>shits on bands like Nine Inch Nails, Skinny Puppy etc
>namedrops Foetus, Swans, Einsturzende Neubauten and only enjoys 20JFG
You don't even know what Industrial music is.
Go fuck yourself.
>shits on bands like Nine Inch Nails, Skinny Puppy etc
>namedrops Foetus, Swans, Einsturzende Neubauten and only enjoys 20JFG
You don't even know what Industrial music is.
Go fuck yourself.
Other urls found in this thread:
hipster industrial like coil, throbbing gristle, einsturzende neubauten, is way better than mallgoth shit
Coil and Einsturzende Neubauten are not Industrial, and neither is 20 Jazz Funk Greats.
yes, im listening
Also "mall goth" is a very ironic description considering the posers namedropping acts like Boyd Rice and Death in June (neither of which are Industrial) are far bigger tryhard mallgoths than their Wax Trax and Metropolis Records cousins.
I'm pissed off at all of you.
How do I get into industrial? I've listened to coil, swans and foetus? where to next?
Fear Factory
If you want to get into real actual Industrial music start with the Throbbing Gristle cassette tapes and stuff like early Contagious Orgasm and Maurizio Bianchi.
Here are some youtubes:
and then move on to newer stuff like Brighter Death Now and Atrax Morgue:
goddamn based opinion. FF is an evolved form of industril and no one even caught it
thank you to both... i will save all of these
if it was released by industrial records it's industrial
make sure to listen to this classic
That's another misunderstanding of what Industrial is.
TG never saw Cabaret Voltaire or Clock DVA as Industrial, they simply felt a kinship with those bands and decided to release some of their stuff.
Industrial is a specific sound, go listen to "The Second Annual Report" and "DOA The Third and Final Report" by Throbbing Gristle, that is the footprint for what Industrial music is.
Very early Coil were industrial then it evolve to something else
Vampire Rodents for more critic-core, DAF and Front 242 for danceable club classics
>namedrops Einsturzende Neubauten
Imagine doing this irl with little-to-nothing knowledge of German
Those are electronic bands that have been incorrectly labeled as Industrial by the ignorant North American media.
None of them have any connection to actual Industrial music.
I don’t have a problem with that. I prefer Throbbing Gristle and the 80’s Australian industrial scene, personally
I like Einsturzende Neubauten a lot too.
I was never big into NIN
>>namedrops Foetus, Swans, Einsturzende Neubauten and only enjoys 20JFG
Not everyone is you or your fucking friends
You'd have just as much luck enforcing the "real" definition of industrial as you would for "real" emo
Early current 93 is very solid industrial
>Boyd Rice
>not Industrial
ehhh let's not go saying anything silly now user.
Ayooo! If you want some feedback/constructive criticism from me, drop a link in my Discord or just ask me here.
Looking for feedback on this new single if y'all could say something about it, I'd really appreciate it.
>New Single [Private]
>Industrial - Hip-Hop - Horrorcore
>Discord - Request Feedback
>When you try to make a thread but just end up posting in some other thread.
Somebody end my life...
Sounds like ICP
Would have been pretty cool in the 1990s.
bumping this
don't say "y'all", you absolute faggot
Please don't post Contagious Orgasm on Yea Forums ~thanks
all of the bands you named are good, user
Fuck that first wave shit or whatever, let me dance.
Aloysius Scrimshaw
Fuck them too
Hella based...