>tfw you will never be Jim Morrison
Tfw you will never be Jim Morrison
You will never be a
>amazing performance artist
>great singer
Just kill me sweet family
why would i want to be a fat ugly dead person lmao
Strange Days was his best work
>Not LA Woman
Sit n spin fagola, Strange Days oozes a comfy, weird style that can't be beat.
It's actually s/t
It's actually Strange Days
It's s/t you fucking retard. Listen to them both and get back to me.
S/t is Yea Forumscore and bluepilled as fuck, it's great but LA Woman is better
Wtf is s/t
The Doors - The Doors
Means self-titled
It's really Strange Days
Maybe not, but on karaoke fridays I belt out break on through better than jim ever did
Self titled is, again, the best choice. After that both strange days and la woman are great albums, but s/t will forever remain their masterpiece and peak of musical achievement.
and this, but in the car
Not at all, Strange Days has more style and substance, it just barely eeks s/t out. But I agree, they're all great albums.
>Was an absolute chad who drowned in pussy
>Yet managed to write a song not even the most reeeing incel can conceive in People are Strange.
How'd he do it lads?
La woman a best
Nah it's Strange Days.
Roadhouse Blues is also a very based and redpilled karaoke choice
Fuck wrong thread
>tfw people care more about Jim Morrison than Leonard Cohen or Lou Reed
the world is unjust
pro-tip though, look into Cohen's life. He had a beautiful one. Tried to make it as a poet, wound up living reclusively on an island in Greece when he was about 30, things fell apart but the experience inspired him to write an award-winning book, moved back to Montreal/New York and hung out with the hipster Lou Reed/Patti Smith crowd, then became a zen monk. Good guy.
I do agree that Jim isn't as good of a song writer as those 2 but he had a better band than the other 2 did especially Leonard.
If you were Jim would you live exactly the same life he did or would you try to live a cleaner lifestyle so you could live longer but probably end up making way worse music?
fuck off thom
I'd probably shag a lot of qt 60s hippie chicks and die like he did, doing tonnes of drugs.
Cohen,Reed, Smith were better lyricists and poets but Jim wasn't bad, he just knew how to sing them
think about it logically
Logically it's gotta be Strange Days