/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

Nylon Edition

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

On last night's episode of /gg/:

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Other urls found in this thread:

promusic.rs/Gitarski paketi

>tfw you see yourself in the mirror with a genuine Gibson™ Les Paul Standard for the first time

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Kaka theory

What power tubes do you queers like? Do they even make much of a tonal difference?

>power tubes
lmao here comes jcope with his shitty jcm900 and
>b-but it's n-not the 5881 v-version
for the 1000th time

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I don't know I only have a Katana and haven't even looked at the tubes yet. Whatever they are they sound great.

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any potential in this melody?

I prefer solid state amps

Yeah, the mega link is wrong yet again

about ohms: can I run an amp with a 4 Ohm output into a cab that has 16 Ohm input without damaging anything? I assume it would just be quieter than running an amp with a 16 Ohm output into the same cab.

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werks on my machine ;^)

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I like kt77s. They are a nice balance with shimmery cleans. My amp currently has e34l in it but will put el34 in soon

I think so yeah, speaker impedance has to be at least the output impedance of the amp. That is, if it's a tube amp.
Solid state amps can't be damaged this way.

My amp has EL34. It's compatible with 6L6 but I have no interest in trying them

Based King of the Blues

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I don't get it

Is nylon string guitar, dare I say it, based and redpilled?

>picking multiple strings at once
>no plectrum required
>sounds pleasant as hell
>no effects or amps needed
>strings feel nicer than electric or steel string acoustic

I picked up a bunch of plectrums today. I quiet like the jazz 3 and the 1.5mm-2.00mm ones, they play really nicely. Not a huge fan of the thinner ones, but it's a shame that I have to trade tone for play style.

You have to pay ohmage to the amp's output

You too never heard of the Jim Bon Jovis?

Half of it is fingerpicking and it can be done on any kind of guitar.

Just play everything with thick picks

yeah. i do now.

Try kt77s. A nice in between tube with more headroom.

Where are my pedal posters at? Post boards, wanted gear, maybe even trades?

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Debating a compressor but all the comps I've used don't work well on humbuckers.

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The SL compressor would fit quite nicely beside that EP booster desu


Do you mean SP Compressor, also by Xotic?

I had one briefly and try as I might, it just didn't work with humbuckers. I'd be fooled into thinking it did nothing. I think HB are just too high output for most compressors and I need something better.

Why do you need all that shit? Why not just get an amp with good distortion?

Depends on the Amp desu. The problem is by the time you start worrying about the type of tube, you’ll notice that even 2 of the same tube can be “””different” and you fall down the rabbit hole from there

Why are Les Pauls always uglier with a pickguard?

Lol my board isn’t even finished. His is quite managable, ideal if he’s playing a weekly gig really

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Self explanatory.
>EP boost
Essential for my "clean" and country/folk tone. Even zeroed out and just having it on colors your tone in a magical way.
This is the most useful thing on any pedalboard.
>Noise Gate
>Delay & Reverb
Every board needs it.

The rest, sure, but I like how they sound. The BE-OD is my main distortion because my amp can't go high gain well. The TS and Haunt I could get rid of but I love how they sound. TS piped into BE-OD is great.

>tuner placement

Now that the dust has settled, was he justified?

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but the master released a compressor for humbuckers

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Funny you mention this one. My previous iteration of my board had it. It did very little for HB as well.

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What is your unpopular /gg/-related opinion?

Jazz-III picks are shit

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My unpopular opinion is that how a neck feels takes a front seat to the sound. I'd rather play a comfortable as fuck guitar than one that sounds amazing.

>Jazz-III picks are shit
You just need to get used to it.

Comfort is everything. Sound can be fixed with so much shit that you shouldn't worry about it.

Could be said about anything

The only good single coil sound is a split humbucker

Sometimes shit buffers on pedals sound good

Not high action. Trust me, i've been trying for a few years already.

How come you didn't just get a setup?

