What was dougs review of this again?

What was dougs review of this again?

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I wish this was real.

Roger Waters bad, school good, Album better in imagination than in adaptation

I wish they mentioned other floyd albums than just tdsotm

dude is too cringe for me. his mannerisms, body language, and phonetic delivery, it's all too autist for me to handle.

Why do people trash nostalgia critic but praise angry video game nerd even though they're the same characters?

How has he not killed himself yet?
I thought for sure he'd do it after he blew all his money on that stupid game show idea.

avgn did it first and did it with genuine love for what he was doing. nostalgia critic was blatantly ripping him off for views.

Like Piper?

So apparently he skips the “slow mopey songs” like Hey You, One of My Turns, Goodbye Cruel World, Nobody Home and Mother because they’re “boring.”

No, like Meddle and WYWH

Why does nc get singled out the most even though there are loads of avgn copycats? Is it because he's the most popular one?

Nobody Home is the turning point of the album that resonates with just about every single listener, if they actually listen. One of my favorite poems, t b h

just looking now his videos still get quite a lot of views

Because he's a lefty. Being a leftist is taboo in the current year.

Avgn isn't leftist?

I watched the "review" briefly and it was the cringiest fucking thing ever where Doug is such a dumbass he doesn't understand the basic themes of the album/movie, he is an utter pleb and I wish him the worst, I hate him.

what a pleb, those are the best songs.

The Wall is hot garbage.

So is his review

>expecting someone with actual autism to understand the underlying themes of humanity

>Because he's a lefty. Being a leftist is taboo in the current year.
>going with the outrage mob and doing what literally everyone else does is taboo in current year

But I'm autistic and I understood it the album.
And he could have done some fucking research into the album too.

Because James doesn't even come close to being as cringe or autistic as Douge does.

ignore the political bullshit. yes, it's because he's the most popular one, obviously.

Because AVGN is better, retard

This makes me hate this autistic faggot even more holy shit. Also you're confirmed as a redditor for hating The Wall now

James isn't annoying and is actually funny


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Doug is an utter brainlet, how the fuck doesn't he get how WII connects to this? Why did he made an entire "review" a shitty musical? Why does he lack so much self-awareness?
I've seen Yea Forums thrash The Wall a lot, and I have never seen a single Yea Forums poster make such shtity claims, even if you hate this album, you must see how awful the criticism Doug throws at it here is.

Not a big fan of Pink Floyd, but The Wall has some great songs, and don't just mean the hits. Saw the movie as a kid, was blown away by the visuals. Was kind of disappointed when I learned about the plot, but I get Waters' point, even if he's too dramatic sometimes.
Could not sit through NC's review, every little thing about it is forced and badly produced. He also keeps shitting on the movie and then at the last minute says "but it was alright i guess lol".