Is the remaining interest in rock largely dependent on the glory days?

Is the remaining interest in rock largely dependent on the glory days?
Every time I'm in a bar that plays rock (even ones with a mostly under 30 crowd), it's almost always shit that is 25+ years old.
The rock charts are also filled with legacy shit, including work from artists that are defunct or dead. Such as Queen.
If all rock from say, pre 2008 was removed from existence, how much interest in rock would there even be?
It seems to me like the genre is dormant.
I know hipsters will say "but you have to look at the underground!" but a lot of that shit fails to make the mainstream because it's not good. And if it's not showing up on the big spotify playlists or the radio, not many people will know about it.
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when will rock be good again

Waaaaaaaaay too much revival crap rooted in boomer era trends. It needs to look to the FUTURE, not the past.

Also, is the future of rock simply not viable due to changing demographics? Young America is becoming less and less white, and young whites don't really have any aversion to black music anymore.
And while the black population isn't growing, the CHI population is and it seems like they're more into rap than rock (not all of them, of course).

Agreed. Greta Van Zeppelin is literally the worst band I've ever heard. But it's not just the fake Led Zeppelins that are bad, the revival acts are just bad in general.
What rock is missing IMO: keyboards and testosterone

White kids do like rock though, but mostly old rock. Even the #woke ones usually like 90s indie rock.

Sadly probably never. When people recommend stuff here, it is usually the same thin sounding hipster crap.
But rap is kind of at a stand still too, due to the overuse of trap production which is played out. Rhythmic pop is all that interests me right now.

you're basing that opinion on charts and what they play in bars though. there is plenty of good new rock that's not totally based on throwbacks to classic rock -- it's just not insanely popular, but there IS plenty.

Yeah but my point proven, 60s to mid 00s (at newest) rock.
I would say that about 40-50% of Hispanic kids listrn to rock and about 10% of black kids.

>I posted it again

Yes rock was mostly not a big singles genre.
But keep in mind, even from the 70s to mid 00s, everyone bought albums so a song could still be well known without it making it high on the singles chart.
But album chart is meaningless these days because it is largely based on singles or legacy acts having 1 to 2 strong weeks.

I think it's lack of promotion partially, along with newer bands being very revivalist to the point where you might as well just listen to the original, better sound. There's a market there for rock I believe, and you even get flukey rock-ish hits every so often like that Portugal the man song a couple years ago (more on the pop side though).

You need a band that sounds fresh, looks fashionable and not like a larper of a past decade, and ALSO has that industry machine willing to invest in them. Part of why trap is so prevalent is because it's cheaper for the industry (less people to pay, less equipment, more formulaic, easy to market through meme one liners spreading online and shit)

All good points. A record company could easily pay to have rock songs on spotify's pop playlist or pop radio. But they are not.
The Portugal the Man song barely counts as rock, and the dude literally sounds like a woman.
By any chance do you post on SHF?

I know exactly what rock needs to do. I don’t know why people don’t do it, it’s so obvious

>memes in rap
It sounds stupid but this is actually huge. Old Town Road, Panda, All Gold Errythang, Chief Keef, Lil B, OFWGKTA, Anaconda by Nicki Minaj, Lil Pump, 69, Post Malone, Macklemore, Death Grips. All these used memes as marketing in some way.

You mean have testosterone again instead of onions?

True. Especially Drake I would say.
Though, he is gonna be on his way out soon (as a dominant force) since he's almost 33.

I don't, but I've heard of it.
PTM isn't really rock per se, but they played it on the alternative stations. That stuff plus other flukey hits like Pumped Up Kicks were more indie pop

Would you consider Arctic Monkeys 2013 songs to be rock? Because those are pretty well known. Though, that is a very long time ago in terms of music.

Yeah him too. I remember people would constantly post the Hotline Bling video gifs. Maybe rap is better suited for the low attention span social media meme era.

Mac DeMarco has done a decent job carving out a niche as a new rock artist though imo, but he's not quite popstar tier but a lot of young people know him and Tame Impala. Coincidentally, Mac is a bit of a meme himself.

