Just got the Anthology, what am I in for lads?

Just got the Anthology, what am I in for lads?

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a bunch of stuff from various bootlegs that you've probably heard before and a few songs john lennon didn't finish that they shoehorned the other 3 into

not carnival of light, that's for sure

one day

The book, the documentary, or the albums?

Lol I bought this exact boxset like 15 years ago

oh wait, if you meant the dvds, then you're in for like 11 hours of shit you could have watched on youtube

It's not the most in-depth look at the Beatles from any one viewpoint, because it's many voices giving their own accounts, but as a celebration of their music and legacy it's unmatched.

DVD, there’s actually not that many clips on YouTube and they are pretty low quality

fair, i haven't looked in a while, the whole thing was up about a year ago though. still, there's dailymotion or the ol' torrentsphere

You're in for a well produced documentary about the Beatles. If you like The Beatles, you'll like the documentary. If you're looking for a more subversive documentary that is more critical of them, then you're going to be disappointed.

Yeah I’ve been wanting an in-depth doc of their careers and studio stuff and this seems perfect for me. Out of all the other lil docs I’ve seen, the Scorsese George Harrison is by far the best and highest quality

Carnival of light when? Fucking Yoko ono man


Nah, Yoko and Paul gave it a thumbs up. It was George who nixed the idea. Now his estate enforces his wishes.

An in depth history lesson about The Beatles!


Avant garde a clue

Based George.

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Seeing this on TV when it first aired when I was 9 years old was what got me into music in the first place. Enjoy

A waste of time that could have been spent listening to bands that aren't the beatles for the trillionth time.