
Panzerfaust edition
previos: FAQ: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt

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power metal sucks

Söythrone were shitty trendhoppers since day one. Now ted and fenriz are the alternative lifestyle romantic life partner commandeers of a mob of ironic torch wielding söyboys who claim to be all about CULT, OLDSCHOOL METAL even though they only just discovered Agent Steel and Manilla Road in the last 5 years
It must suck only being remembered for Transilvanian Hunger and Under a Funeral Moon, which are just shitty imitations of Burzum

Söyside Journey: generic Swedish style DM album #928192819

A Blaze in the Söythern Sky: "now we're kvlt black metal because Euronymous said black metal is cool!!!! nevermind the songs are still basically death metal riff salads that happen to have some Mayhem ripoff riffs tossed in!"

Under a Söyneral Moon: MUH ICY GUITAR. it's SUPPOSED to sound thin and weak! that's the point!

Söysilvanian Hunger: wow, it's like Burzum, except without any of the dynamics or songwriting or interesting use of feedback and distortion! And the first pressing has a REALLY EDGY message in the liner notes haha but don't worry they weren't serious!!!!! they were kidding around!!! (Fenriz needs non-white people's money too!)

Panzersöy: the "we're out of ideas" album

All the pure BM albums after that are even more uninspired than the C-rate Darkthrone clones coming out around the same time like Craft and Katharsis.truly pathetic.

Then they went comedy rock, and that's where they remain today.

Fuck fenjizz. Fuck Cockturnal Culto. Fuck söythrone.

EUPM is the best.
USPM in 2nd place.

gr8 b8 m8 dil8

Nah. You suck farts trough a fire hose, tho

holy shit

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USPM > all, EUPM is cheesy and nerdy
now if you excuse me, I'm going to listen to skeletor singing about slaying daemons with the excalibur

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melodeath sucks

The Jester Race is about 10000 times better than a lot of the generic deathtrash this general wanks off over

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It's going to be De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas 2.

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Interested in what makes you say that.

listen to dithotcletian

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this youtube.com/watch?v=FzT1vRXsHoo

assuming that shitty boring teaser song they release somehow isn't indicative of the rest of the album?

Do w*men actually like black metal or are they just posers?

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incels in 3, 2, 1...

Personally, I know a few that do.

>all this crying

No one is crying. Except you.

gimme some good recent BM for background music

The tears are running down your face.

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women don't really like any music. even if they think they do, the dopamine rush they get out of it is totally different than the kind men get, because it's based on how they perceive the music affecting their social currency.

getting totally lost in something like art or a game for its own sake (and not as a social lubricant) is seen as "autistic," and in science, an autistic brain is considered sort of a 'super-male brain'--a brain that tends too far toward male tendencies. so, a super female brain would be a brain that's 100% invested in appearance and social climbing.

of course we can see echoes of both extremes in the behavior of normal men and women.

it's time to stop posting


thx m8

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My favorite album turned 12 today guys, can you please say happy birthday?

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Fucking based

Post /Metal/ that is beyond based.


I'm sure this is a sincere post and not bait at all


there you go

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Is there any legitimately good Asian metal that isn't Japanese?

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Why did no one tell me that death/doom was this good? youtube.com/watch?v=3tEd8a5CxuE

Im actually kind of interested in getting into doom now, could I get some rec's? I listen to proggier tech death mostly, so this is almost entirely uncharted territory for me. I'm also very interested in know how bands keep something as slow as doom interesting and fresh, it seems like it would be very difficult and Im worried the genre would get boring fast.

I'll obviously check out the charts in the pastebin, but I'm interested to hear what some of your opinions are as well.

If you like some DeathDoom then get ready to hear the epitome of the genre

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no truly based metal is on youtube anymore

Only in your private collection, huh?




that pic never gets old
I want the Cheap Charlie one

how about bathotry

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Of course, Humiliation from Malaysia for example.

>alt chicks with PHAT asses
hnnngggg, imagine the smell

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>Butt slut
>Crusty cunt
>Eat cunt till I die
Sounds like Abigail lyrics.