So new rockers should tap into meme world?
I wonder if video games could also help out.

Yeah although AM was their poppier album. I like them, although they did start mid 00s. I was in hs then and they were pretty big at the time, which shows again there's a market out there people just don't know where to find new rock.

Yeah so even they are basically a legacy act.
Trust me dude, I would love to find new rock. I'm trying, but unimpressed so far. I'm not a 24 year old boomer, even hip hop is more likely to catch my attention.

It worked for Weezer, got them in the hot 100 again. Obviously they're another legacy act though lol.
I honestly prefer the old stuff too man, even if I'm more of a post punk, shoegaze, noise rock kind of guy but even those are 30+ year old genres now.

Does ANYONE remember when liking music that wasn't literally the most popular music in the world was considered something to brag about? Does nobody remember gatekeeping over who was obscure enough to be good, and how if something wasn't obscure enough then it was terrible by default? Can't we go back to those times

There ia a huge jamband scene. Just because the unwashed heathens who listen to pop shit chase whatever they are told to and they always have.

Yeah, I really like the 90s alt stuff. Even the mid 00s had some great rock albums.
I'm kinda jealous of my Xoomer dad because he got to see the 40s baby acts before they were dinosaur tier, and he grew up with great contemporary rock in the 80s and 90s.

Jam bands are dadrock tier

Jambands are where the best musicians are, They aren't bullshit autotuned studio creations, IE fake bullshit. Think about what kind of junk passes for pop music...Billy Eilish, Lizzo....absolute shit. There is a thread of country music that in the seventies or eighties would have been hard rock, like the Jason Aldean song making the rounds right now, at least jambands live or die by their ability to perform live which is what matters to me at the end of the day. Can you play it live or are you just a poser?

Rock is dead. And all the subgenres of it are dead too

White people only listen to rap now. White girls are gonna fuck all these black guys, getting knocked up by them, and create a bunch of Logic clones (the reality is there not gonna look like Logic, there gonna look disgusting, ugly mutts, but whatever) running around. The top white guys are gonna procreate, but their grandchildren are still gonna procreate with a bunch of darkies and mutts. The remaining white guys are either gonna racemix (aka, picking up the scraps) with asian, spic, negro women, and create another mutts, and the remaining white incels are gonna kills themselves, thus ending all the rock, goth, punk, emo, metal, all the white genes.

You will not see any of these genres coming back because there's not gonna be any white people for it to listen to. All the mutts are going to create something new, the next step of music. Something with the mix of spics and nigger culture. Some muttcore.

>White people only listen to rap now
Utter bullshit.

too much /int/ for your brain

white boys who spend their entire day daydreaming about shooting their school while listening to synthwave or white women who obsess over kpop don't count, sorry. these "people" are in minority

>mix of spic and nigger culture
Hispanics don't really have their own style in the US, the ghetto ones are into black stuff and the non ghetto ones are into white stuff

It's not even true of Hispanics. At least half of them listen to shit besides rap

greta van fleet's days are numbered. they only made a single song before being signed to a label and asked to make a full LP. i'm already sick of hearing them because they are posers. if they keep up this coattailing act and refuse to make an innovative sound that can be attributed to only them, then they're done for.

They are too corny to do anything interesting

Yes, and rock mostly did it to itself.

The main reason is that rock's fanbase is split into different channels of distribution and promotion now and they are all completely divorced from radio. The hipster shit is completely promoted by critics. The metalcore/scene/Warped Tour shit has its own ways of reaching fans. Metal has always been in its own place. None of them bother with radio or other mainstream forms of promotion anymore because they don't need it, they have their own niche. And it's been that way for over a decade now.

So the new stuff you hear on "modern rock" radio is just new stuff from the bands that were big back when rock and the radio had a relationship, so in other words the 90s bands and 00s buttrock.

The truth is that indie labels, both the hipster ones and the scene labels, exiled rock from the mainstream by willfully excluding themselves from it. And as the mainstream's pool of visible rock bands grew shittier and more stagnant the perception of rock as a genre died with it.

So it sounds like a meme but you really do have to look past the radio. It's not because the music isn't good, or even that it isn't popular. It's because the labels don't use traditional channels to promote their music.

