Attached: FA.jpg (2048x1676, 662K)

Other urls found in this thread: friend how are you doing/ sharkman in/'s feet/ yeji doing this/ for yeji/ yejibros/ wanted a yeji thread/ slugman / sharkman / GENERAL/text/sluggo/ generaI/* roastie/ look at who he's replying to/ erper/ illness general/ her feet/ her ass/ yuna's ass/ for making a mess/ troll/ us choabro/ us nakybro/ irene's ass/ yummy cummies/ about sinb/ choa released/ mentioned/ Recs:/ girl is beautiful, specially her nose/ me it's loli/ cunt/

first for yeji

our angels...

we wanted a seulgi thread

You hideous fat gaypoop fags are in for a surprise

Attached: 1550136413280.png (325x316, 37K)

my wife has a pretty big dick

Attached: 1568562107387.jpg (720x960, 94K)

>i-it's just perspective

Attached: taem.jpg (779x627, 179K)

Heavenly angels

jihyo had the most disappointing teaser

>porn stars are smaller than average
this is the most desperate cope i've ever seen. and like i said the vast majority of porn i watch is amateur couples. always very very small

frustrated americans pls go

>mogs everyone else in this planet

so much ROTY contenders this year
txt x1 oneus ateez stray kids and daehwi's group

the jav ones, yeah

nice source

he’s clearly standing in the front there

Attached: moonbyul solar cheeks.webm (452x500, 444K)

very gay here without slugbros

Attached: 86CE0952-C650-41DA-B510-1BB4966CA4C9.jpg (1800x1200, 1.07M)


Attached: 201908241814777439_5d61028d4ae13.jpg (530x662, 37K)

Attached: minji_1963.jpg (1200x1800, 288K)

>stray kids

ugly with that horse dung


so that's why there's so much animosity towards SEAs

Attached: 202600yiihn78npc447c2n.jpg (1080x1616, 166K)

love your work doc

Attached: fyRO14202536_ori.jpg (900x1405, 161K)

are you sure how perspective works?

gay kids got roty last year or are they going to pull a loona?

txt doesn't stand a chance

Attached: 1568153521241.jpg (749x1228, 107K)

X1 is obviously gonna win, they have all the ties needed since they’re from MNET

ai is getting smart

Attached: pure_maiden.jpg (512x768, 76K)

amateur you dumb fuck. korean couples, revenge porn, stuff like that

if you go to a porn site, the amateur section, find the first white couple you see. then try and find an asian guy that's the same size. you can't do it. asians have small dicks and that's just a fact

sodom will pay

Attached: 1568659195521.jpg (806x1200, 140K)

we're always here

Attached: 1562278289307.webm (640x988, 875K)

Attached: 《极限青春》完整版第4期:王一博在线套路程潇,撞倒她后开心到翻跟头 {C (1280x720, 2.65M)

Attached: chewy_cunninglinguist.jpg (1024x678, 161K)

as someone who has lived in both korea and japan. and has used public baths and swimming pools many times where people just walk around with their dicks out. i gotta say. it's only related to height. big guy, big dick, small guy, small dick. some small guys have big dicks and vice versa. but japanese are way smaller than koreans, so i doubt their dicks are bigger.

Attached: 47356877809.jpg (1500x1000, 223K)

Whos that?

nooo my oppa has 7 inches!

I always assumed that gross fags like gaypoopers because of the twink aesthetic and their feminine qualities. Do those deluded retards thing they have big d*cks?

Attached: 66114973_479401252820829_5889088156055244668_n.jpg (899x899, 74K)

sehun is confirmed hung btw

Attached: style_5860d31791dab-821x1024.jpg (821x1024, 91K)

it's clearly asian guys defending their own penises

Yo the new 7teen song is lit as fuck

kpop is all a fantasy. roasties and fags like to think their husbandos can really fuck them good but that's just not the reality

Attached: file.jpg (1002x726, 132K)

we fear them, flips are the most powerful race in the world lel

disgusting shart

There is a correlation between d*ck size and height but it's not strong. D*ck size is determined by genetics

i want to shove that umbrella up dubu’s
i want to shove sana tzuyu and momo up dubu’s

what happened to loona

why are you even looking at their dicks? haven't you got some gaypop to avatar?

