Tfw Korn is releasing their best material in 20 years

>tfw Korn is releasing their best material in 20 years

Attached: The Nothing.jpg (1000x1000, 637K)

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I mean they took a pretty big hit when they lost two of their original members, getting Head back was a big deal and they had to regain their footing, though I think both of the previous albums still have good songs

Attached: headmunk.jpg (331x567, 35K)

big no

Bagpipes are a tradition of Korn newfag

Attached: jonathanbagpipe.jpg (305x526, 29K)

they were a mistake then and they are a mistake now
bagpipes are always a mistake

pretty soulless and boring

I was just gonna post a korn thread, how do you like the new album

Jons a sweetie

very good album

>a mistake
that's what your parents told you when you were born lmao

I listened to all of their stuff through the stupid dubstep album. The only ones worth listening to imo are Korn, Issues, and See You On The Other Side. Will I like this new one?

Damn 20 more years? Long ass time to wait desu...

In this modern age, people just can't get music the same way we used to in the CD age

You got a CD, you listened to that same one, lived with it, maybe left it alone....came back to it with different ears, etc etc. These days music is all instant gratification and fast food appeal, it's sad to see how music is consumed these days.

Oh for sure. There's so many terrible albums I listened to 100+ times in my youth just because I had them. Christmas and birthday gifts from people who had no idea what I was into. Got a fucking Creed album one time.

>Korn is releasing their best material in 20 years
when? cause this last album wasn't even close

if you liked Issues, than this is for you.

>no FTL

Yeah but it can go either way, lots of albums I didn't like at first I learned to like, while some albums I liked initially I decided were shit the more I listened

Either way, people don't consume music the same way, like I said it's all fast food to people now, which is why music discussion on this board is abysmal as younger people come into the fold each year....nobody can discuss music because they don't actually spend time with music, it's all "Yeh I listened to five seconds of a single from an album once and made a knee jerk reaction" for most people now, forget listening to an album multiple times


At least we can all agree this was better than WANYK


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