
Post some good NEET music

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You're late user, I told you to be here after dinner

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I was working on my gal game.

This whole album

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definitely DJ Dubbi

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clean your room

WeLl mAyBe yOu sHoULd hAvE sPeCiFiEd wHaT tiMe DiNnER tiMe iS

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>that reddit meme writing

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Cuz that's what you fucking are. There's no glory in being a NEET, getting all broody is stupid. You're just a fucking cuck.

inb4 seething NEETS

Ok wagecuck

This feels like Patlabor not Welcome to the NHK.

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fucking kinniku shoujo tai, tokusatsu, karate bakabon and any band with Kenji Otsuki in it.

Didn’t the guy who made this off himself on YouTube?

like fucking clockwork

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Ok wagecuck

>There's no glory in being a NEET
I disagree.
I am the NEETest wizard.
My power is maximum.

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nah the RIP comments are about the r9k guy that streamed his suicide

We both know how you really feel. I'll end it there.

Can you say that you are truly happy or fufilled as a neet? Wagecucking might kinda suck, but at least I can say that I'm making something for myself. I'm going out, doing something, contributing to and participating society, and getting shit in exchange. You, on the other hand, are doing fucking nothing.

Power to do what?

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To masturbate all day

They believe they've beat the oppressive system by leeching off of their parents and so they feel they are better than everyone else. But when their parents die, theyll be homeless because they have no valuable skills to use.

He's just gonna continue to shitpost to cope, let it go.
You know the truth, that's enough.

Yes and so what?

This reminds me of touhou related NEET orientated music with that pic.

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Power to shit and piss with freedom.
Power to reply to faggots with smug.
Power to consolidate my power crystal collection and finally defeat the necromancers at their game.

>But when their parents die, theyll be homeless because they have no valuable skills to use.
Actually, when they die, there will be nothing left to stop them procrastinating from revolting.

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I prefer the rick astley version.

I can't parse this syntax. What?

When their parents die they'll be forced to either go into that oppresive system or die.

I actually would like to see 40 year old whales with fifty different heart conditions try to overthrow the government.

So get out and do something useful with your life

I do need a coffee, mr computer though I think you're just being retarded.
But basically, what I meant was NEETs are a ticking time bomb and have been so for nearly a decade. As soon as the dole disappears or they're forced to use coupons instead, they'll turn to violence. Why? Because they can't get a fucking job, otherwise they'd have one.

>can barely leave the house
>doesn't have the motivation to literally support himself
>but has the motivation to """revolt"""
You'll cry out while the world moves past you and you'll either join the tide or die while you hide.
But at least you got smug anime girl pictures.

lol, never seen this, thanks.

>they can't get a fucking job
AYYYYYYYY LMAO. You can't put in one application and expect to get a job you retard.

And it'll solve nothing because the very few ones that actually have the balls to make a move will be stamped out in a day.
You lot get scared over answering your doors, but you talk as if you're the Weather Underground. What a fucking joke.

What's wrong with violence

Stop being a bad influence, Tyrone, or I'll hide your food stamps under your work boots again.

Most NEETs are early 20s men that can't find work due to retarded government policies.
Well they are in my country. I know people that have been replaced for the sake of diversity quotas. It's obvious because the girls that replace them are clearly not suitable for that work. We're not talking office work here, we're talking massive machinery and hard yakka work.

The policies are also made by dumb idiots 4000 miles away on the other side of this shitty island or by CEOs who have no idea what they are doing or are just hands tied by the nature of the position and the "need" to be PC.
Combine this with a potential layoff off wharf staff numbering hundreds to thousands and the outsourcing of jobs to china and you get a large number of really pissed off young adult males.

Oh and the wealthy class all seem to be criminals lately.. so there's that issue too. People want their heads on sticks.

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I actually know people. NEETs are changing because they're growing rapidly in number.
They used to be isolated, but now normalfags are finding themselves in that situation too.

You're right, and people hand in hundreds and still won't get work. That's the problem.

Feels good man.

In that case, either make a move or shut up. If it's already too late, do something instead of LARPing.
It's always talk with you types. "I'll do something at some point".
Which ironically enough is probably what you told yourself as your life slid downhill too.

But how many of those young males actually want to identify as NEETS. You automatically think just because they got laid off they're gonna grab a AK and revolt. Thats not how it works. The people I know who have been laid off, went back to college to go into different fields. You on the other hand hoard pictures of anime girls and think you're gonna take over the world.

I’m sure you live an exiting life user that’s probably why you’re on this board arguing with neets who use anime pictures.

Disproves not a single thing I said. Literally using the "you must be fun at parties" cope.
Go put your bib on, pondbrain.

War is a bit retarded though. If an alternative can be met, then it's the next best goal.

None of them. Let's be serious here.
And I think it would be bordering a suicide mission, but desperate people don't care about that.

Great music discussion thread

My sweet sweet little oriental-loving summer child..
I was rocking to that song when your roastie mother was nursing you in your diaper.
I love you, that wasn't meant to be an insult you have amazing taste *hugs*.
God Bless you.

also what is your email

I want to be your friend

>From April to July 2019, the number of employed youth 16 to 24 years old increased by
2.4 million to 21.2 million, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. In
July 2019, 56.2 percent of young people were employed, up from 55.0 percent in July
2018. (The month of July typically is the summertime peak in youth employment.) The
unemployment rate for youth was 9.1 percent in July, the lowest rate since July 1966,
and little changed from the prior year.
Young males arent getting laid off in mass numbers you moron. Young males are getting employed faster than ever. So calm down with your world conquering plans retard.

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I'm not American.
Australia is shitting itself economically. Government's pretending it's not to artificially maintain property values. Those go and then we have something worse than the GFC or even the great depression.

This is what happens when government officials are LITERALLY subversive chinese communists. Like no joke literally connected to the propaganda arm of the chinese government.

>due to retarded government policies
You fucking pussy.



There's literally a right schism emerging in Labor too.. so expect some big news here by the end of the year.
People seem to get that something is about to happen. It's been stewing for a couple years now. It could explode. It could fizzle. All I know is that it's going to suck.

i've had a couple jobs and none of them were "fulfilling." what a stupid fucking concept. there is nothing to do and no one to be, society is not worth participating in. we are both doing nothing and if you think otherwise you are delusional about how utterly worthless life is.


I spent 2 years as a NEET from 2015-2016, and I've been in school since then getting my degree. I never stopped missing it. Would have been the best years of my life if I didn't have such a toxic relationship with my parents. The idea of slaving away working for the next 40-50 years is fucking terrifying, and I seriously want nothing more than to just be a NEET again

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>reddit meme

What kind of music do you listen to?

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you seem angsty. get your degree, after that you can do what you want and your parents cant do shit


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I am, only have a year left. It's just that the idea of having to spend the rest of my life working is extremely depressing

pls no bully

i think it will be what you make of it. i dont know what field you're in but most degrees can take you to many places. try to think outside the box

I’m a NEET and anime reminds me too much of the world I’m not good enough to be a part of for me to watch it. I unironically find 3d shit less anxiety inducing because at least I know that’s unattainable, in anime you can do what you want and people still only bother sketching out the sort of real world mundanities you’d think they’d want to escape from or blank out if their alienation was that absolute or dire

I also don’t feel like I’m able to look down on others which rules out being comfortable making use smug anime girl images