How deep are you in the rabbit hole, Yea Forums?

How deep are you in the rabbit hole, Yea Forums?

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Abomination I guees. I like free jazz.

Outcast. I really like post-rock and dark ambient.

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pleb. never heard of most genres in level three t b h

Things were easier back then
Fuck would've thought this was older than that

>bebop too low
>raga/hindustani too high
>renaissance not in level 5
>baroque below romantic
>krautrock below level 3
>idm not in level 2

minimalism is what I listen to
why the fuck is it so low tho

mostly listen to late medieval ecclesiastical polyphonic music. not on the chart though

is lowercase supposed to be the end-all be-all experimental genre? what ive heard from it is probably more accessible than fucking selected ambient works.

guess im on error 404 tier?

>Heavy Metal on level two

most metalheads are fat retards who refuse to listen to anything without metal in the genre name

What level am I if I only listen to dungeon synth?

Outcast desu senpai

lowercase and musique concrete take me all the way to the bottom. drone, xenharmonics, gregorian chant, minimalism & field recordings on 5.
I'd say the centre of gravity for my musical tastes is around level 4 though.

outcast like industrial and black metal

Slightly abominable outcast

A bit of everything I guess? Mostly 3 and 4 though


Abomination. Free jazz and third stream

Musique concrete shouldn't be that far down, come on.

Wtf is this malarkey? Wheres merle travis and django Reinhardt?

lol, why do all these misspell krautrock and do include the same couple of obscure genres at the very bottom

level 5 ofc because third stream and free jazz is nice, nothing wrong with drone or minimalism either and gregorian chants make for relaxing background music

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Well, I stop at Level 5: abomination. Below than that, it's just masturbatory bullshit. Still, there are fucking great field recordings out there.
And religious / gregorian chants are fucking kino. Noise and drone it depends.

this is fucking trash
This Exists and PBS Idea channel core
>Musique Concrete
I got a 13 year old into Lescalleet

icebergs for genres are never good anyways
where would bataille lie?

my knowledge goes down to level not found but i find the most enjoyment out of 4 and 5

out of curiosity, where would you put trance music and it's subgenres?

if the chart was non-retarded, probably level 3 or so
but since it's retarded, it goes into level 5 because "trance" sounds spooky

Level 5 probably for his novels and the like.
His "philosophy", level 7.

shit chart. this is much better

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Lowest I have been is level 5. But my average taste is in level 3 and 2.

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>Calvino that low
My gf that basically only reads YA likes him.

Ars subtilior is very accessible, what the hell. You can see that the people that make these charts know nothing about music and go by the “genre” names and descriptions in the Wikipedia.

and industrial black metal... and oceans.

Outcast dabbling in abomination

Patrician. But Jazz fucking sucks and is only liked by faggots.

I like freak folk and Vashti Bunyan so I guess I’m hardcore.

lowercase? that 90s band that sounds like unwound?

>Ars subtilior is very accessible
Accessibility doesn't mean ''how little someone gets revolted by the sound/structure of the music''. It means ''ability to plunge into all of the aspects of the music and thus comprehend it''. Ars subtilior may not be ugly for an average listener, but it is definitely the ''least accessible'' music on that chart.

Level 3/4 I guess. I was into drone and noise for a while, but it ran its course pretty quickly.

Below the last one.

Any sophomore jazz student can “plunge into all aspects” of it without any problem. Harmony, rhythm, its cute gimmicks, nothing too out of this world. It was some next level shit in 1400, but not today.

aleatoric music is way too underrated

based pleb

where would harsh noise, zeuhl and 18th century puerto rican slam-trance be on this list??

a bit of everywhere

level 3 on both, confirmed patrician but not full neckbeard i guess

yeah that chart is pretty retarded as well
Sienkiewicz is literally YA historical novels that are mandatory reading for Polish middle schoolers

Polish middle schoolers have better reading comprehension than American Academia

a bunch of the level 3-4s here are required reading for high schoolers in europe

>18th century puerto rican slam-trance

hook a brutha up

Not sure any sophomore jazz student understands isorhythm or even prolations

Literally all shit. Give me some comfy light fiction any day over self-important meandering garbage like Joyce.

>Literally all shit
I'm sure you've read literally all of these and totally not just 5 pages of A Portrait of the Artist in high school

>Field Recordings
>Level 5
Everyone is listening to ""field recordings"" constantly, you're not level 5 for putting on some ear muffs to do the same damn thing

this is pretty great, thx

If this is an alignment spectrum, is poptimism proof of horseshoe theory?

Of course I haven't. Dry, aimless wankery isn't my thing.

>I haven't tried to read any of this but it's not my thing
always nice when a brainlet is self-aware

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