Incels/poseurs have been posting "metal gfs" long before the coomer meme user. It's just another way for them to shitpost instead of having an actual metal-related discussion. Just ignore them.

never met a women who knows more than just buryum, mayhem, and darkthrone.
do it for a status symbol to seem edgy, not bc they like the music.


It makes sense. Those are all as entry level as it gets for black metal. That's not me shitting on them or anything; except Burzum. Varg is as hipster tier as it gets in bm.
Just throw in Bathory and Venom for good measure.

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it's almost like girls like cute, soft and feminine things, and metal is opposite of all that.
just like you won't find many women into horror movies, or fishing, or trucks, you won't find many into BM because it's a men's territory.

>just like you won't find many women into horror movies, or fishing, or trucks
Never met country girls?

I need advice on metal from Finland, lads. Making a playlist and I've run out of bands.

for real? women are into fishing and horror? I literally saw NO women into that.

I somewhat misspoke about that, but it's similar.
Goth chicks love horror movies. ESPECIALLY slasher films. (Friday the 13th series, Halloween series, Nightmare on Elm Street Series, etc).
While country girls LOVE outdoor "manly" shit. (fishing, hunting, trucks, guns, etc). I spent some time in Arizona and Texas and can confirm firsthand. It's not just for attention, like most women into that sorta stuff. The downside of country girls is that they usually have drug addict boyfriends or they're drug addicts themselves. And goth is almost always a phase for women.

Plenty of horror chicks out there user

metal is fucking dogshit

based jewish hip hop head

>jewish hip hop
any links?

>tfw EDM is now harder than metal could ever be

where do we go from here, metalbros... it's fucking over..

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some of them does like it.

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>Goth chicks love horror movies. ESPECIALLY slasher films. (Friday the 13th series, Halloween series, Nightmare on Elm Street Series, etc).
>Plenty of horror chicks out there user
really? oh well my bad then. you learn something every day. but I really haven't seen one in my life.
>While country girls LOVE outdoor "manly" shit. (fishing, hunting, trucks, guns, etc).
yeah I guess it applies more to US where if you don't like guns from birth then you're not a true American. I guess it's more accepted as an important part of "patriot/redneck" identity so women feel they need to do it too.
I live in Russia, and I can't for shit remember a single woman who liked to fish or hunt. usually women say "yikes, leave this to men".

how so?

>lame synths
>shitty samples
>muh bass
>0/10 songwriting
sounds like average mall EDM. and you call this hard?

we go back to where we came from. the heaviness arms race was always a mistake and all we got from it was cookie monster bullshit. swallow the tradpill today.

this desu, pretty sure its just bait, that sample got really annoying after hearing it for the 500th time

more unblack metal like this?




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>pretty sure its just bait
It's good to know that we have genius detectives posting here.If it weren't for you, I would have taken an off-topic shitpost seriously.

what the FUCK is with the vocals at 40:00 lmao

I'm just so used to dealing with retards user.

based but power metal chad should look more like this

only Power Metal is white

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Underrated album. Great riffs, lyrics, and of course solos (James Murphy). Easily one of my top death metal albums, as good as better known bands like Suffocation and Morbid Angel.

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more like this
>only Power Metal is white

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It's true, black metal had been a shitskin genre since day 1 (Blasphemy). (White) Power Metal is the white man's game. Sorry Paco.

damn why is metal so fucking shit

Because you're a nonwhite subhuman

Spics loooove Power Metal. Not that they don't love other genres but still, they go crazy for that shit

take a break, go listen to some punk or something.
and none of that crusty shit that just sounds like shitty metal.

shit i guess metal really is racist


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Unfortunately you're right.

metal came from punk though they just took the aggression and put it to shitty folk progressions

I can't think of one single Mexican power metal band, I can think of plenty of spics in extreme metal (including Slayer (albeit from Chile), The Chasm, Brujeria, etc). The only South American Power Metal band I can think of is Angra and all members of that act are white. Compare to extreme metal from the US (or even Europe) where the members are shitskins (Pete Sandoval, Suffocation, Necrophagist (a türk from Germany, lul), the list goes on.

