Why are brainlets so much better than theoryfags at making music?

why are brainlets so much better than theoryfags at making music?

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But literally all of classical music is theoryfags

Theory won't make you a good artist alone. That's why that YouTube meme autist Jacob Collier makes bad music despite knowing theory.

The real redpill is most people are posturing. The people who “don’t know theory” usually know a shitton more than they say, and the people who act like theory experts are usually really brainlets bragging about the limited knowledge they actually have

but his music is shit

because theory is endless circular wanking that people think is necessary for good songs but really isn't

more like the garnish of music than the meat and potatoes that a good ear can provide, not to mention theory was discovered from the common factors surrounding classical compositions, i.e. the music existed before theory did. somehow bach et al managed to write good music before berklee jazzfaggots ruined it all with theory AFAIK

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Cause you just need to make what sounds good to your ear and it will likely sound good to others ears... this is because everyone has the same type of human ears + human brain combo.

Making music for frogs, now that is tough and might require some deeper training.

When you say "music" do you actually mean "writing songs within the pop-structure"? Because I don't think anyone will argue that people with no music theory knowledge are better at making music soundtracks or experimental jazz.
"brainlets" are more concerned with catchy, easily digestible songs and so they're better at writing those.



have sex

It's easier to make 'experimental jazz' than to write a pop structured song...because one follows more of a regiment that requires theory

music is shit and is the lowest artform compared to literature, film, and video games

Alex G's music is mediocre.

You're just making an excuse to not learn theory.

I like his music, but ironically enough I feel like he's trying to be break out of his own conventions without the skill to do it, and learning some music theory would be really good for him.

leave mu then


>capeshit and walking simulators
>high art

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I'm just here for the sharethreads, videogame/anime OSTs threads and the occasional clairo thread

I sincerely hope you die

u listen to alex g my guy ur gonna kys before I do

>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
>Genres: Indie rock

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>I know. the names of the notes and i know whats an f major vs f minor etc
so he knows theory, like every musician

im just here for the /gu/sic

One word: SOUL

unironically this brings up some fascinating thoughts. what kind of music would be appealing to other organisms? i would assume that all organisms with sufficient enough intelligence and a sense of hearing would probably enjoy some sort of noise/"music". i'd unironically love to see what a non-human primate would make musically if it was encouraged. it'd probably sound like daniel johnston but with monkey noises.


This song has more soul than anything Jacob Capicorn and any Berklee grad can ever shit out.

he'll have some amazing choir going on for like 10 seconds, then spend that 10 seconds screaming "WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE" over it, then switch to a new instrumental idea without giving any idea more than a very short period of time to grow and improve

oh yeah, he's a total dork, but i'm sure if someone cool was to sit back and tell him what to do he could execute it well.

for someone who does music as a trade (weddings, session, etc) theory is a must cause it allow different people to communicate abstract concepts really fast. For bedroom musicians, it can be a tool to explore new ideas and sounds. In both cases, music theory is something that must be put into practice for it to be internaliced, therefor useful.

they tend to focus more on complexity, which almost never equates to quality music


a lot of musicians know theory in an instinctual sense. sure they can't list off every major scale but they know how to express themselves well enough without knowing theory. theory is a textbook while music is a poem.
>alex g
what a shit musician to make this thread about. of course artists of his caliber aren't theory nerds. jesus use your head.

I read an interesting fact the other day:
Alicia Keys is actually a classically trained pianist.

>daniel johnston but with monkey noises

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Is there a bigger meme degree to obtain than fucking Jazz?

Soi boy

The former probably have good reason to be insecure about the means by which they acquired their knowledge considering the legitimacy and rigor attributed to the pedigree of the latter

based and redpilled user

>shitty lo-fi bedroom pop artist is wholly ignorant of his own craft
colour me surprised