/tg/ tinnitus general
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How hard is it to just not listen to really loud music?
Like turn that shit down nigga lol
i got mine from jamming with a friend who had already made himself half deaf constantly wanting to turn himself up and another occasion of mixing some noisey shit on bad headphones.
it's all mostly gone at this point. recognized the shit happening early and changed my headphone habits. the ringing still happens sometimes but less frequently so pretty sure it's fixable. didn't even have to kill myself
i dont have tinnitus but im kind of concerned about getting it because i listen to music constantly day in and day out, any tips to prevent tinnitus?
Don't play that shit too loud.
Listen at
It's not too bad, only a faggot would kill themselves because of it desu.
Every musician has tinnitus
Everyone to ever make good music has constant noise in their ears
i can't tell if i actually have it or if i'm just an autist who is able to focus too hard on the normal noise of blood circulating and so on. it's not really intrusive, though i notice it more if i'm hungover or drink too much coffee or something similar. also it gets way worse if i jut my jaw out, pressing on the nerve or something i guess?
I'm the same way. It has never actually bothered me though so I can't imagine it's real tinnitus.
headphones are your enemy most the time. if you're outside and they drown out the outside world you're fucked. you want a passing car to get in the way of your listening experience.
some people are just super sensitive to sound. if it's not a high pitched ringing you're probably fine but still be careful
Hyperacusis is much worse
yeah i'm definitely careful. earplugs are a constant drumming or at shows and i respect the volume of my headphones. except one incident where i was on molly and put my left ear right up the monitor but i digress. i used to get ear infections all the time as a kid and just never told anyone so it's probably precarious and i have to be vigilant
>be musician
>mfw purposefully mix some instruments loudly and leads extremely low so you have to turn your volume to %80 and get your hearing knocked out by the drums
I don't hear ringing and shit but my ears have hurt like hell since the Tyler concert last Thursday. I didn't realize I was gonna be seated as low as I was and there was a lot of screaming.
i recently developed that. it fucking sucks, but i've learned to manage pretty quickly.
audible tinnitus
Please tell me how it’s driving me insane it hurts so fucking much. I can’t listen to music at all
That entirely depends if your head phones are open back or close back
Wear earplugs at metal shows boys, trust me you don't want this shit. I got it a year ago cus I got too drunk and high to remember to put them in. 1 show was all it took
you just have to ignore it and pretend it isn't there. i can listen to most music fine without earbuds or headphones now. earbuds, headphones, and some mixes or extremely loud music still bothers me. if you don't think about it, it'll be significantly better
For some reason seeing these threads makes me really happy
Not 'cause suicide makes me happy or anything but because
THIS >>>>>>> waifuthreads, /pol/, etc.
Try pink noise too
Hyperacusis is your brain incorrectly sending a pain signal to your ears at a much lower volume than it should. Pink noise helps desensitize them. And yeah there’s a psychological component too, ignoring it helps
Probably dehydration friend
Tinnitus is terrifying
I listen to music at 30% at most, and I usually have issues with people talking too loud everywhere
It's all a matter of exposure to high volume constantly, so your ears get fucked up. I recently bought t2 monitors and now I understand why people go deaf on this stuff. It's very addicting
Take a five minute break in between listening to albums and adjust the volume every so often if it's mastered loudly. When you can, switch to speakers instead of headphones.
You probably will get tinnitus eventually if you play an instrument or listen to music for more than an hour a day though. Just make sure it doesn't get severe. I have tinnitus and barely notice it.
We all die anyway
What a little bitch.
I've had tinnitus for as long as I can remember and I hardly ever even notice it.
And I have been listening to a shitload of music through head/earphones and have gone to loads of extremely loud concerts.
Always wear plugs though.
Doesn't seem like it has ever gotten worse though, and my hearing is still quite sensitive (although to be fair, I think that's mostly because my autistic brain picks up on way more details, which normal people just filter out. Might still have a little physical hearing damage but nothing major)
I've developed tinnitus and it kinda sucks how it's changed my habits, I just have a small ringing that goes unnoticed by regular activity but i can hear it if i pay attention to it and also I used to at night just lay in bed and listen to the quietness i guess, but now i can't do that i have to keep myself distracted in my mind while I'm in bed.