Is it just me or is music the most emotionally impacting form of media? My favorite movies might occasionally give me goosebumps but nothing else ever gives me the same feeling as my favorite albums. Can anyone else relate? Pic unrelated ofc
Is it just me or is music the most emotionally impacting form of media...
agree, music is the only art form that can give me goosebumps, and pretty consistently the same songs
ever hear music in a movie? now thats something... very impactful
Tldr but I love whatevers happening in the photo
Sometimes, just browsing Yea Forums is enough to evoke uh emotions in me.
tl;dr: my balls feel tingly
They're smashing the patriarchy.
i've accepted that it varies from person to person; i love film and music, but i'm completely dead to visual art(painting/sculpture); also love good prose but poetry just annoys me
Film and literature are far superior to music in every way.
Music just triggers an asmr response, film and lit makes you think and change the way you percieve the world.
>film and lit makes you think and change the way you percieve the world.
Are you the retard from that Love Supreme thread a while back?
i'm just gonna drop some tarko insights now
"Cinema is the one art form where the author can see himself as the
creator of an unconditional reality, quite literally of his own world.
In cinema man's innate drive to self-assertion finds one of its fullest
and most direct means of realisation. A film is an emotional reality,
and that is how the audience receives it — as a second reality.
The fairly widely held view of cinema as a system of signs therefore
seems to me profoundly and essentially mistaken. I see a false
premise at the very basis of the structuralist approach.
We are talking about the different kinds of correlation with reality
on which each art form bases and develops its own distinct set of
conventions. In this respect 1 classify cinema and music among the
immediate art forms since they need no mediating language. This
fundamental determining factor marks the kinship between music
and cinema, and for the same reason distances cinema from
literature, where everything is expressed by means of language, by a
system of signs, of hieroglyphics. The literary work can only be
received through symbols, through concepts — for that is what words
are; but cinema, like music, allows for an utterly direct, emotional,
sensuous perception of the work. "
"With music, cinema is an art
which operates with reality. That is why 1 am so against struc-
turalist attempt to look at a frame as a sign of something else, the
meaning of which is summed up in the shot. The critical methods
of one phenomenon cannot be applied mechanically and indiscri-
minately to another, yet that is what such an approach attempts.
Take a particle of music — it is dispassionate, free of ideology. So
too one cinema frame is always a particle of reality, bearing no idea;
only the film as a whole could be said to carry, in a definite sense,
an ideological version of reality. A word on the other hand is itself
an idea, a concept, to some extent an abstraction. A word cannot
be an empty sound. "
for you :
"If we turn to painting, by way of comparison, we find there is
always a distance between the picture and the viewer, a distance
that has been marked out in advance and which makes for a certain
reverence towards what is depicted, for an awareness that what is in
front of the beholder — whether he finds it comprehensible or
not — is an image of reality: it would never occur to anyone to
identify a picture with life. Obviously you can talk about whether
what is on the canvas is 'life-like' or not; but in the cinema the
audience never loses the feeling that the life being projected onto
the canvas of the screen is 'really and truly' there. A person will
often judge a film by the laws of real life, imperceptibly substitut-
ing, for those on which the author has based his film, laws derived
from his ordinary, humdrum experience. Hence certain paradoxes
in the way audiences appreciate films. "
and now the Sculpting In Time ad is over
It's because music is the most abstract performance art.
Music is the most subjective form of art and the closest to the human "soul".
Then go to or and spread your retarded opinions there
>that exposed tummy
Literature is too one dimensional.
Sauce on the pic pls
who's the girl in yellow shirt?
why God? why must I COOOOOOOOM?!
fucking virgin
Give some examples of books you've read
It's Fantano, obviously
Nothing has impacted and improved my lifestyle and state of mind than music.
I think it's just a matter of what form of media is your personal favorite. What you said could probably be flipped around for people who prefer film, or changed to apply to people who are most into books.
hot image also
based awOOOgaa posterrr
Antoinette Fantano
That won’t prove me wrong and you know it.
Why make it so transparent that you're just waiting to say whatever books are mentioned in the response are shit just so you can feel justified in disregarding what the guy said?
Music is definitely the most distinctly emotional, but movies and video games have greater emotional impact by definition-- they combine music with story and interaction.
Think how satisfying it is to play a videogame when the music syncs up to what you're doing, or how memorable it is when the boss music comes on and you have to fight.
man I got distracted thinking of examples. Gears 5 just came out and I think Gears 3 has one of the most emotionally powerful scenes I've ever seen (when dom dies)
I’ve had one moment where the music in a video game worked with what was currently happening, and that was in Red Dead Redemption when you first get to Mexico and have to ride your horse to Escalera. Frankly, playing a game just distracts from the actual quality of the music. There have been countless instances of listening to a song where I have a borderline religious experience, whereas the Red Dead example I gave didn’t even come close to that. Works better in cinema, but that’s obviously a very calculated effort, when in music it’s really a toss-up what will have emotional impact for any individual, and that’s what really makes the experience rich and memorable.
100% is. the most emotional moments in movies/tv/video games/whatever often have music backing the scene even.
it's the only medium of art that you dont need your eyes for
>inb4 nighas who read in braille
I'd smash their patriarchy