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Other urls found in this thread:

For me it's Jo Yuri

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this is the thread



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i wonder what tae is up to these days

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something something bogum

real thread

when was this


still jamming to this


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being pure unlike jk and jimbo

you're not even close to as smart as i am. you're a transparent fat bitch who tells herself she's smart as a coping mechanism because she's worthless at everything else. in reality you're just average though and only think you're smart because your few twitter friends are literal retards. and no that doesn't make your life worthwhile hence why you're an insecure bitter little cunt

funny af

what are you guys even talking about

Bogum is mental in the head since he’s in that cult

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>#23 - Reposts: 1061

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whose family is this

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just some dumb roastie that's on her period. literally the worst posters on kpg

Is that a good thing? Or a mentally ill thing?

just a fan

very mentally ill here with yejifags
to the other thread

yeah he's probably completely insane

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that guy is probably allergic to dogs

threads that early will always lose. there's no point in posting there when this is the inevitable winner

walk in the park

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it’s just one guy

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how tf anyone walks on those is beyond me

There's a snake in my boot!

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you just practice of course, like using roller skates

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any tf2chads here

minju is reaching a whole other level

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nice try but we are the most normal posters here and that is a fact

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i don't know why v is close with him

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she gives me a woody alright

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what happens with minju when izone disbands? what company is she with?

black straight hair is still superior

tzuyu hate post

Attached: tzuyu0.jpg (564x564, 34K)

cub's set stands out alot

this is the hottest shes ever looked

because they’re both artfags who are probably closet homos

Sana, Jihyo, and Momo look good.

Is this the gaypoop free thread?

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ugly shart on the left

Attached: RespectfulShimmeringBighorn.webm (1158x1000, 2.38M)

>Yang Hyun Suk And YG Reportedly Being Fined 6 Billion Won In Additional Taxes

uggo free until you posted that ugly thing

isn't he rich? he can pay that off easily can't he

Nope bacontranny is here

Attached: 1539748112870.jpg (400x400, 21K)

that aint shit compared to the money he has to pay louis vuitton

>6 Billion Won

That's like six US dollars.

...but they also owe 56 million usd + interest + that fine

goodbye bigbang

*two hours before*
>YG Entertainment to reportedly return 67 billion won to Louis Vuitton SE
they just keep coming and coming

sometimes yeji has nice-sized titties, sometimes they look small, and i can't tell what the real story is

and he can still pay that off right? big 3 ceos must be filthy rich

The other thread looks fag free migrate

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these old hags should have children by now

it's the company that owes louis vuitton, not him as a person. he owes the tax agency though


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bang pd must be the richest kpop company ceo rn

dr kim what have you done

i believe yge has enough to almost cover it but will have to sell off a few assets. afterwards tho...pockets be empty cuz

nice try
>However, Yang Hyun Suk and YG Entertainment were not fined for suspicions of tax evasion. It appears that the National Tax Agency did not find any clear evidence of tax evasion during the investigations.

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They should sell BP to America and Big Bang to some indie company

it's probably YG, the guy built a massive criminal enterprise by the looks of it

nct are so scary

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they paid them off


i just want to have this waiting for me at home, is it too much to ask?

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YG's stock keeps falling,they already lost 40% of their personal last year and there's no doubt the ones remaining are sendng applications to other companies and trying to jump the sinking boat as soon as possible. The louis vuitton it's like4 times what YG makes in a year

YG is

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anyone here watch the movie parasite? it's obvious that yg is gonna go into hiding or kill himself to avoid his debt


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not to mention that YG had a negative operating profit Q2 this year...

Nobody cares JYP shill

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my dream

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ultra turbo manlet..

i just hope the media has more scandals in store for us, to really give a nice coup de grâce. 2019 has been a bad year for music but it's been fun watching YG crash and burn

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who is she

is favorite the best loona song

no hi high is

will she ever cut her hair

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>YG is F I N I T O
says increasingly nervous roastie for seventh time this year

Based Snow White

what happened to seungri?

in what universe is YG not finished?

hes in jail now probably getting destroyed iykwim

sana with a pixie cut? no thanks

he is in police custody

looked good in the TT video

why do we have two threads?

