Weezer [DGC, 1994] :(

Weezer [DGC, 1994] :(

Maladroit [Geffen, 2002]
Down to 60% on amiannoying.com, not because (thank you, Mr. Webmaster) they've become less annoying or because they gigged as Goat Punishment or because they (who cares?) lost their bass player to the Rentals. Annoying they were and annoying they remain. They're annoying because Rivers Cuomo is the punk Tom Scholz--a solitary genius in love with big and precise. In Boston's arena rock, this made sense, although it was annoying. In Weezer's arena-punk (slightly more arena on this outing and slightly less annoying as a result), it misses the point entirely, which from the Ramones to the Libertines has always been to achieve economy and concision, while remaining just barely erect. Onstage, that is. How Cuomo comports himself in other areas of endeavor I have no idea. C

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I have one regret in life.

One day this man will dissappear from Yea Forums and I won't know to celebrate.

>wanted to be a novelist but didn't have the talent to create anything good so he dedicated his life to shitting on actually talented people

Peezer btfo
Bob's never wrong

>it's another episode of everyone liked it but Bob

>Why Yea Forums might be annoying
>it has several board directed solely to anime

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Or on the opposite, albums like Dirty Work where everyone hated it but Bob.

he wrote this? lol this has to be 10 years old
he would noooooot like what /pol/ has done to the place

I know why he liked it and it was 100% due to that shitty cover of The Harlem Shuffle.

>Rivers Cuomo is the punk
Stopped reading there.

And there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, Bob.

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>using Ch*ome

This guy’s such a fucking geek. Fuck him.

>Onstage, that is. How Cuomo comports himself in other areas of endeavor I have no idea
Can we get through one review without speculating on the artist's sex life?

After weezers first 2 albums thier music is shit. I can't even listen to thier first 2 albums because I'm not a teenager anymore.

based Darrell. this site is garbage and everyone reading this is a retard

Yeah you should really also stop listening to Green Day once you graduate the 10th grade.

>Weezer were only any good on the albums that Ric Ocasek produced
No surprise.

You can't get Buddy Holly out of your head for days when you hear it, Ric was that much of a pop genius.

>Yea Forums's legacy is lolcats memes
could be worse I guess

>Yea Forums attacked a white supremacist

I wish they still did