Their accent makes me h*rd?

Their accent makes me h*rd?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody cares.

You need to hand yourself in to police before you start offending

Forgot to rink

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so where did the third one go?

Late abortion

Suzuka is almost 22, Moa is 20
It’s almost like you are too stupid to google

Nice try pervert

Not almost then I guess

>I'm not attracted to children I'm only attracted to adults who look like children

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No, it’s ok user. We get it.
Not almost

>all asians look like children to me
racist much?

Fuck off kiddie diddlers

quit to focus on solo career


>adults can't enjoy life as adults because in my childish mind they look like children


Take your projecting and fuck off

Japanese retard, not Korean
Another one too stupid to google but still yapping


Ah fuck you know what I mean

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i don't give a fuck what they are never post goblins like that on my Yea Forums again you fucking understand me?

>willfully ignorant
Back to /pol/ then

I would rape both of them desu

Bro why do so many people get triggered by asian women? Like I hate that band as much as the next guy but goddamn, chill XD

u little bitch

>Only /pol/tards are willfully ignorant
Oh gosh

I unironically like BM. I have no idea what people were expecting from them, but extremely easy to digest metal and JPop is what they delivered and I’m content with that

They are really good at what they do

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>adding mad to the stupid
Nice one

Also adding onto what I said here Suzuka and Moa are both extremely cute which adds to the appeal

>no Yui

Willfully Ignorant + Racist = /pol/
It’s not that hard kid

>tfw BM 10-year anniversary coming up next year

Fuck man, what am I even doing with my life? faggots planning to attend any of their shows?

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I’m driving down to see them in Dallas on the 24th

oompfh they already hit the wall?!!

>Willfully redpilled + Based = /pol/

They look better than ever

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If you're into grandmas

Guess I am now

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You must be the pedo that other asshole user was looking for

>you will never play arcade-games with your autistic waifu

Just kill me

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me on the far left

Good man, I saw them in London 2 months ago and had a blast. Really looking forward to the EU-tour next year.

Shame they can't age as gracefully as western artists

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>Billie is not on drugs, I swear!

>an accent make you hard
that's just sad, OP

t. has never met a woman

god damn billy eyelash is embarrassing

C U T E !!!

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Y-Yeah their accent! That's it hihi

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Imagine Moa tonguing your anus haha

That would tickle hehe

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>tfw Yui dead

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