Makes fun of retarded people

>Makes fun of retarded people
How more based can one person be? He was like a proto 4channeler

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>beats his wife

lennon was a high-functioning sociopath

He definitely had autism, but went diagnosed because he happened to be born in an era where autism was simply brushed off as being ‘eccentric’

*undiagnosed I mean

literally just a different time. he definitely wouldn't have done that in the 70s in his messiah phase

nobody knew there was anything wrong with mocking tards until forest gump.
literally never occured to anybody that they had any feelings at all.
it was like mocking cats. we all assumed they didn't know the difference.

how do you figure he had autism?

>being bad was good in the past cuz everyone was bad then

Yea Forums incarnate, other than Jeff Mangum

Attached: das_madman.png (415x404, 142K)

Eh... he always was nutty. Nutty people make good music.

Attached: John being mad.gif (500x375, 1.99M)

>beating your wife
He just had superior talent with discipline.

Now all the retarded people are in positions of power and free to roam twitter


I love this man

Truly /ourguy/

Even more based

wow this really was disturbing

I always got the impression he was mocking Macca with this.

he liked saying the n word

it was a different time

he pointing mick jagger

>He was like a proto 4channeler
He also donated thousands of dollars to the Black Panthers because of white guilt.

Lennon was always a hypocritical piece of shit.

he beat his wife and his son (john lennon did)

wtf I love john lennon now

Go back to r*ddit

Starting to think John is our guy

Attached: 1542531042145.jpg (640x626, 316K)

He's Chad. Lemmy once said:
>I remember one gig the Beatles had at the Cavern, It was just after they got Brian Epstein as their manager. Everyone in Liverpool knew that Epstein was gay, and some kid in the audience screamed, 'John Lennon's a f***ing queer!' And John--who never wore his glasses on stage--put his guitar down and went into the crowd, shouting, 'Who said that?' So this kid says, 'I f***ing did.' John went after him and BAM, gave him the Liverpool kiss, sticking the nut on him--twice! And the kid went down in a mass of blood, snot and teeth. Then John got back on the stage.

>'Anybody else?' he asked. Silence. 'All right then. "Some Other Guy".'

He looks like autistic people I know