Faggotry. Either learn to sound good without it or stop calling yourself a guitarist

You truly enjoy polishing turds

>i’m too poor and/or don’t have the auditory capability to know why a pedal will make my sound better

Why haven't you gotten good at Guitar?
Why don't you learn how to read music and play something that a classical guitarist couldn't learn in 5 minutes?
Playing electric guitar without training or dedication is babby mode to classically trained guitarists.

Git gud /gg/

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I've tried, it just doesn't get any lower than what it is without buzzing. Luthiers around my area are all shit, so that doesn't help either.
I guess i've taken a few positive things from it though. I've toughened up my fingers and learned not to buy cheap ibanez guitars. I hope this helps with something once i get a decent guitar.

>I'm too much of a spoiled weak zoomer to be able to sound good without pedals

What's this from?

Is oud allowed in this thread? Been playing for 11 years.

Lol they ragequit

Straight from your mom's vagina

Thanks bro


Quit concerning yourself with gear and worry about getting good through practicing. What and how you practice should be practical, tried-and-true methods. Doing so will immensley improve your ability to play normal songs you currently find difficult, because playing classical music is already harder than what you'll come across anywhere else.

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Ok so what are these tried and true classical methods

Treat yourself when you get a new one proper

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Does this look like /og/ to you?

Play something medieval for us

What did he mean by this?

Blues guitar is for plebs, but blues inspired guitar is fine

>it's a "answered a bassist wanted" ad and it turned out the guy was a psycho and I may end up raped or dead episode
Send help it happened again.

You'd have to play some cool stuff for us to accept you

The Carcassi Method, Fernando Sor Studies, for a more modern approach I recommend Christopher Parkening's method book as the others are demanding early and a bit archaic.

Would also recommend Giuliani's 120 Right Hand Studies because they're very basic, but invaluable for training the Righr Hand to behave.

People that need to put up ads to find players are usually not socially skilled enough to be part of a music scene. Always watch out for these psychos.

Provide more detail, information and screenshots for us to understand the situation.

>but invaluable for training the Righr Hand to behave.
How can it be better than just practicing the right hand?

Source: self-observation

>not socially skilled enough to be part of a music scene
>Always watch out for these psychos
Fuck you too, m8.

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Its entire focus is the right hand.
Often times we like to subordinate what the right hand is doing to ensure the left hand is acting properly. The right hand studies remove the need to worry abou the LH allowing us to focus on the RH patterns.

I really like it, you into black metal?

Haha, all good bro. I was always nice to you. Remember that when you go loco, alright? Haha just kidding.

That's why we do right hand exercises while silencing the strings with the fretting hand. Any YouTube lesson on pizzicato will teach you that.

Went to grab a beer with him and another guy he was interviewing for the drummer gig. The drummer guy asked him if he had anything he was working on that he could show us. So he pulled out an old phone (imagine a Nokia 3220 or something of that era and build) and showed us a picture of his microphone and said it was his baby. The drummer just looked at him with the most befuddled look I've ever seen on anyone's face, and this exchange basically took place
>"what is that"
>"that's my baby"
>"... it's a microphone"
>"yeah it's my baby"
>"you're working on a microphone"
>"it's my baby"
Eventually, he got the hint that the drummer wanted to hear something in the way of music, and he started playing something he recorded on his phone. Seeing as it was basically a 15 year old phone, you could barely make out shit since it was an absolute garbled mess. He then went to grab another beer, and the drummer pulled me aside and went
>"this guy is batshit crazy, I'm bailing on this fucker right now cause he's a waste of time"
The singer/guitarist has now sent me youtube links of him and the other guitarist playing live, and I'm at a loss for words on how to describe it. The best part is the bassist they've currently got is some old guy that's clearly just a hired hand and he has "the shit I do for money" look on his face the whole time.

The best part is, I'm pretty certain he hired someone to shoot these videos for him, and then edit them into something to throw online.

Sure that's one option, but the doesn't put music in front of you. The Right Hand studies are applied, practical and I don't know of any academic who doesn't recommend them as supplementary studies to work into daily practice.