Metal was around way before punk. Metallica invented thrash and I don't think any of the members said they lisened to punk. They were just playing angrier, more percussive NWOBHM. If you listen to Priest's late 70s early 80s albums you can immediately see the connection.

One of my favorite death metal albums as well. Also it has the best sounding guitars imo, so thick and beefy.

no it wasn't. metal as you know it only existed late 70s onwards, they took all their aggression from punk.

>metal from Finland

>cherrypicking intensifies
imagine unironically thinking you gay fantasy metal about fairies and dragons is true white music and then saying BM is not white because one war metal band from Canada. yikes.

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err. NWOBHM/thrash were punk influenced, yeah, but conversely, crust punk was metal-influenced. metal and punk had a symbiotic development (and metal is older).

There will come a time, when dragons are in my music.

no they didn't. metal came straight from punk, you think metal came out of fucking nowhere?
>metal is older
no it's not lmao name me what you think the first metal band was

Shit, I forgo to mention the production! Yes, it's great.

>metal as you know it

Already started in 1970, see Paranoid, and was well on its way since then, see Sad Wings of Destiny.

The original '77 punk wasn't even that aggressive compared to metal.

>metal about fairies and dragons is true white music

It is. Those things are based on white folklore.

>BM is not white

It isn't. Varg himself said it's nigger music. And funny how you have no problem with BM about fairies and trolls.


Interesting accusation considering Gayhl is a literal faggot and BM is full of sodomites and degenerates, while I can only think of Power Metal bandmembers that are happily married and have children.

>The jew squeals in pain as you hit him

black sabbath i was waiting for that.
BS came from the blues aka blacks, the aggression you hear in metal as you know it came from punk (which also came from blacks).

>name me what you think the first metal band was

Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Rainbow, Scorpions were among the first

This is from after a decade of metal existing but shows off that metal sound that has nothing to do with punk

Blues is based in white Celtic folk music

I'd like to see a blues band that did an introduction like in Sleeping Village, or Embryo

>punk (which also came from blacks)


Punk literally came from marketing jews, Sex Pistols was an artificial NSYNC-style marketed teeny bopper band, they even had a movie tie-in (The Great Rock n Roll swindle)

Observing and reporting a trend is not cherrypicking.

>no Ensiferum
>no Nightwish
>no CoB, Kalmah, Demigod, Demilich, Stratovarius, Kiuas, Insomnium

Stay shit, mu.

P*litics isn't riffs you stupid faggots. Post some.

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I didn't include popular bands, assuming he already knows them.

>Those things are based on white folklore.
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow and BM isn't? please.
>Varg himself said it's nigger music.
another out of context misenterpreted quote. you're so fucking boring. yeah i get it you're playing retarded. you know what they say about this.
>Interesting accusation considering Gayhl is a literal faggot
>I found another cherrypicked argument
>and ignored gay high pitched vocals and Gayowar
user. stop posting. leave this general, and preferably this site. go be a shitty troll somewhere else.

yea all the bands you listed came from the blues. metal as you know came from punks aggression.
>Blues is based in white Celtic folk music
LMAO what the fuck are you talking about nice brain damage

>and BM isn't

So what's your problem with fairies and dragons if they occur in BM as well? You're a hypocrite. But even further, you're a subhuman who listens to bm so we don't care what you are.

Manowar are a hetero band that literally make out with models onstage. Gayhl literally takes it up the ass and is a pedophile. Enjoy your degeneracy, sodomite, but don't project it onto other peoples' white, wholesome, powerful music.


Looking for bands that sound similar to this.

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>couple examples anecdotal examples
why do you keep lying like a kike? stop it. you already lost. get over it
>Varg himself said
>"oh I think BM is not white but VARG HIMSELF said thing once so it's true"
still doing kike tricks?

>black metal is totally straight!!!

Don't you have a pride parade to march in?

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>"oh I think BM is not white but VARG HIMSELF said thing once so it's true"

How is that not an argument? Straight from the horse's mouth.

Make like your idol Per Yngve Ohlin and kys.

