My rym curve has become too top heavy

my rym curve has become too top heavy
how do you guys fill out your curve
do you purposefully listen to bad music?

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anything Yea Forumstants listen to is bad music

I don't bother because curve autism is stupid. Just listen to what you want to and rate it how you feel. Don't purposefully listen to garbage just to level out your curve. I'd imagine a normal person's listening should be top heavy because most people have some kind of filter to how they approach music and can generally do a good job finding stuff they like.

I just listen to bad genres like thrash and prog metal

What is it about RYM that attracts this kind of autism? You don't really see it often on other rating sites like IMDB.

>caring about having a curve
lol who fucking cares

I've seen similar autism with other sites. People think that you're overrating things if your average isn't exactly 5 as if people listen to/watch things at complete random and don't generally go trying to find stuff they'd enjoy.

If you like everything the same amount, you probably didn't understand most of it, and you probably don't understand what you like.

Just because your curve isn't a perfect bell curve doesn't mean you like everything the same amount.

If OP doesn't like all of those 4s the same amount, he should spread them out


Or there's not enough nuance in a 10 point rating system and you're bound to have those kinds of issues if you rate enough things. But if you get too many points only the most autistic people are going to be able to use it to its full potential.

listen to Yea Forumscore "classics" and it'll even out

How is there not enough nuance? You can literally describe what each star rating means to you personally. It's not RYM's fault if some idiots think 4 means average and 1-3 all mean the same thing.

listen to the lesser albums of your favorite artists

>have album rated 3.5 and another rated 4
>like newly listened to album more than 3.5-rated album but not as much as 4-rated album
Do you put it in 3.5 or 4? Or do you "spread out" the 3.5 and 4 rated albums to satiate curve autism?

Depends on how you're feeling, you can always change it later. You should probably listen more than once before rating anyway.

If you're a sane person who doesn't rate albums based on a single track, you should have a positively skewed curve. I doubt that any of you are professional critics. You aren't obligated to listen to albums you know you'll hate.

Generally I find curve autism stupid. The only thing that annoys me about peoples curves is when they have more then a couple 5's. Like really? You managed to find 30+ albums that are perfect? It just does not seem realistic.

As other anons have said though, of course it will be top heavy. If you are not brain dead you will choose albums to listen to that you will most likely like by looking at things like other reviews, genre and artist.

5 stars doesn't mean perfect. I doubt you'd find anything that's actually perfect. Some people think this is an excuse to never rate anything 5 and just never use that rating but I put far and away favorites as 5s. I don't have 30 but I have 8, which might be too much for you still.

Yeah you can define it how you want, for example, I use this scale for my ratings

0.5 if a copy of this is near me I will destroy it
1 please turn this off when im around
1.5 annoying, boring
2 Average, washes over like water
2.5 Fine
3 Good album that fulfils its goals
3.5 Great album
4 Excellent strong album played semi-often
4.5 On regular rotation, most or all the tracks are wonderful
5 Amazing, all time classic

8 isn't too bad, I personally have 4. I guess I just see it as a bit cheap giving 5's out willy nilly? Like I see giving a 5 meaning its Fantastic, nearly perfect and I just dont think there are more then a couple albums deserving of that credential.

Doesn't matter, you'll still end up in the situation I or that other user described with multiple things put into the same rating that you don't feel identically about.

I mostly rate on personal enjoyment. I'm not trying to be a professional critic, taking apart everything and judging them independently and stuff. I doubt most professionals even do that really.

my rating system ensures that every score is meaningful, and the 0.5 to 2.5 ratings aren't redundant

0.5 Bad
1.0 Average
1.5 Above Average
2.0 Good
2.5 Great
3.0 Excellent!
3.5 A Personal Favorite
4.0 The Best Albums of their Year
4.5 The Best Albums of their Decade
5.0 The Perfect Album, there may only be one

You're probably creating bias based on RYM averages. That's usually what happens when I see friends with an absurd amount of albums w 4/5 stars. Most albums you give a 4/5 are probably not all that great to you.

A lot of young people plus the site is more social like facebook

Yeah I think people who have a bottom heavy curve just have the patience to listen to everything they come across rather than filtering out shit as if it's their job to listen to every album known to man

>there may only be one
why though? If that album didn't exist, would the best current 4.5 be upgraded to 5?

As if "rating" music wasn't autistic enough.
Your curve has absolutely 0 impact on your life.
Stop worrying about the most pointless shit ever.

once you've listened to all Yea Forumscore and all the classics it is going to be pretty top heavy, but after that you should listen to most new releases from relevant labels and artists, after that it is going to balance out

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>casually listens to music without organizing and cataloguing it
gtfo normalfag. Why even listen to music?

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By combining 2.5/5 and lower into one rating and moving everything down to fill the empty space.

By not being a pleb.

This is a really good articulation of something I've always felt but couldn't quite put into words.

nothing has yet made the cut
have not heard a perfect album

>If you like everything the same amount, you probably didn't understand most of it, and you probably don't understand what you like.
Nobody likes "everything the same amount."
People don't actively seek out random music from genres or artists they're totally unfamiliar with.

You're overlooking the fact that people tend to listen to things they think they might enjoy.

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5 star albums for me are the ones i will listen to over and over for my whole life.

I have 61 5 stars because I really like a lot of albums.

>using RYM
get out

also even someone who's mostly listened to music they don't like will have top heavy ratings, because our brains naturally don't remember things that aren't important to us

The only cool part about RYM is the lists. Found a lot of good stuff from lists, Other than that, who cares about the site?

Literally just push all your ratings down one, and use 5.0 for your absolute desert island discs

You are a fucking retard and so are the other people who responded to you.

t. curve autist

The 10-point rating system is ideal because beyond that you get diminishing returns.

Even if we ignore the fluidity of personal taste over time, what practical difference does it make to rate an album 77/100 or 78/100?
Maybe you liked the mix of a particular track slightly better? Maybe you disliked the chord progression of bridge of a song? Maybe you hate fade outs? Maybe you enjoy the album but would've liked something more ambitious?

The point is it's impossible to derive any of that kind of nuance from a single number score. There can be as many thoughtful inputs to the score as you want, but you can't get any of that nuance from a singular numerical output.
If you're scoring from 1 to 100, one point can mean pretty much anything. It's not meaningful or useful.

If you want nuance, use words. Rating numbers are for estimates.

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>2dum to articulate why you disagree

this is why, personally, i think that a 1-30 scale is the optimal scale. there is a meaningful difference between a 27 and a 28, unlike the difference between, say, a 77 and 78 on a 100 point scale. it just makes sense

>If you want nuance, use words.

Hint: Most of the music that you "like" is merely average.

>merely average
that is a subject assessment.

Holy fuck how many albums did you give a 5?