Why wouldn't they want to make more money, though?

The bands probably wouldn't make more money. At indie labels they get better contracts and they're working with people who have decades of experience marketing to their target audience.

The labels probably wouldn't make more money at this point aiming to get played on the radio. Even if the radio did play it, which is no guarantee since that's major label territory, the fans of that music are accustomed to finding it other ways now and radio exposure would probably do little for them.

Rock music isn't hot anymore in mainstream media, they might allow stuff like muse and other easy listening stuff, but that's it. On the other hand, the "underground" scene is alive and well and there are more people than ever going to rock concert and festival (with new and old bands). Just check the statistics, shit like Metallica are still hugely popular. Artistically wise, there is still a lot of good new shit.

Makes sense

new rock is basedboy shit


It's undeniable the good rock scene is tiny by comparison to commercial-industrial complex pop machine but who the fuck wants mass produced buttrock and stadium rock? If that's what normies want I say fuck 'em.

good point kinda glad buttrock is done
but also miss when a band like ween, beck, flaming lips, butthole surfers, sonic youth, nirvana and weird underground type rock like that could actually get big on the radio. that happened in the 90s, we've moved away from that.

this, king gizzard and the oh sees each have their own fucking labels that deal primarily in vinyls and streaming, rock is a clown fiesta

>People don't listen to genre of music anymore therefore BLACKED

the absolute state of coombrains

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That was a one time thing of major labels being desperate for the next Nirvana. Eventually they watered down "alt rock" to like Third Eye Blind type pop rock stuff or Matchbox twenty buttrock so they stopped with the weird bands by like 1998.

Every decade after the 60s (since synths came along), pop has been at the real top of the charts (singles) that everyone listened to and on the radio. Yesterday it was Abba, then TLC, today it's Ariana Grande. Prog at its best was as niche if not more than indie rock is today.
Also you made this thread before faggot

True, but rock at least had a presence next to all the celine dion and bobby brown crap

t. american

Nothing more onions than an american “man,” no matter the colour

Rock albums sold well. Albums are kinda irrelevant in 2019, sadly

horrible ip ratio
OP doesn't say one thing about music/bands/artists. just generic teenager talk. obvious bait

The beginning of the end for rock was the late 80's.

I'm talking about broader social trends. Why would I meed to be mentioning specific bands (which I actually have, though)?

everyone in this thread is too racist and retarded to notice that most rap these days pulls heavily from rock and punk

denzel curry covered bulls on parade

x, lil peep, soundcloud rappers all fucking loved rock and integrated it into hip hop

danny browns favorite album is forever changes

yall need to grow the fuck up and realize rock def still has a place in modern music, its just not on a pedestal like you want it to be

Denzel Curry, X, and Lil Peep are not exactly mainstream.
And two of them are dead

I think 95 is when the cracks really started showing

That's still not rock though, it's rap. Rap rock isn't a good combo either, just look at nu metal.

No, 90s were great. 80s rock had too much hair metal

the second half of the 90s had a lot of buttrock though

True, the late 90s it was going downhill

I think the mid 00s was pretty good though, but that was the last hurrah of good mainstream rock. Or mainstream rock, even

Exactly. I love rap, but it does not mix well with rock usually.

>Yes rock was mostly not a big singles genre
You have to be shitting me

I mean, if you look at the singles charts from the mid 70s to 90s, you will see mostly non-rock overall

They're a bunch of Jews raking in the shekels.

Euros don't even breed.

Popular music is degenerate, peddled by Jews and used to control the masses.

Who the fuck even listens to radio?

A lot of people (meaning young people) still listen to the radio in their cars. If nobody did, the stations would have shut down years ago

>tfw the only music my mom listens to is the buttrock station that's been playing the same 50 songs for 20 years, still watches TV, doesn't read and hates the internet
I cannot even imagine having such a desolate existence

I worked with boomers who played the classic rock station every day and my god I could go forever without hearing sweet child o mine, steve miller, or hotel california again

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it's annoying because there are a lot of great lesser played songs from that era.
My local dadrock station plays so much Tom Petty and Billy Joel, it's just not good.
I actually like watching TV. I'm 24 and haven't really watched TV for a while, but every now and then I just sit down with friends watching it and it's a nice change of pace from shitposting on the internet.