I'd take anecdotal evidence over no evidence at all and just baseless assbabbling like you do over (White) Power Metal.

Get a room you autists.

None of those bands sound anything in common.

I'm not him, but dumb field-tilling blacks didn't invent the pentatonic scale. it was used in Appalachian folk music before blues, and that was influenced by Celtic folk, among other european folk idioms

>So what's your problem with fairies and dragons if they occur in BM as well?
except no they don't. they aren't a major theme.
>You're a hypocrite.
stop projecting, jew.
>But even further, you're a subhuman who listens to bm so we don't care what you are.
and you're a compensating beta who listens to power metal. you don't care so much you keep wanting to jew the conversation in your favor. I'm getting tired of correcting you.
>Manowar are a hetero band
hahaha nice.
>muh Gaahl
literally 1 person. yeah i got it you cling to him and obsess over him, or else your jewry won't work. it's ok to lose user, don't take it too hard. hope you take my advice and leave this general to not be upset again.

based post


Seethe harder black metal homo. When the day of the rope comes we know where you belong, in the furnace providing my electricity along with the other scum.

>None of those bands sound anything in common.
No shit. The bands don't have to sound the same to get recs.

>/meal/ isn't a big pile of dog shi-

>projection intensifies
>n-no we're white!!! BM isnt white!!! aghh!
Varg said this about all of metal, especially blues-based. this applies to power metal too. and it's a point of view of one autistic man.
>Make like your idol Per Yngve Ohlin.
>and kys
you first though.

>Uh... The bands listed in your chart don't sound similar.
Who gives a shit?

yes yes, get the fuck out. finally.

all rise


>they aren't a major theme.

They are literally a major theme in 2nd wave BM, wtf are you talking about?

Oh he's butthurt now.


What projection? Just an example of the pro-faggot music you listen to. Nice going, twinkletoes.

The blues is based on more than the pentatonic scale and it sure as fuck didn't come from milky pussy boys like yourself you retard bitch.

Did you do all your homework and now you're here to spam again?

lmao. You don't even know what spam is.

No, they just woke up and ate their breakfast of 10 burgers.

>immediately replying to me, even though I didn't even mention you
Seethe more kid

I listen to power metal when I run and when I lift, come at me, sissy.

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I will. Thanks for asking.

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I actually like to seethe. Thanks for the encouragement, faggot. kek.

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based /meal/ does it again

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This is the room.

Here, have some more seething. lmao.

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innit lls

I'd rather have a power vs. black autismfest than the usual soiposts and caveman riffs.

What's wrong with caveman riffs?

Not enough fairies and dragons.

If black metal is so "true" then how come literally half of the original black metal bands are trying to distance themselves as much as possible from the black metal sound and "evolving" (Burzum, Bathory, Enslaved, Emperor, Darkthrone, Immortal, etc. etc.), while Power Meal bands are literally pumping out the same shit for literal decades and still going strong (Manowar, Blind Guardian, DragonForce, Running Wild, Gamma Ray). There is only one True Metal. Come home, white man.

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you can't headbang to them while wearing a trilby because it'll fall off and expose your premature balding

its because black metal was based in contrarianism while power metal was just doing what they thought sounded best.

Based response, but you pretty much just defined poser vs true.

the only thing power metal bands are pumping is the estrogen shots into their veins


I don't understand is power metal pro-nazi or is black metal pro-nazi, i don't know who to stand with

i'm convinced you're just taking this general for a ride, but you know damn well artists don't like to be pigeonholed. black metal bands act like they're not really black metal for the same reason The Cure and Sisters of Mercy reject the label 'goth rock'.

Black metal vs. power metal you say?

Umm... I dunno, how about the one that's not literally full of white supremacists? And the one that actually has melody and songwriting and production values? Yeah, I think I'll go with that one.

This sub is a joke. Closed-minded BM elitists are the cancer killing every space to talk about metal.

t. Gayhl's sissy boi buttslave

Doesn't look like it to me.

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so this is the true power of alt right music...........

