Having trouble finding more artists to put on here. Any recommendations for the lower levels? I’m just not enlightened

Having trouble finding more artists to put on here. Any recommendations for the lower levels? I’m just not enlightened.

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Other urls found in this thread:


there's already a version of this with non-plebby low levels. why are you trying to make this chart if you're such a pleb?

The only artist that goes in the Enlightened category is Hopsin

No, he goes in the category below Ascended. "Corny Gods"

idk just give recommendations and I’ll try and finish it and post the full thing here. Just say the artists name and the level.

Dj Dubbi goes in enlightened.

>asking for spoonfeeding instead of just finding the good version of the meme
you're off to a terrible start on this anyway

holy fuck hang youself

Minimal Man

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Not really spoon feeding. More like just having it be collaborative.

90s bambino goes in enlightened

death grips goes up one level

Not bad actually. Reminds me of Primitive Calculators.

wheres gizzard

Enlightened: Kanye West

Add Foetus/JG thirlwell in weird tier

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Jandek would, by these standards, probably fall somewhere below weird, but definitely higher than degenerate.
I'd also suggest Scott Walker in at least weird.

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Eddie Money at the bottom

DJ Dubbi , in either of the bottom two slots.

this but completely unironically

dj dubbi should be in enlightened

Who? Haven't heard of him.

Hermeto Pascoal

A shill from here. On par with that Chrishop faggot.

dubbi is a dj / hacker / troll and the bane of Yea Forums (for you)
he's schizophrenic, dresses as a clown, and has been shilling relentlessly on Yea Forums for the better part of a decade. he often impersonates others. he conquered the Yea Forums makes an album threads, so they made him their king and produced a tribute album for him available here: mumusic11.bandcamp.com/album/dj-dubbi-is-the-second-coming-of-the-based-god-anthony-fantanos-trip-to-japano
dj dubbi / faqqi / lil deep head's "own" music (much of it is stolen or ghost-produced) is available on too many accounts to list here but if you check any soundcloud / youtube / bandcamp shill thread you can't miss him.

i'm actually not dj dubbi and this is NOT a thread for dubbi discussion, that's why I thought I'd get it all out in the open and we can move past it and onto the real thread topic.

Dubbi is a DJ known for sketchy behaviour and going under multiple names. 90% of "his" music is either stolen or made by a team of about 6 producers. He has stolen whole albums of music from anons on this board and released them as his own.
He's been caught doing a lot of sketchy stuff.

La Mona Jimenez


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Right? Dubbi is annoying as fuck. I personally had one of his other projects removed from soundcloud for hatespeech

Troutface replica in enlightened

and free style jazz

Is this accurate?

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Anything that's on Lovecrypt

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normie tier

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Put Nihiloxica on there

>Royal Trux in the 'Creep' section
just because of Twin Infinitives?
They have a lot of albums, most of them are straight ahead bluesy punk rock

This was SO GOOD fuck

haha yeah I listen to Death Grips they're pretty obscure i guess you could say I'm a bit of a jaded outcast haha yeah

The only legitimately forbidden, outsider form of music in 2019 is RAC and other neo-nazi music. nobody has ever been kicked off paypal, ebay or discogs for selling Peter Sotos albums, and nobody ever will.

Play it to any of your normie friends and you're gonna see for yourself

Absolutely fantastic finding this here, meu amigo

Much better ones have been done already for music.

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How is Steve Reich that low and how is Xiu Xiu that low

I’m retarded I meant how Xiu Xiu that high

Did you put them in at random?
Where would you put Venetian Snares?

Because Whitehouse is in the tier right below it. Below that it just turns into a clusterfuck.

this is all just slight variations of the same paradigm of liberal artkid taste. you're way more likely to find a socially adjusted, slightly geeky suburbanite who listens to Sachiko M, than, say, japanese skinhead music or some kind of raunchy outlaw country

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Lol yeah, you're totally an avant-teen if you enjoy synthpop like Kraftwerk and you're the actual king of pseuds if you listen to Brotzmann (who is literally on the fucking Yea Forumscore chart btw)

Soft Machine
Hatfield and the North
Bull of Heaven


where does tuvan throat singing covers of pop songs go?

Holy fuck based

maybe in 2008

>the Sifter
Fucking kek it's almost literally me.

Probably one of the bottom 2

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>no tuvan throat singing

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If Death Grips are Outsider than so is MF Doom.

I've been here 10 years and I've never heard of this faggot.

Coltrane should be higher

This has more truth to it than it would seem. I'm 39 and spent years trying to find the most obscure music only to eventually realize that the more popular stuff is popular for a reason (it's just better).

That list is based on sound, not fucking ethics.

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What makes you "enlightened" is you stop caring about what others think of how obscure your taste is and just like what you like.

Fucking beat me, cunt.

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>I'm 39 and spent years trying to find the most obscure music only to eventually realize that the more popular stuff is popular for a reason (it's just better).
Not true at all. 99% of popular music is horrible now.

I don't necessarily mean pop music like Taylor Swift or Metallica, but rather what is more well known within a respective genre. I.e., I listened to a lot of industrial when I was younger and wanted to find something more extreme than Skinny Puppy and Ministry and KMFDM, which were the most popular bands at the time. As an edgy teenager I really wanted to dazzle my friends by proclaiming that some obscure band with 10 fans was far superior. In my mind I thought, the more obscure = the cooler I am. After listening to countless derivative knock offs, I eventually realized I was never going to find anything that could top the popular artist of that genre. They were just too good at making that type of music. I've come to the conclusion that the popular artist of most genres are pretty much the best.