It's been hit or miss for me in the past. Either you'll get a bunch of cool people you play well with, ro you get some crazy chick that insists on having a flute solo in the middle of a thrash metal song.

Now THAT is not being nice, I won't forget this insult.

>this guy is batshit crazy, I'm bailing on this fucker right now cause he's a waste of time
How do people learn these smarts? I wasted a lot of time with lazy asshole songwriters and now I finally learned the lesson but even then I'm like "I won't play with anyone again and will only play in a band when I form my own band.

and yeah, a little

Give me a couple examples on how it can improve the practice that I already do on my own.

Orange makes the best amps

That's a very weird way to spell Bugera.

>How do people learn these smarts?
Being around for a while? The drummer was probably 40 something. But you can also get a reading from people in how they speak, mannerisms, etc. Even I could tell the guitarist/singer wasn't worth chasing anything with based on how he discussed music.

>he can't afford a Gibson, the only guitar which is good enough, because his AIDS medication is too expensive

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You mean, which power tubes do I like to emulate?

Something tells me you're not aware of 120 unique RH patterns. This fills in the blanks.

I don't need to prove to you that it's useful, something tells me you're not a good enough study to be a decent classical guitarist if you're this combatative over sound advice. Try them yourself and find out how little you actually know.

To clue you in, both Carcassi and Giuliani were some of the first guitar virtuoso's to make it big in Italy. Giuliani himself would go on to collaborate with Rossini to make theme and variations on some of his Opera Arias, the 6 Rossiniana's.

rec some good cheap electro acoustic guitars

How much would that bad baby cost ?

Keeley Seafoam is the best chorus pedal

>I can't wait for Dave Friedman to release his Dirty Whore Cuckold Fetish series amps!

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what a guy

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is the harmony just a bunch of augmented chords?

Musicians friend has dangelico ones for 299 sometimes on stupid deal of the day

How does that compare to this?

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Here's my number one guitar..

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>AIDS which he got from a tranny
You deserve eachother

Fair enough, I'll check that out when I get home
>something tells me you're not a good enough study to be a decent classical guitarist if you're this combatative over sound advice
Post your own classical playing

I did.

couldn't tell ya i stopped using my compressor a while ago

Am i the only person who thinks Ola Englund's tone sucks?

>Jazz-III picks are shit for playing Nile Rodgers style funk guitar rhythm


I think he sucks in general and I can vividly imagine what kind of inbreds make up his audience

Why do you listen to youtube guitarists?

I've got nothing else to do with my time.

Yeah I just moved the same chord shape up and down the neck. It's a b6, 7 and 5, so technically that would be what, a Maj7(add13) without a 3 or something?
I was thinking that taking the same chord quality and moving that around would surely change the tonal center at some points (versus getting interesting harmony by changing the chord qualities and staying in the same key), which might sound interesting. And it kinds does to me. Wasn't thinking about theory though, just some dicking around by ear.

you could play

>b6, 7 and 5
and a 1 of course

why not play the fucking guitar you moid

>implying that i’m not good without pedals.

Lmao imagine living with this poorfag mentality. You get good at guitar and then you use pedals to enhance it to new heights.

You’re probably one of those faggots who think that Car Seat headrest is more musical than anyone else cus ‘hurr durr he recorded it on minimal equipment’

What an ass backwards bumfuck nowhere mentality lol. How about you start wiping your ass with the back of your hand because otherwise you’d be ‘le spoiler weak zoomy for not being able to do it without’

Playing guitar all day is even more boring than watching youtube guitarists all day.

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you will never get good at the guitar.

I don't care.

It indeed sounds like dicking around, well done then

Are you sure

Good tonewood?