>BM elitists

Don't call them that. You can't be an "elitist" about a turd.

wtf I love black metal now

its missing varg


also if you think thats somehow a "manly" look then... lls...

>Black metal vs. power metal you say?

>Umm... I dunno, how about the one that's not literally full of white supremacists? And the one that actually has melody and songwriting and production values? Yeah, I think I'll go with that one.

>This sub is a joke. Closed-minded BM elitists are the cancer killing every space to talk about metal.

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Why not blackened power metal instead of black vs power metal?


Let me put it this way. Power Metal is like the original Nazis. Black Metal is like some bydlo slavic or Latino neo-nazis that so badly want to be White.

You definitely need test and not estrogen to look like that

cope harder wuss

I'm just here blastan Into Glory Ride and Thousand Swords while you faggots arguing over genres miss out on like 50% of metal

I like both black and power metal but those albums are gay.


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not the guy you're replying to but you suck

wtf i love power metal now

>brown eyes

oh, here comes varg's wacky placenta worship bear cult blue eyes obsession. black metal enjoyment is a mental illness

brown eyes = human
blue eyes = Other


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There are brown eyed people in Scandinavia.

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Best post in this thread

And there are arabs in France. so what.
Brown eyes mean negroid admixture somewhere in your family tree.


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i don't even white. Just seems ridiculous southern european larp as aryans

yeah and some others prays Allah

Does larping as a tranny ever get old for you?

Abominable Putridity, Vomit The Soul, Regurgitate, Pyrexia, Broken Hope.
Only replying because of the other cunt who replied to you.
There's a lot better metal out there than that shit.

only death is real

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Cute trap

Does anyone else intentionally avoid bands with black people? that's why I don't listen to Blasphemy and Suffocation. it's not even a racism thing, I just can't help but feel like white dudes with black bandmates are like the music equivalent of white dudes who marry women who used to sleep with black guys.

>There are 35 posters in this thread.
uh... whoa... this thread is literally just like 30 retards, probably closer to 10 discounting driveby posts.

lmao I've never seen a post this cucked before.

Same for me. Blasphemy is overrated

you sound like a closeted fetishist who is ashamed of himself lmao


We're a happy little family.

im leaving this place and going to /jazz/


Where's Angel


can smell the cocoa butter from here lls

woi with a hint of watermelon innit

You are all fags, every single one of you

No shit it's just a few retards shitting up the thread

Chuck did give the best in head in metal...

Hey, just because I like black metal, it doesn't make me a fag!

If this post ends in an even number I'll listen to Spiritual Healing, if it's odd I'll listen to Sound of Perseverance, if it's zero I'll listen to Human

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chuck who?


chuck testa

Subsequently Sneed

Imagine not being Team Cardi in 2019

it in the bin

Death sucks.

I don't know about Death but Chuck sure did

song that got me into metal

All Europeans were originally brown-eyed. Blue eyes appeared 10kya and spread like a virus.

babby's first anus.com metal

come back when you develop some taste

You assumed correctly, thanks user!

I found this on reddit

Average Metallica fan


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Metallica was the neo buttrock of its day.

>generic icelandic dissoshit part 386

listen to mincecore

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>Punk literally came from marketing jews,
Not really, punk rock was just a continuation of what the garage rock bands did before.
This was recorded in 1972 but released in 1974

it's chart time

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Don't tell me what to do scum.

Those vaporwave albums have the exact same cover holy shit

i think that's the point

Did I go to sleep and woke up in 2015?


literally recorded by teenagers

you wouldn't read fiction written by teenagers, why the fuck would you listen to music made by them? are you an edgy teen yourself?

>you wouldn't read fiction written by teenagers
Why not?

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This sounds kinda flat? compared to Morbid Tales. Could've used better production.

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because it sucks and teenagers are immature and inexperienced

False equivalence


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Some of it must be good.

yes, the evils of compression didn't start in the 2000s.

post something better

what's "dissoshit"?


anything that isn't basically 3 chords and makes Grug mad

>There's a lot better metal out there than that shit.
Wew, lad! Let's see them.

highly dissonant metal.

but I mean is there a definition for that, I keep seeing this term here and there but nothing really concrete

what's 'dissonance' in metal?