Enlightened tier, forbidden knowledge ahead do not open

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Lucky you. He's a nobody. that poster probably is Dubbi desu. He shills and shitposts in Mu Makes An Album threads and Soundcloud threads.

>jaap blonk
Hadatatatat ahh mm
Rrrt pfffpfpfpf zhaneineinei

The popular artist of more obscure genres are better yes, mainly because they're independent from the mainstream industry and therefore they sell themselves on being "good" at that style.
This is how it was before the record industry exploded. In fact, if that industry never recovers, that's where the music industry is heading again.
Feels good man. People are gonna be selling themselves on performance again.

That’s very bad. You should listen to more music. Also it gets better after middle school.

how is death grips outsider music?

>death grips right at the bottom

some rymer already made an iceberg with outsider and avant-garde artists half a decade ago. if you're a more hardcore avant-teen then you can try to make a better one but asking Yea Forums as a collective will definitely produce a more pleb oriented chart

Everyone who listens to sine waves mixed with silence for pleasure is mentally ill.

this is literally rymcore by now, "weird" at best. you might wanna have to find a new le obscure nippon improvisation album to circlejerk over

throbbing gristle? deathpile?

Hirasawa is for enlightened people only.

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>Hans Krüsi was taken in by some local farmers at the age of two and, eight years later, placed in an orphanage. He later found work as a farmhand, although he dreamt of becoming a gardener. Unable to fulfill his wish, he ended up selling flowers in Zurich and, subsequently, in Bern and the canton of Vaud. He settled permanently in Saint-Gallen in 1948, commuting daily from there to Zurich, where he sold flower bouquets along the opulent Bahnhofstrasse.
>Krüsi began drawing at the age of fifty-five, offering his work to customers for a mere pittance. He took up drawing and painting on his own initiative, delving into his childhood memories for the major themes in his pieces: Alpine landscapes, chalets, pine trees, shepherds at work and farm animals.
>He made his first drawings using a felt-tipped pen on napkins, but later resorted to sheets of paper. He also took up painting, using paper, pieces of cardboard and wood panels as supports.
>As of 1980, gallery dealers began taking an interest in his work, but he continued to feel ill at ease seeing his pieces hanging from their walls. Krüsi died in 1995.
>Among the wall-to-wall clutter of Krüsi's ramshackle lodgings, where pigeons flew in and perched, evidence of an unexpectedly experimental spirit abounded, including Krüsi's old cameras and the second-hand tape recorders with which he liked to capture the sounds of birds, insects and church bells.
>The artist's inventiveness and fertile imagination seemed to contrast sharply with his humble way of life. Krüsi took subjects from the agrarian world that he knew: alpine farmhouses, forested mountains, cows, birds, rabbits and cats. In his varied oeuvre, the folkloric and the psychedelic often appear to converge.
>Recordings from Krüsi's tape recorders were released posthumously by Alga Marghen in 2008.

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beyond based

>no sir King Buzzo anywhere to be found
umm shit list buddy

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This but with Xxxtentacion only


>Swans, Lou Reed, Beefheart and Death Grips at the bottom

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Trollface replica

lmao what, is this retarded on purpose?
every basic art hoe listens to death grips and belver underground

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why? ha has both early accessible albums and wild free jazz

wooo so scary and obscure
listen at your discretion, it is very disturbing and may harm you hearing:

this unironically
Gizzard would barely fit into the Outsider slot. They're getting more popular for sure, but they're just not Casual yet.
>Death Grips
>Jaded Outcast

also can the person shilling DJ Dubbi fuck off? thanks

Kishi Bashi is enlightened because it's too obscure for normies but too pop for Yea Forums

>Pet Shop Boys
Lmao what?

>Pet Shop Boys
Pet Shop Boys albums and singles were almost coinsistently at the top of the charts in the UK.

Vashti Bunyan
Alex G

in real life, yes, on this board, no

where's the good version

All of these charts just boil down to "people who listen to noise are cRaZy LOL!"

Coltrane should be lower

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Godsneed You Fat Redditor is not Weird tier

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kek basado

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doesn’t that nibba literally have an album called Ascension?

yeah all of his free jazz albums have that ascending beyond human comprehension primordial chaos vibe


good taste
I just listened to Lighght for the first time the other day and loved it.

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From my experience the test of time is the ultimate pleb filter. The shitty, forgettable musicians fall into obscurity while the good ones stick around years after they've disbanded.
For the most part of course. I've heard some legitimately good shit from gigs that just fell apart and vanished as soon as they started.

agreed that album is some freaky shit

we should make a version of this chart for each level and make a giant image that show which version of this chart each level uses.

My thoughts exactly

Iasos is the only living artist who belongs in the "Enlightened" group.

ching chong corp or whatever fucking blows.
ESPRIT 空想 Is where it at

The sifter is literally me. Sifting through the clearance bin is an excellent way to discover music and you aren't giving money to jews. I actually bought Dorkcore the compact disc because I listen to that shit unironically.

>MF Doom

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This is the only decent version of the meme for music

Would you shut the fuck up? Nobody wants to listen to your shit, post in bandcamp/soundcloud shill threads like the rest of us

fuck ow my ears, do people really pretend to enjoy this

Then don't fucking make it.