Yeah your guitar's playability is probably as shitty as its sound, playing it may indeed feel like wiping your ass with bare hands

bass guitars are for faggots

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I'd appreciate any feedback/crits on this


So i want to get an sg because i like the shape but im a bit worried about
1)gibsons tuning, is it true they lose tuning easily and frequently?
2)the lack of pick guard. is it likely the body will get damaged?

each to his own. id assume any guitarist would like the ability to improvise.

pentatonic wankfest

Sounds like you need to find another hobby mate

Here's my sheet music eBooks folder which I zipped and uploaded to my google drive:

It's about 2 gigs zipped and unzipped.

Try one in a store and see for yourself

yes and yes

if you're going to be a big faggoty bitch then get an Epiphone or bass guitar like a faggot

I'm all about uploading to Youtube once I get good enough.

hey man im in the same boat honestly dont worry about tuning just get after market ones. as for the pickguard get one with the batwing pickguard. the smaller one looks way worse and doesnt help at all imo. pic is sg im eyeing.

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Phrasing sounds good, clicks with the changes the band plays underneath.
The second legato half starts off well, but maybe dawdles about in the same range a bit too long.
Maybe consider some phrases in that section that change key depending on the chord underneath to make it aurally interesting/experiment.
Obviously don't do that without feedback, but see what you can get away with.

Why you want to see my bad side?
Baby Baby
Don't you know you drive me crazy?
Oh yeah it's true you do
I just want to kiss and hug you

I never play loud enough for them to matter.

1) Yes, special care has to be taken to keep them in tune. If lubricating the nut doesn't help you'll need a new one cut just for gibsons. Gibson doesn't do this for you.
2) Only if you're a retard AND using a coin as a pick. Modern nitro is pretty tough stuff and the coats are fairly thick. Even so, if you do ding it, nitro is a very easy finish to repair unlike poly where any damage can either be buffed out or is permanent until it's recoated.

bro are you sponsored?

>Stop using electronics to get a variety of timbres and musically useful effects that are humanly impossible to replicate with technique alone

Buy an acoustic you fucking retard

Pedals do a worse job at hiding bad playing than a gain knob. Light crunch has enough compression built in to make your shitty beginner right hand sound good. Sloppy dynamics? Fuck man sounds crisp to me. All the way up? Just hit the strings at random, it all sounds the same. Reverb cranked to 11 probably has a little more clarity to it.

That's killer.

That's such a boomer thing to do. You need to upload those neosoul licks to instagram.

sponsored...? i just sent a picture of the sg i might buy what do you mean?

I don't like soloing. I'm alright at riffing but i'm completely untalented when it comes to solos, the type of untalentedness that just skill can't mask.

I still enjoy playing guitar, it's just not something i could do all day without getting bored (though in an "inspired day," after about 3 to 4 hours of just playing guitar, the type of riffs you start coming up with are worth the previous 3 hours of boredom).


buy a wah pedal it will make you enjoy soloing if you suck tee hee

>uploads to YouTube
>not a single one reaches 100 views
What you do after?

That's gay.

>playing for recognition

or maybe the local music scene only plays gay genres with the exception of teenage cover bands

>you: playing metal
>your music scene: metal is dead bro, we play modern country. billy, hit me with a click track!
>also your music scene: how about some funk and jazz?
>the music scene in a different state: fuck why can't we find any metal guitarists
>a guy in your situation in that state: i just want to play country and funk.

historically people uprooted their lives and moved to "the scene" to hopefully "make it"

in reality you would be a retard to do that as anything but a vocalist. as an instrumentalist the industry has no interest in you. bands are dead because digital instruments and whichever session/backing band guy is around at the moment are cheaper and more dependable than 4+ extra faggots playing instruments. you're better off recording and selling yourself as a session guy.

>Light crunch has enough compression built in to make your shitty beginner right hand sound good
Stacking crunch pedals work better tho

more expensive than turning a knob tho

Some Eric Johnson licks


It's literally how Pixies were formed, and they invented the alt rock scene

This guy is pretty good. I'd never expect a douchey looking 40 year old with a green anime looking guitar to play like that instead of shitty funk rhythm and johnny marr riffs.

>uses pinky twice
>thumb never goes near the back of the neck, ever
guitar teachers seething


You should hear him sing

Why not be inspired every day?