20 hours ago
This Ihsahn album was the first "Black Metal" album I listened to. It's still great!

9 hours ago
You should check Wild Hunt by Watain or Immortal At The Heart of Winter

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imagine actually believing this

the opposite of consonance, notes that are put together in a way that sounds jarring and discordant or outside of how we're conditioned to think things "should" sound in traditional Western harmony

Sweet. What other albums from this genre should I listen to?

>those clean vocals at 1:40

actually cringe

well, I have no idea about music theory, could you give 2 contrasting examples in black metal?

>bloops and bleeps

leave the hall

Angelcorpse, Blasphemy, Order From Chaos, Vulcano, Sarcofago, Bathory, Von, Mystifier, Profanatica, Accidental Suicide, Xenomorph, Necrovore, Incantation, Absu, Poison, Sadistik Exekution, Morbid Angel, Necro Schizma, Hellhammer, Necrophagia, Ares Kingdom, Psuedogod, Beherit, Obliveon, Incubator, Obliteration, Horror of Horrors, Imprecation, Holocausto, Mortuary Drape, Root, Gorephilia, Goatlord, Voor, Disma, Voivod, Dissect, Hellwitch, Hobbs' Angel Of Death, Proclamation, Teitanblood, Prophecy of Doom, Autopsy, Revenant, Samael, Dream Death, Death SS, Creepmime, D.V.C, Cenotaph, Heavy Load, Slaughter etc.
I could go on, but I think in the end we just have different tastes. I like some brutal shit, like the bands I rec'd you. But it's not really my cup of tea.
I really think you'dd enjoy Pyrexia alot, definitevily give them a chance.


not particularly dissonant:

most, if not all contemporary music has some dissonance, but you can probably intuitively tell from those two examples what "lots of dissonance" means

Consonance is too pussy anyway. At least fill shit up with a ton of chromaticism.

no riffs in this shit

This is not hard in any way, there is acid much harder than this, then there is gabber and frenchcore.

*tips fedora*

>genre literally designed around being edgy and satanic
>muh fedoras

Leave the hall, Godflesh is obviously honorably /meal/ approved

Carpathian Wolves is Graveland's best album, change my mind

Excellent. Thanks for the list.
>I could go on, but I think in the end we just have different tastes.
Exactly. I'm more into the brutal side of metal.
>I like some brutal shit, like the bands I rec'd you. But it's not really my cup of tea.

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anyone got some fresh madcünt core? I wanna listen to some really mad lads

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What's some metal to listen to when you're drowning to death but also experiencing an orgasm at the same time?

Name your favorite from that chart and i might hook you up. Also define fresh.


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New Ringworm

doesn't the dissonance fit the genre perfectly though? black metal was a rebel against "clean" death metal, so DSO with its dissonance is just a step further

Not him but my favorites are Bathory, Deicide. Morbid Saint, Autopsy, Cryptopsy, Demolition Hammer, Revenge, and Mayhem.

That bass is really good.

Why does SOAD sound heavier than most of the shit posted here? Like the guitars just sound so much better and i feel like the song writing also has to do with it.

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Anaal Nathrakh (first album only), From Enslavement to Obliteration, None So Vile, Unholy Grave, Wormrot.
Some stuff not on it like Ayat, Cobalt, Gorguts, Damaar. Just mad screaming really.

>Also define fresh
Just anything not on the chart.

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They don't and this is shitty bait.


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because most of the shit posted here is black "metal"

Nevermind then, i was hoping for the mental patient cunts. Sorry.
Maybe some of these.
Most of them do the dual vocals style (low/high like most grind bands do). Doesn't get madder than Unholy Grave though.

babbys first drop C album

I unironically like Infant Annihilator

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unironically kill yourself

Battle of Yabadabadoodoo has some good moments

Suffocation is perfect to listen to during a workout.

