Soft Rock

>Soft Rock
Is softer than
Is softer than
>Hard Rock
Is softer than
Is softer than
>Heavy Metal

So guys, what’s harder than Heavy Metal?

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kenny g

death metal and black metal. only fucking retards that want tinnitus listen to anything past heavy metal though

Post avant jazz core

djent, bonus points if the guitar has more than 6 strings

where do noise rock and (hardcore) punk fit? they’re the patrician choice for abrasive music

Hardcore punk = Black Metal

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A lot of subgenres of metal actually, from death metal to grindcore

Heavy Metal is not harder than Metal. Metal is just the shorted of Heavy Metal.
Metal is not harder than Hard Rock or hard in general. It's a different kind of music altogether.

diamond head

Dragonforce aren't heavy at all baka

I’ve always considered Heavy Metal to be any music harder than say, 80s Hair Metal

Heavy Metal is just Metal.


blessed thread

but hardcore punk is actually good

extreme metal

this is extremely fucking autistic
how do you gauge which is heavier between something like beatdown hardcore and harsh noise? it totally depends on your subjective sense of what role rhythm plays in "harshness"

Easy, more distorted bass and effects pedals = more heaviness


my dick in your ass, OP

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does anyone have that /mew/ meme of the two stock image people arguing and its like 'fuck you dad, your just mad because something something'

808s technologically dominate all of these shitty genres, pure sub bass= the hardest shit imaginable... Why do you guys play with sticks and stones in the computer age? Too much dadrock nostalgia?

It's a meme, you dip.