Although she gets 3 - 500K views it seems like Jenn Fiorentino got a record deal: youtube.com/watch?v=GPq6CIlk4No

Even if you don't blow up you can always show your videos to anyone you want. And it's sort of like a time capsule in case your computer breaks or you lose all your backups.

For First Take Friday threads on R/Guitar douches upload solos with like 3 views so who cares if you don't get a lot views.

Fuck I replied to myself


>playing for yourself
Selfish introvert

youre the douche here

>Thinking other people care to hear you
Ignorant narcissist.

Yes but I keep my douche on Yea Forums instead of styling my hair with pussy juice scavenged from my goatee.

Sounds like you're very experienced at hiding shitty playing!

we've all done it once

except for the madmen who started on single coils/low output humbuckers with fender amps and no pedals

I'm not a Reddit douche I'm an attention starving faggot

They sure do, I sound awesome and soulful

You've posted that video a bunch of times and I always close it when I see that face, never did hit play.




Lol loser
Where you going to trade your good boy points?

>except for the madmen who started on single coils
im learning on a strat, are you saying its a bad idea?

wow sounds good
you were talking to Samuel

This just gave me a mental illness

Yes, get something with humbuckers and some pedals.

U jelly m8

I just gotta share one more because the talent is off the charts. Andy Wood in this one!


>still didn't make it and looking around for bands to jump on
Well sounds like he is also a waste of time

y tho

We already established that /gg/ hates Orange amps. But what about orange guitars?

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Well I'm a 30 year old boomer so I'm content to upload videos like this guy: youtube.com/watch?v=kiX8shFGPhA with 26 views

The unparalleled clarity leaves no room for error

>Single coils
>Vintage humbuckers
>EMGs other than the overly hot 85
All make new players sound like themselves, ie: bad unless you mask it with gain and effects

What about these orange amps

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Got a video demonstration on hand?

Just play your own guitar dude wtf

Just go to a pawn shop and try out different guitars on a clean amp

Hotter metal passives will make you sound better and meaner, lower output pickups are clearer and unforgiving, EMGs are low output pickups with a preamp so if they aren't driving the fuck out of an amp with poor headroom they're just like low output pickups albeit twice as loud, so it's even more painful when you play poorly.

You talk like shit
>dugggg headroom maiieaaaa twice as loud

Deal with it you limey faggot

That hasn't been my experience with hot pickups. If anything I find it difficult to make them sound good clean.

Nigga what?

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Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong here?

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any arpeggiated riff/song recommendations?

I can sweep pick



Cool, Sammy can haunt three generals now

What do you mean by haunt

Probably the normal definition of haunt, hueman

That's more of a caramel color.


Is there anyone here who could tell me something about MIJ Fender Mustangs? I got my eyes on one from 1996, but I wonder if you know something about them


Music Score:
Second Etude in the collection.

The only power tubes I need go on my finger

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I did the op myself

Do you connect them to the power outlet?

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his tone is basically dimebag tone tho.

No, my power comes from inside my soul

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Which is part of why it sucks. It's Dimebag's tone but even more lifeless and trebly.

Fermented Offal Discharge

Should I try to overwrite 10 years of bad playing habits or just try to learn a new instrument (thinking bass or drums)?

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Upload your tone to Vocaroo. I wanna hear what it sounds like.

Years ago when I was better this is what pic related sounds like: vocaroo.com/i/s0kYd5rRxLiM

But lately I've just been using the distortion on my amp: vocaroo.com/i/s1RYKzLVRnBw

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Start playing bass and continue the tradition of switching to it because you couldn't make it on guitar

Ah, you gotta tune the guitar first mate.

If you aren't trolling, the issue is that you're not in the correct key. Well, the main issue anyway...

My guitar is in tune though. Buncha dumbfucks

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First for classical on clean P90s

What mode is this?