does anyone have a link of full stream of kcon 2019 in japan

Attached: baby lizzy.jpg (500x643, 38K)

my step dad

compared to the other members in his group maybe. in reality he's probably like 6 inches

I'm just here for the music

even if koreans are on average half as big as whites, statistically out of a million koreans some of them will have 10 inch dicks


Attached: pokpakbased.jpg (480x800, 24K)

Doctor Myoui, mad scientist

Attached: 02r.jpg (1333x2000, 346K)

No that's not the one.

based baekhyun for spilling on him

ROTY next year my dude, you'll see

how are you supposed to watch porn without seeing the guy's dick? it seems like porn must be very unpleasant for you

Based Once

shut the fuck up already

complete failure

no, youre here for dicks


Attached: sluttybu.webm (800x700, 2.7M)

this is why you should stop watching porn

>white guys have 20“ dicks

most gay pops are pretty tall. a 6 foot tall gaypop is probably gonna have a bigger dick than a 5 foot tall seamonkey regardless of proportionate size.

Attached: file.jpg (680x1023, 160K)

Attached: baby Nana.jpg (1001x729, 111K)

lesbians, i don't watch homo stuff

stop that dubu!

no, i don't think so. i think there's a cap, with the exception being those gigantic 7 ft koreans. but a 6' asian guy with a 10 inch dick? i honestly don't think that exists


Attached: 1567290206237.jpg (1590x2384, 660K)

>most gay pops are pretty tall

Attached: Hana10.jpg (1280x1920, 1.14M)

>pretty tall

Attached: lmao.jpg (578x578, 56K)

no, gaypops aren't tall, even for koreans. backup dancers constantly heightmog them and they get heightmogged when they come to the US, too

5'10 gaypops are considered tall

you don't?

based sana at the end

sorry i brought up dick size last thread
i didnt know id ruin this thread as a result

How sheltered and out of touch are you gaypoopers? Literal incel fags. Anyone who has traveled in Asian knows that the local condoms are small happened to me in China

is it possible for them to grow taller or does it completely stop after puberty

stop talking about dicks, start talking about seulgi

Attached: 4395785_9.jfif.jpg (750x1335, 168K)

5'10 is gigantic for a gaypop. 5'7 is tall by their standards

i've seen korean porn with those big brick shithouse gooks, you know those turbo chad types with cinder block heads and really broad shoulders, and even those guys usually have like 4 inch dicks

I live vicariously through her

how long is her dick

Talking about an uggo? Pass

Why leave my house if I can sit on my arse and watch other people having fun.

Attached: 15685129803360.jpg (1080x1350, 92K)

5'7 is average

you can pretty much ruin any thread on Yea Forums by talking about dicks

why the fuck did you even bring it up in the first place, you should have known better

fucking shitpushing fudgepacking fakkit

Attached: 1567553239464.jpg (1280x719, 139K)

the fuck is that thing

My best dreams don't look this good

Attached: 2019 Idol Star Athletics Championships [E04 Chuseok Special].webm (1282x720, 2.91M)

>the degeneracy in this thread

Attached: jiu and wony.jpg (540x771, 101K)

>North Korea
>implying we have access to that kind of information from the most isolated country in the world

Yeah, that list is bullshit.

Looks like Tao. I wonder if they keep in touch with the Chinese members..

Attached: 1568152466306.jpg (1080x1080, 110K)

is there a name for reverse-"muh dick"?

it's rare but it happens. dennis rodman was like 5'6 when he was drafted and then grew like a foot at age 20

Bacontranny in tears because his "husbando" probably has a tiny dick

why? isn't it better for him to cuck you with a guy than with a girl

Are there any GGs right now who could pick up the title of "Queens of Quirk" from Crayon Pop,

The kinda group to just do silly shit and make you smile?

Attached: gundel.gif (525x295, 2.3M)

this is the best thread we've had in weeks

meine geliebte schnecke...

Attached: 1567553385532.jpg (1200x1800, 1.64M)

gfriend thread

i think they just assumed that it's the same in the north

it’s funny because all the chinese members probably make more money than exo now

Attached: EEpk2dUUUAAqDGD.jpeg.jpg (620x930, 85K)

so gay and mentally ill in here without yejibros

learn to read
dick size has no correlation to height

did they?

unironically, saturday

Attached: 5f6693541e8a237c3b91b82323c450b6.jpg (1024x1280, 129K)

freakin YUCK

you're gonna summon the autistic one

you are arguing with insecure Terry Wangs and Jeffrey Zhangs

I wish. Kpop's been no fun allowed for a couple years.

