you DO have an optimal grading curve, don't you Yea Forums?
You DO have an optimal grading curve, don't you Yea Forums?
>wasting time rating 1500 songs and writing reviews no one will ever read
I made an RYM acc today but god damn this would take ages to rate everything Ive heard as I feel those 450 are merely 10% of what Ive heard
Yes, I do but it's inflated by 0.5 point.
You need to be more specific for your definition of curve.
imagine caring about this shit
>more 5/10 than rest
I pretty much give most albums a 5....I more use rym as just an archive for the albums that I have listened to
I have this rule that I only rate an album if i've giving it at least 3 listens. If I dislike an album i probably won't get to 3 listens, so i'm creating my own bias causing my rating curve to be above average
Mine looks like yours, but skewed upwards. This is because I try not to waste my time with bad records. Sometimes a stinker will sneak in there, but I'm good selecting something I'll like beforehand.
>more than 4k albums listened total
>no 5s
>only 3 4.5s
spotted the hack
I never gave an album a 10, there's no perfect album
Most music is average as is with every medium
Maybe it's 2-3k that's why I made RYM to see how many it actually is but this shit takes more effort than I thought
That's basically my curve. I give a lot of different things chances but I like listening to things I think I'm gonna like, and I know my taste well enough that I'm usually right. A 3/5 for me is I liked it, maybe won't listen to it again but it was for sure worth the one.
Yeah, 0 ratings. Fuck rym
>I never gave an album a 10, there's no perfect album
how's your first semester at art school going
>I never gave an album a 10, there's no perfect album
then your 4.5 becomes your 5. You're just wasting a rating and reducing your ability to rate with nuance.
Buahahahahahh ahhahaahahhah buauahahahahahahaha
10 does not mean perfect, 10 means the best the medium can offer, so there are 10s. It's plain wrong to consider the top of a grading system to be perfection because perfection does not belong to a grading system, specially if said perfection is unreachable because of the characteristics of said medium.
Again, 10 should be the best the medium has produced, and it just shows insecurity to be unable to tell in any given moment what work one thinks is the best the medium has to offer based in one's experience, as it's the base for all other ratings.
10,5 is perfection, as it is in fact OUT of the grade.
I don't think I'll ever fill up my 0.5 - 1.5 spots. I mean, if a albums is that terrible I usually just turn it off after a few songs. Maybe other people do that as well and rate but I wouldn't feel comfortable rating something I haven't at least listened to once in full length.
i used to think the way you do but i don't feel bad not listening to something in its entirety if i've hated everything i've heard so far. there's too much out there to be wasting time on something that's obviously not for you
Yes. I just don't listen to bad stuff.
I rated a few singles
And the best aspects of music must be harmonized and performed perfectly in order for the album to be considered a 10, i cannot shove shit into the 10 category just because it's the best from the medium, when I can clearly feel and ration inconsistencies, errors, not fully used potential, other various things disallowing the album of its 10/10 position
Assuming objective perfection is unreachable, I haven't listened to an album deserving of a subjective 10, save for when I was younger, albums which I now would not consider such
>All those tabs open
Jesus Christ
>And the best aspects of music must be harmonized and performed perfectly in order for the album to be considered a 10
uhhh says who
Subjective perfection can be achieved tho, but requires to be an expert to judge and identify it. A fine example of it is the judges sometimes rating 10s in the olympics, being artistic sport (i.e. gymnastics) a valid analog medium to music in many senses
Also this desu
>you live in a world where you can get infinite recommendations for good music via internet sites like Yea Forums and run
>your curve is not positively skewed
You just hate music. You obviously didn't like it in the first place if all you care about is maintaining le perfect bell curve.
rym, my phoneposting is showing
Imagine not having the abilty to look for music you actually like and thinking the mayority of music you listen to is shit.
so you know you like something before listening to it?
Thats basically my mindset but I just don't think it's okay to rate stuff if you haven't listened to it in full. I mean for all I know the unheard songs could be genuinely good.
Most music is mediocre
No because I'm not autistic enough to care.
i recently made an account, i mainly use it as a database i.e. "collection".
close some of your tabs you absolute retard
what's your 5 star?
Why would you listen to a bunch of bad music just so you can have a nice bell curve?
Once I realized nobody even remotely gives a shit about what I listen to I stopped using rym,, etc and it made my music listening experience infinitely better. Just flat out not giving a shit what others think is the only way an adult should enjoy music.
I use RYM without caring what others think
it's just nice to remember what you thought about a given album and it's pretty good for discovering music
post your perfect rating
I don't judge rym, I personally have no use for rating albums. Over the years my opinion changes anyways and if I want a trip down memory lane I just go through my collection, physical or digital. I agree that there are a couple of good ass lists on rym that I discovered lotsa music through. It's a good site but people tend to go down some sort of autism rabbit hole upon usage
I enjoy things :)
No, but I try to listen to music with at least a decent level of quality. I'm not gonna waste my time listening to artists like, idk, Ariana Grande or something. Generally the albums people recommemd here on Yea Forums are above or on the same level I'm talking about. If most of the music you listen to is shit or mediocre, maybe you don't know how to look for new music to listen to. But that's just my opinion.
legitimately this, I don't know why anyone would purposefully rate something that is absolutely terrible for that perfect bell curve when we live in an age where you can literally avoid 90% of all the shitty stuff
he will never do it, such is the insecure nature of the ratefag
i'm positive it's a meme album
If you're a fan of a particular genre and you are actively listening to new releases without prior knowledge of the bands then you WILL find most stuff mediocre.
This is also the only way of finding hidden gems and developing your own taste.
Most of my favourite albums have below 100 ratings or aren't on rym at all.
dude, come back with at least 600 ratings more