowon 181228 가요대축제 조이 JOY 허쉬 HUSH 직캠 Focus by pumpkin-APLmjyq7zJ4-[02.11.698-0 (782x1080, 2.98M)

All the people in this pic are blessed


momorii is on another level of thinking care about things like that

Attached: 1566526885995.webm (762x512, 1.93M)

Koreans actually love Vernon, they think he's very handsome.

How does it feel to know that your wife had dozens of guys before

The Interactive Solutions Manager at Disney

31 years old

Attached: OL0FU0E.jpg (2048x1368, 362K)

it doesn't

i don't know, you tell me

Attached: minab.jpg (1366x2048, 344K)

huekai vs vernon hapa death match

esl-kun i...

why Tippany out of everyone?


chenqt day soon

Attached: moment79.jpg (3402x4617, 937K)

that dude is pretty attractive I must admit. Looks like an asian chico lachowski

Jesus christ billie eilish is so fucking hideous...

thats ok i'm at 108

Attached: AUFOxwH.jpg (1000x1513, 251K)


I'd be proud about that 'record' and not give a single fuck. Like I said, read some Nietzsche fags. Preferably 'the value of truth' and 'the death of god', then come back and tell me about 'serving your country' and we'll see who the children here are.

Where I live you could chose not to enlist but instead spend that time doing a community service of your choice. I worked at a nearby hospital, got paid and was drunk of Absolute vodka every day, met a few cute young nurses and got tips from some rich patients. Some rich Arab geezer gave me 100 bucks once. + I could go home and sleep in my own bed every evening and didn't have to get a nazi haircut. I'd say that's infinitely better than 'serving' some political entity I don't give a shit about, no?

Attached: the morning after - jennie with customer.jpg (1080x1346, 148K)

Attached: 150502 여자친구(GFRIEND) 예린 - 유리구슬 (Glass Bead) @가족 e스포츠 페스티벌 직� (456x1080, 2.01M)

scammer did nothing wrong

Attached: based.gif (450x450, 1.94M)

Attached: 1568908242008.jpg (1364x768, 83K)

hueningkai uses some eyelid laser beam shit and kills vernon

Attached: 8a90d1350b69a053db15a7f16ceb9a2d.jpg (1067x1600, 227K)

hope she ditches the blonde soon

imagine going out of your way to find and repost this shit

I can't wait for his comeback and for him to chart better than sperm

no ones reading that shit brother

It doesnt what?
My waifu isnt a maneater like Mina

35 here. Anyone older? (please say so)

Attached: BoA-boa-16786781-444-717.jpg (444x717, 140K)

more like etl monolingual user, but "such things" if you care that much

Attached: 1560929350446.jpg (1080x1080, 86K)

why not

Attached: [4K] 170728 아이유(IU) '금요일에 만나요' 라이브 직캠 by 도라삐 @ 보령� (624x1080, 2.54M)

38 bro

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literally kill yourself you swedish cockholster

don't bully sperm they're trying their best

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Feel free to trash me but Magnetic Moon is so catchy I enjoy it a lot.

Attached: Tiffany banana footjob.webm (640x640, 1.31M)

feel, there is no feel

>thinking care about such things
you're almost there

Attached: rmchb.jpg (1333x2000, 211K)

i wonder if his fangirls have ever thought about the fact

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jennie is for white dick only

Attached: jennifer.jpg (480x360, 40K)

that post abortion stare

jelly, what else


dunno seems least korean of them all. great eye-smile tho

make it a mommy thread

>WM group slapped with Woolim's song

How will Ugglyz recover after that?

disgusting degenerate, Mina is pure

Attached: minastare.jpg (1333x2000, 672K)

that he's gay?

why does he even have fangirls

post some quality 2nd gen stuff to discuss

or any of dongpyo's fangirls

not a huge fan of the vocals but it's fine

tiffany being american only makes me like her more.

mijoo is not impressed

Attached: [4회] ♬ Destiny(나의 지구) - 오마이걸 @2차 경연 커버곡 대결 컴백전쟁 _ 퀸덤 (1920x1080, 1.67M)

make it a ryujin thread

Attached: 201908271107778770_5_pO4UP.jpg (2830x4401, 3.23M)

Oh god I'm soooo happy I'm not the oldest, phew... But one day it will come inevitably. Do any of you sometimes feel awkward or bad for still coming here?

Attached: sucky sucky 5 dollar jennie.png (1080x1053, 1.15M)

lovelyz is more attractive than oh my girl

its a good song

Attached: azJz4Yh.jpg (3456x1944, 322K)

Vernon looks like a lizard person but in an attractive way


Attached: 1548226796307.jpg (742x800, 74K)


I know what you mean. The auto-tune was unusual but it's MURICA and it fit well with the vibe of the song.


you'd think someone your age would have matured mentally too but you're still making teenage tier jokes apparently

that was an awful cover

hahahah NOPE rvoastie

honestly, the reason i'm still here is that the music keeps getting better and the girls keep getting prettier. i almost never listen to 2nd gen stuff anymore. in fact, i usually listen to stuff a shit ton when it comes out, and slowly listen less and less. i almost never listen to stuff more than 3 or 4 years old at this point

Attached: 1568574620204.jpg (1242x1444, 253K)

nice try

Attached: glassesmin.jpg (1366x2048, 270K)

Jennie is for literally anything that walks.

Attached: black belt jennie.jpg (740x924, 75K)

real thread

most retarded thing I've read in a while you're probably going senile

cuz original song is shit 2bh

her group performs it better

so fat