But its true if you really look into it. Like that guy who just posted infester, compared to SOADs sound theres no comparison



SOAD just has a way better sound on the guitars which i think alot of extreme metal fails. If you hear Infester, its kind of a wall of sound half the time, kind of unfocused. And with SOAD the guitars follow the drums really well, they have good musicianship

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>Power metal

you people can be good in everything. so sorry

Early bloodbath too

>If you hear Infester, its kind of a wall of sound half the time
It literally isn't, it sounds surprisingly clear for how deep it is. I'm actually amazed by this production.

did you mean can't? also you got some good european power metal chart?

Thanks, I'll bookmark those

Too obvious my man

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The best you can get from Europe is the thrashy/speedy stuff in the same vein as USPM and speed metal. So Grave Digger, Paragon, Running Wild, Rage, Scanner and a bunch of other Germs.

Give your thoughts on this song:

It's ok, bunch of Carcass gore ripoff bands did it better.

Same as any Reek of Putrefaction song, I wish it had Symphonies' production.

Which bands sound like Reek of Putrefaction with Symphonies' production?

Dunno but here is some great Carcassgorecore that is way better than Carcass ever was imo.

Good, but sounds more like deathgrind than goregrind to me.

thanks user you got me listening to Blind Guardian and Amon Amarth again for the first time in ages.

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It's the old gore sound in the Xysma/Dead Infection school. But i guess leaning more towards being deathgrind.

This might be more up your alley perhaps?

I'm not the guy who wanted more Reek era sounding stuff though, I actually prefer some good deathgrind like

Please tell me the difference between death metal and deathgrind, I know that deathgrind is supposed to be more, well, grind influenced, but I literally cannot tell the difference.

It sounds more filthy than death metal.

death metal is filth

Based. Listening to great extreme metal (Darkthrone, early Immortal, Bathory, Slayer, etc.), is totally compatible with listening to great trad metal (BG, Manowar, Viking Bathory, Maiden, etc.), I don't see why people in this general are so autistic about this.

not as filthy as deathgrind

Check out an Italian band called Bestial Devastation, top deathgrinding gore with very odd vocal combination.
Depends on who you ask but deathgrind (at least the older stuff) was pretty much the metal version of grindcore with death riffs instead of hardcore riffs and less noisy.

Go to a hardcore/grindcore concert. One of the tr00 kvlt kind with 40-50 something oldschool beergut hardcore dudes. Then you will gain the innate knowledge of when the hardcore and grind parts show up in the music.

Or just listen to Symphonies of Sickness and then Necroticism by Carcass and hear good examples of both deathgrind and death metal.

All metal is made by Jews, reardless of genre.

Even NSBM?

Especially NSBM


What's the metal equivalent of this?

First thing that came to mind is War Pigs

>That easy going classic song your dad likes
The Trooper or 2 Minutes to Midnight

Gonna give Darkthrone a try later. I love old shit like Manowar and Maiden. Never heard Viking Bathory before though.

literally all posers

What about autistic girls? They kinda are a bit masculine.

It's a matter of preference. I like my metal brutal and filthy.

Not him but viking Bathory is awesome. Love the Nordland albums.

You're stupid. The best Europower bands aren't the ones copying the US sound with boring speed metal. It's the ones doing their own thing with European melody that could never make it to the culture less US. E.g. Rhapsody, Cryonic Temple.

>USPM > all, EUPM is cheesy and nerdy
>implying USPM isn't
>implying that's bad

When will this low IQ meme finally die?

Europower, just like Euro health care >>> alle

I love EUPM, Rhapsody is garbage and Cryonic Temple is a bunch of shreddy wank with no riffs.


What bands do you like then?

Rhapsody isn't garbage, Symphony of Enchanted lands is a classic.


All those bands that post mentioned except for Running Wild are boring as fuck, and even RW gets pretty repetitive

You're gonna love it. Hammerheart and Twilight of the Gods are stone cold classics, Blood on Ice is an eccentric record with some exceptional tunes and the Nordland albums also have their charm, though the production kinda blows.

Stratovarius, Sonata Arctica, Secret Sphere, Helloween, Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, Persuader, Grave Digger, Yngwie Malmsteen, Orden Ogan.

My extension says 63 unique IPs.

lol gay