Perpetual burn

I just swapped my hss for p90s. No regerts

I bought a classical guitar a month ago and now I'd like to have an electric guitar too. I don't have much money rn but I can afford one of guitar packs from this site mitrosmusic.com/proizvodi/k:15-Paketi---električne-gitare
which one should I get I know nothing about guitar brands

Dont use my words fucking faggot.

Thank you so much

What are you going to do about it, stupid bitch? Lmao

Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Thanks user.

You’re flattered bylmfao

>Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
cope for people being mocked lmao

Some user posted pic related yesterday. Is that a genuine p90? Specs say it's a Gibson p94 in it.

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I lurk here only to see nice guitars, guitar images are like porno to me.

bump ;-;

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Get a job.

I said nice guitars.

Why does this thread hate bassists so much?

Post some competent bass playing right now and I won't hate you

Because they are ten times more competent than the average guitarist

Big dick envy

They have no rhythm

All of these are going to be bad guitars. Pick one you like the looks of best if you’re dead set on them.


thx for the response user I guess one of these should do until I get better at playing guitar and until I

I had one of those Squier packs and it was awful. It constantly buzzed and getting it fixed would have cost more than it was worth.

Anyone know anything about trem bridges? I want an arm for this one but dont know what it takes. I already ordered a 5mm push-in arm but it doesnt fit and I don't want to have a collection of unused arms. All I know about this one is it was made in Italy.

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if anyone's bored I can afford these too but I don't think they're much different
promusic.rs/Gitarski paketi

lol good joke

i always thought the picking was the hardest part of that stuff because its so jumpy, but after watching the troy grady stuff and doing the downward slant thing picking it is quite easy. getting the fretting hand synced up with it is much more difficult

put on some pants

>jroach rage quit again

what is kaka theory?



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Im glad you asked.

Thanks buddy

Should i get carnitas cheese fries today?

Awesome tele!!

> 12 hours of Paul Gilbert teaching guitar

my body is ready

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i know this site. i see you user.

you post it here, download it, then do a couple of exercises and forget about it by the weekend because you're never going to make it,

i bet there's not a speck of kaka on your guitar

I bought Jason Becker's kaka from his nurse on the darkweb and bathed in it while sacrificing a goat to the same demon who robert johnson sold his sould to. I'm gonna be the next shred god.

can jason becker still kaka?

Why didnt i think of this. It makes too much sense.

Guitar fuel

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It's a P94, which is a hum sized P90

Hi /gg/, /an/ here:

My husband bought a new guitar and I'm questioning how much he spent on it. I'm a little tiffed he didn't tell me he was buying a new instrument but he assures me it was cheap.

It's a "Fender Contour Body Stratocaster" and it says "Custom Shop" on the back. This certificate in the case says "Roadshow 2016 Custom Shop". It's black/red fade with white, I don't know anything about guitars so I wish I could be more specific.

He said he spent $400. Any ideas what it's really worth? If it's only $400 then it's not a big deal but I'm thinking it's like $1000 maybe? I'm ready to be pissed.

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drop an F for my boy

$400 sounds about right

If anything, he probably overpaid. Custom shops retail usually around $300.

Why do you insist on shitty larps? Holy fuck your life must be mundane as fuck

Can't you check a bank statement? You're married and you don't have joint finances?

There's no credit or debit transactions. He paid cash he alleges.

Well that's reassuring. Still bummed he never discussed it with me but $400 isn't that big of a deal. Thanks.


He left off a zero, that's a $4k guitar

Banish him to the cuck shed and lock him in chastity, that'll show him who's boss

Dude, shut up

>SGcuck having flashbacks


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Trips of truth

>The unparalleled clarity leaves no room for error
>>Single coils
>>Vintage humbuckers
>>EMGs other than the overly hot 85
>All make new players sound like themselves, ie: bad unless you mask it with gain and effects
oh, fair enough

What do you call a kaka infused manlet?