Attached: 1564854872605.webm (432x600, 1.39M)

mental illness friend how are you doing/ sharkman in/'s feet/ yeji doing this/ for yeji/ yejibros/ wanted a yeji thread/ love her so much with all of my heart.../ us shartman/ here without yejibros/

based dicklover

feed gahyeon

it's called a woman, something you came out of. quit the chemsex party before your brain gets starved of oxygen

Attached: EDyatknU0AA-THV.jfif.jpg (453x680, 51K)

you guys are retarded and never been to korea before. a group of all 5'7 guys isn't going to make girls vaginas wet.
there's at least one 6 foot tall member in nearly every group.

why would it be better if it was a guy? i was talking about how he probably faces a lot of pressure especially since he's an idol

Attached: 1567809024918.jpg (2048x1536, 328K)

not BTS

my gf signing to me that she loves me


Attached: 68784382_509349683210706_3394113941118501630_n.jpg (1080x1350, 140K)

now that thing is hideous

mental illness general slugman / sharkman / GENERAL/text/sluggo/ generaI/* roastie/ look at who he's replying to/ erper/ illness general/ her feet/ her ass/ yuna's ass/ for making a mess/ troll/ us choabro/ us nakybro/ irene's ass/ yummy cummies/ about sinb/ choa released/ mentioned/ Recs:/ girl is beautiful, specially her nose/ me it's loli/ cunt/ mental illness/

loona and their loonatv

still waiting patiently for an Orange Caramel comeback

that's absurd. if you compare a 5'5 and a 6'5 guy, the 6'5 will have a bigger penis 99 times outta 100. he's just more masculine in general and has bigger everything

Just more proof that that list is stupid.

the fuck is that thing

If anything, he probably has it better than most people since he's a famous idol.

Attached: 1565717887660.jpg (1338x2048, 291K)

More interested in making clueless "westerner" amerimutt gaypooper fags mad.

For me, it's 15th.

Attached: WhoA warning.jpg (3840x2160, 867K)

i only like girl dicks

I'm just here for Minass and Sanass

Attached: 1554688960603.png (500x868, 719K)

dog ass

i wish

Attached: EEpk2dcUwAAczOe.jpeg.jpg (791x1187, 121K)

>a group of all 5'7 guys
Stray Kids

You don't dream hard enough.

Attached: file.jpg (729x877, 99K)

Why are their mouths slightly open?
Mouth breathers?

i can name a bunch that don't have anyone that tall

Well that's probably true since they are literally genetically the same people

i have the best taste in non kpop music for sure

Flavor Fanatics

Attached: 445679640f24ec1cc2242ce747b26e76.jpg (1333x2000, 590K)

stray kids are all very short, probably the shortest male group on average too

Attached: D2_06SwU8AEHWrz.jpg (2048x1365, 288K)

No, it's because women with slightly open mouths are perceived as more "inviting". That's why models do it a lot.

t. the body language guy

Stray Kids are all manlets

just momo and sana

the best kind

Attached: 1559921782354.jpg (1483x1192, 269K)

our boy young jeezy found love

Attached: 69420926_383115009266485_6993381987104745084_n.jpg (1080x1186, 172K)

no i do

i'd assume starving NKers would have smaller dicks, they are way shorter too

where is that? what building is that?

I guess the ones with their mouths closed like jihyo's are happily married

They have vastly different nutrition levels and standards of living.

Anyway, that list is stupid. It's just a hodgepodge collection of random studies, half of which are based on surveys of self-measured lengths.

it's called hgh

Already said that there is a very small correlation between height and size.

Attached: ia_200003304.jpg (1388x2080, 737K)


Attached: 1563895804589.webm (360x866, 810K)

i'm looking at bunnymeat though

and you're an idiot

Attached: shorts.webm (998x1080, 2.96M)

shut up, meg

i want to suck megan's dic.. i mean megan can get it.
fuck this gay thread.

Moscow, the Ukraine hotel.