So few good bands currently active. Iceage, Protomartyr and Thee Oh Sees are my personal faves.

Among my friends King Gizzard has become uite popular for some reason. Maybe the 'quirky' name helps. But they really seem to have a mini deadheads-like following these days.

They might be the last big rock band now that I think about it.


Why do people care so much whether something is currently trendy?
Just listen to what you like.

Blacks listen to Rock more often than you think, they just don't treat it as the only important Genre like white Kids do

Let's not forget that Rock Samples have been in Rap since the 80's

I work with all black guys and very, very few of them listen to rock
White kids, nor me, do not usually treat rock as the only important genre. I just wish there was some new rock to listen to that wasn't swoyboy garbage or derivative of past styles.

I was talking about the more "Nerdy" types

I've came across blipsters and blerds, but they're a minority of the black population.

I've been listening to King Gizzard and it's not very good. This Rattlesnake song sucks ass

people with actual jobs
who drive to work

tech nerds think that you must immediately ditch old technology

It's not in the mainstream nearly as much but rock's definitely not dead. Ride's latest album got to number 7 in the UK charts a couple of weeks ago and Suede's comeback material is easily as strong as their best 90s work. Prog-pop is definitely the most popular form of rock amongst upcoming bands more than conventional 2000s-style indie rock, I'll give you that. Futureheads are back, too, and Field Music have been going from strength to strength the past couple of decades along with their associated acts.

And so on.

It also helps to look up north. In the south everything creative is centred around London which sucks the life out of things (and in the current zeitgeist means a predisposition towards grime and Ed Sheeran-apeing shit), but Manchester, Glasgow, Sunderland and Newcastle all have decent scenes.

Based prog-pop poster

what's with the american obsession with black people fucking white women

Does nobody have an iPod anymore? Damn

I own a CD Walkman
unironically though, BBC Radio 6 has a good selection of new and recent guitar music compared to any American radio I've heard, a lot of the hosts are insufferable but I've discovered some good bands through them and Marc Riley from The Fall has great taste

There is always amazing music and musicians being made. The music reflects the owners of the bar. It might be in an offshoot subgenre, but it's there.

>Ja[zz] bands are where the best muscians are
What passes for rock jam band is laughable. It's even more egregiously noodling-for-unstructured noodling's sake than cookie cutter jazz.

>greta van fleet's days are numbered
Big Music, like Hollywood would rather recycle proven workhorse IPs into the dirt than allow anything remotely risky. Cargo cult reconstructions of past trends like Vandergrift Van Dirigible are the ideal for Them (provided the consumer bites at this semi-forced feeding.)

>exiled rock from the mainstream by willfully excluding themselves from it.
Notice how your recommendations and advertisements are increasing tailored to your unique (and totally not Beast System precurser) 'user experience'? This balkanization is only going to intensify across the board. Music market is no exception.
>Agreed. Greta Van Zeppelin is literally the worst band I've ever heard
Cargo cult vaguely 70s jam bands were always a psyop, yet there are always a few sterling exceptions. King Gizzard and Temples' Sun Structures stand out in that lane.

Lot of black people there

Sorry all I heard was "oi fancy a cup o tea, guvna?" Anyway, go Man U

You would understand if you had black people.

If Oasis reformed tomorrow, rock would topping the charts for another decade. As you were why me why LG x


Based prog-pop band Field Music are about to announce their new album "Making A New World", which is the recording of a concept suite about the aftermath of the world wars they wrote last year to commemorate the amnesty. Stand-out tracks look to include Do You Read Me?, Only In A Man's World, Nikon, and Coffee & Wine. Will probably the only album in 2020 to have a lead single about the invention of the sanitary pad as a result of the development of improved battlefield gauzes.

Attached: out jan 2020.jpg (700x700, 82K)

Rock has been dormant for a decade+ but it has picked up lately with some good new albums.

What about The Struts?