Attached: picturethekakainhispants.jpg (1440x973, 437K)

Attached: smol meme.jpg (640x479, 45K)

> buy cheap old schecter tele
> action is quite a bit higher than my superstrats but schectele has similar specs (jumbo frets, flat 14" radius fretboard)
> bending and vibrato somehow seem easier to do and I don't sound as sloppy

Does a higher action making bending easier or something?

Attached: what the actual fuck.jpg (335x478, 26K)

A Samuel

dunno but atm i have a massive action in my eko-jackson.

>he cant afford a gibson the only good enough guitar because he spent all his dollars in milkshake IP.A

Attached: chiaki.jpg (600x338, 27K)

Attached: My-Halo-Custom-Guitar (4).jpg (995x420, 33K)

Condor: At Least We Arent Dean!

Condor: Ear kaka

Funny thing about this is I think of Sammy sneaking on some poor fag in the favela and inserting a nugget of kaka into his ear

Attached: My-Halo-Custom-Guitar (5).jpg (995x420, 48K)

Gibson will never recognize condor as a competitor and sue them

Attached: 20181225_150752.jpg (4160x3120, 3.19M)

upload a vocaroo of this guitar i want to hear its mahogany tone.

Mahogany wings*


You seem pretty insecure about all your gear user, starting to think you really can't play without yer pedals boyo

What if I removed the magnet from the middle pickup so that its only purpose was to cancel noise from the other two? It would take switch-trickery so that in position 1 it's bridge + middle, position 2 it's bridge + neck and no middle, and position 3 it's neck + middle.

Attached: Squier-SSS-Stratocaster-Pack-Black-12247-2_1600x1600.jpg (1600x1600, 297K)

I really want the hello kitty strat, but the price on it is stupid. and dont get me started on the fishbone pos

Wait, people actually do this. It's called dummy coil pickup.


In seriousness, unless you want to quit guitar, then no. I've played violin since I was 9 and have developed tons of bad habits since, but you would be surprised what you can accomplish with some hard work.

u wot?

Needs a lynched nigger sticker

t. poorfag


You mean Hangman? Man, that game was fun

Ill make you one if you have the money

Imagine believing gear has any bearing on how good a player you are

I love alabama wind chimes
Nigger/negroid. I feel like sam has really adopted the black panther party ideology

George Benson is a better guitarist than anyone who will ever post in this thread ever. Appreciate him white boi

>be god-tier guitarist
>be white
Easy choice for me.

>he cares about gear
>he doesnt just get a guitar and an amp and play

i actually agree, so many gearfags that cant even play an f chord

i dont know how people play strats. that volume knob drives me out of my mind

how else would you do roll on volume swells without a pedal?

Always. Even the greats do it, Neil Peart relearned how to play the drums late in his career. A new instrument will give you a new perspective and approach.

Wait, that's too positive for /gg, so slap some kaka on it.

>he can’t help himself from replying
Lmfao every damn time

There are hundreds of really great guitar players who never get mentioned here, because they don't "shred and play sick jams, man".

I seriously don't get these. They look so fucking stupid how can anyone like them?

Attached: Condor.jpg (800x542, 211K)

every strat player says this and then i never see any of them do enough volume swells to warrant the volume knob being right next to the strings. its stupid and in the way, put it 1-1.5 inches down and you can still do those corny volume swells

not as sick as George benson hes world class and can play tasty as fuck but also shred like shit. Best bop guitarist besides Wes imo

I was just sayin'
I do it with a volume pedal despite having a strat, though I can't say I've noticed the volume knob being in the way at all

COOM on over

maybe people dont notice it when you play it for long time and it just feels natural, but its just completely unnatural for me to feel that thing brushing against my fingers. the only way to avoid it is play further up on the body and that feels totally off for me too. no thanks

Oh i agree though. Kenny burrel is the shit. Prince is the shit. Thing is they aint niggers like you. And r kelly is my nigga fuck you

I'm actually white. Kenny Burrell is good but George benson has more chops and better feel but yeah Burrel Kessel and Pat Martino are up there. Pat Martino's time feel is sketchy post stroke tho

banana cream pie edition