Attached: 15685129803361.jpg (1080x1350, 98K)

their bodies are just overall underdeveloped

yiren whoa...

neat. thanks

Im gonna be a star star im gonna be im im gonna be im gonna be a star star im gonna im im gonna be im gonna be a star star

Attached: aoa.jpg (2048x1536, 570K)

is there any kpop with completely unadulterated ears?

jihyo mogged

fast life
nice car
big house
korean idol girlfriend


who is this girlie? someone posted her in the previous thread but i'm out of the kpop loop

Attached: 1568750590320.webm (563x1000, 2.99M)

Attached: pokpakretro.jpg (640x847, 80K)

>your son calls me HEY too

Attached: 15624878070980.jpg (1080x1080, 241K)


Attached: ia_300003396.jpg (1000x1500, 158K)

So is that bitch JK's girlfriend or not?

Attached: 1545776216162.jpg (1200x1080, 154K)

thank you :)

titcows usually have meh-tier bodies

Attached: twice 0987.jpg (2474x1444, 371K)

we don't care about japanese girls here

why was she in russia? meeting with an oil billionaire for 35k like G.NA?

megan looks terrible sometimes but the horse show was super cute

his fuckbuddy

all the goys and shiksas OK OK

Attached: 190427 WJ Station 우정 2기 팬미팅(Ujung 2nd Fanmeeting) 우주소녀(WJSN) 엑시(EXY) 우주� (592x920, 70K)


Attached: 1568568082424.jpg (699x1050, 89K)

for me it's sanarse


>The relationship between height and penile size in (Korean) university students.

Attached: .jpg (894x430, 69K)

Attached: 1547293436014.jpg (1080x1920, 365K)

She was visiting me, sorry.

Attached: hellin in russia.jpg (1080x608, 89K)


Attached: ia_300003397.jpg (1000x1500, 157K)

Looks like a lesbian like him. Bighit said they are not dating

she's back

Attached: 1566247570418.jpg (540x810, 412K)

They performed in Moscow a few weeks ago.

Attached: -184521064_457241605.jpg (1333x1000, 239K)

one of them farted and they don't want to smell it
>getting close to 200k views
idk who picked that song but it was a great move

Attached: EEmtHf5UUAA8IyI.jpg (2000x3000, 1.14M)

who's your favorite male and female vocalists from each era starting from the 60s?

Attached: yeji in russia.jpg (1080x1344, 1.62M)

Attached: 1545247031174.webm (1022x800, 2.66M)

tallest 3 are he best, ass/legs wins

Attached: 00122844880.jpg (2105x3157, 435K)

Attached: file.jpg (730x953, 158K)

eunseo, why are you such a staunch supporter of open borders everywhere except for israel?

Attached: -184521064_457241429.jpg (959x1280, 321K)

>megan looks terrible sometimes
when you forget your glasses maybe

Damn. Now that you mention it, only gays are touchy-touchy like that with girls.

Attached: 1566311112084.gif (250x277, 1.88M)

cub ass wins here

Attached: cublat.webm (640x640, 1.07M)

Attached: -184521064_457241478.jpg (1280x1280, 642K)

Attached: -184521064_457241494.jpg (1488x1488, 532K)

Megan looks like a basic bitch white roastie. Do not want

Attached: 1566522067403.jpg (564x1002, 149K)

more for me

Attached: ia_200003329.jpg (961x961, 91K)

not with her caricature tier mouth area

>not Twice

in your dreams
she is my wife


Attached: 1560934666326.jpg (1482x2048, 256K)

Any slugji chads in

kind of based

Attached: 1539031731957.webm (1280x720, 689K)


>for orbits who haven't heard about the jinsoul incident a fansite was recording loona going inside then jinsoul was coming inside and the back of her p*nts was unz*pp*d orbits were making th*rst jokes then bbc staff started dming orbits to deleted the video/pic of jinsoul

Where's the pic?

Attached: 1566944684911.jpg (2048x1194, 362K)

fuck off lia isn't japanese

If god existed Dami would skip the euro tour instead of Handong

how about some mina

Attached: 1563333594586.jpg (756x1182, 170K)

no fair... how late am i

Attached: HarshLegitimateFlies.webm (1920x824, 2.75M)


Attached: 1566112270230.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)


Attached: 1560451239902.png (245x183, 7K)

she looked so FUCKING hot in that video

Attached: (ENG SUB) WJSN(우주소녀) Boom School Rapper WJSN - (5_7) [IDOL LEAGUE]{owZkSYpd9jM}-9.webm (1032x750, 1.9M)

Attached: 1557944982659.webm (1080x1920, 498K)

dubutt wins actually. she's just more modest

nah cubposter, she's qt but 12 years old body tier

Attached: 1565481643871.jpg (828x1104, 199K)

Attached: EBC427NUIAApSlp.jpg (2505x3617, 2.58M)

They're all deleted.

useful post

now this is what i like

imagine being this gay

Attached: 1544319226299.jpg (3840x4000, 2.47M)

gonna lewd her

Attached: 1553136824686.webm (570x1080, 1.08M)

i want megan to stab me to death while making eye contact the whole time

Attached: 7fg587cf6gb89sd7f69.png (500x410, 81K)

Is this Suga

Attached: 1568669216858.webm (592x1028, 1.88M)

jeongers is leggy af

Attached: jeongyeon yes or yes.webm (1280x536, 853K)

don't lewd Mina

Attached: frame_105_delay-0.1s.png (360x640, 94K)

stabbing is a bit excessive
I usually just want her to spit on my face and step on me


we're not even talking about her

Whoa. That's pretty hot. I expected to be disappointed. Looks like she's not wearing panties.

wow thats it? she probably wasn't even aware


Attached: mina wil cheeks.webm (606x1080, 2.75M)

damn, orbits really are forever BASED, i knew it
fuck the haters

so there are cute clc fans and not landwhales?

nigga you can actually measure how she's smaller and less curvy than the others, is not even subjective

literally doesn't even have an ass

do you think panties go all the way up to someones bellybutton

russian girls are usually cute

>looks like
maybe you shouldn't judge a book by its cover

you're actually not allowed to have an opinion on this matter

Attached: 1544698430455.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Attached: 1541952565124.webm (743x1001, 1.56M)

Jinsoul's hip pads...

first olivia's boobies and jinsoul

delete this

Attached: 1563948960858.webm (626x360, 564K)

Twice members need to show their asses so we can compare them and settle this discussion


Attached: 0652de9d828394cb830a33fbd782ac1a.jpg (1333x2000, 405K)

>first olivia's boobies


i appreciate all their asses

she flashed her titties at a concert

no, most of them are ugly, naggy bitches

Attached: mina butt upskirt.webm (606x1080, 1.59M)

she flashed



Attached: 1561199949845.webm (640x590, 1.28M)

your waifuism is numbing your senses

Attached: f987.webm (1280x720, 1.57M)

Attached: 1547287259823.webm (512x736, 1.37M)

oink oink


Attached: frame_065_delay-0.1s.png (360x640, 99K)

Attached: 1541889156832.webm (1616x1440, 2.83M)


Attached: mina cleavage.webm (726x828, 1.17M)

look up fancams from 190424

Attached: 1543691851516.jpg (1024x768, 111K)

i'm not a pedo but

most clcfans are attractive, particularly sornchads

oh my...

based 'rin always delivering

Attached: arin undies2.webm (600x720, 890K)

I'm cooooooooooming

Attached: 1566934201106.jpg (1000x1202, 38K)

this thread got off to a real rough start but it ended nicely


Is this the most brutal mogging of all time?

Attached: nana and lizzy 2.webm (1280x720, 1.3M)

Post the Jennie webm where she's sitting down and showing off her panties.

who's the uggo on the left


Attached: 1561096397915.webm (406x454, 1.07M)

Things would be different if they went to America.

Attached: -184521064_457241377.jpg (1279x1279, 282K)

attractive fans for an attractive idol

eunwoo is really average looking

Attached: 1567289950687.jpg (1100x1500, 174K)

blackpink thread and protect blackpink

stop lewding pure girls

word lewd mina instread

how did you find that pic?

based kpopfapper saving the thread in the end

this one?

Attached: jennie hammer.webm (534x950, 2.9M)

the only acceptable Eunwoo

Attached: schuugnag4py.jpg (1278x1920, 258K)

jungkook looks like a rat


Attached: mina oopsie.png (540x466, 375K)


Attached: 5058ccf4-5a73-11e9-bbcc-84176f6dd1e7_image_hires_155457.jpg (1200x800, 172K)

Rodents are cute. That's not really an insult

only female rodent idols are cute

It was on the expo site.

Attached: -184521064_457241989.jpg (1622x2160, 1.03M)

the clcrat is ugly
elkie and seunghee >

are you implying you find some gaypoops cute? faggot


i can't believe he posted this