YUNAS feet MY mouth

no, like this or a little shorter

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i want to know as well, doesn’t he have to enlist soon

other one was early...

not really

Attached: 54219730.jpg (826x160, 22K)

the other one was egregiously early so most people went to this one, which was still early but the lesser of the two

this is the real thread

same frend

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he can't relax forever

Yfw _______

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nice date idiot. he's under a different investigation now

ok ill cut her hair for you during the next fan meet

does someone from barbados really post in these thraeds

Imagine her asking how was your day like this
Why even bother living if that's not the case? Fml

Attached: 1568246974402.webm (720x720, 2.98M)

you live in korea?

>brand reputation isn't a pointless meme ranking
That shit doesn't even make sense

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for my qt user

Attached: Kai Instagram Live [190411] 3.webm (406x720, 1.78M)

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why is he taking a dump?

The ugliest shit. Busted plastic tranny

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>Seungri released after more than 12 hours of police questioning over gambling in Las Vegas

any yejibros in

id tell her jokes all day

god I'm so fucking happy
and I'm gonna post it all the way to YG's grave baby
I love it that it's taking this long and the news are gradually coming, each day is a new blow (although today we got two)
and I love that YGshitters like you seethe every time

what the fuck that webm is cute dont reply with this goofy nonsense

Attached: Kai Instagram Live [190411] 4.webm (406x720, 2.88M)

finally an attractive girl

that was quick, thanks based user
i'll name it kai no feet.webm

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i thought everyone on kpg lives in korea

so gay in here without yejibros

Blackpink prostitution scandal when? It'll be the final blow to YG.

his skintone is perfect

Ugly tranny

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and as soon as this manner is cleared up, the media will hit him with another crime that he's completed and he'll be right back in the interrogation room

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as soon as these pics I just took finish uploading to the cloud
t. dispatch

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...did they?

did he even say anything during this live or was he just staring at the camera

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i'm on day 2 no sleep and i just fucked that sentence way up

The real one where nobody gives a shit outside of r/kpop and some dorks on here.

halsey is lesbian

yw i finished them earlier but i was sitting in the wrong thread

i know i'm so glad he doesn't use those ugly snow filters anymore

how many times do i have to say hes cute in this stupid picture before you stop replying to me with it

Attached: Kai Instagram Live [190411] 2.webm (406x720, 2.89M)


>implying every poster on kpg doesn't also post there as well

Attached: 1564019097252.jpg (1365x2048, 292K)

oh yeah you clearly live in the real world where koreans don't care if their celebrities are involved in organized crime and police corruption

We aren't getting any more meme collaborations next comeback, are we?

Attached: 1567356949656.jpg (1667x2500, 844K)

he just stared at the camera the whole time and then left
sometimes i think he just likes zoning out and watching the comments scroll by kind of like a goldfish staring at its relfection all day

Attached: Kai Instagram Live [190411] 1.webm (406x720, 2.83M)

everyone in korea hates yg now and they’re even boycotting it

does sperm really need 3 whole days to post teasers for each member

Attached: EElObw0U0AAMGVQ.jpg (2048x1365, 330K)

i've never even been there and have never had a reddit account

keklo is a kaiposters now?

That one Rock photo...

what makes you think that

Attached: 1542398393853.jpg (1080x1350, 209K)

they want as much build up as they can muster up

Yes he has always been a fag

who even knows? lil nas x collab came out of nowhere and was fairly recent

i'm actually glad that i didn't even know you must have an account to post on reddit
sounds pretty shitty desu

I care about catching slimy pedophile criminals, YG might not go to jail for the grooming of his wife but I'm sure he's having a really hellish time right now. Hopefully he gets some real justice from the legal system soon.

the red pockets look retarded

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trying to figure out what this means

just me

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No we don't actually go to r/kpop you stupid tranny.

The only subreddits we go to is r/kpopfap and r/asiangonewild and that only like once a week to check if there is anything new

>I'm sure he's having a really hellish time right now.
I doubt it. This is all probably just a mild annoyance to him.

it only makes sense when twice is on top

brand ranking has always been gossip tier shit regardless whos on top

>even fucking Mina
>no Seolhyun

Based. Loonatic is amazing.

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Is AoA gonna win queendom?

I can’t believe Jungkook is dating Taemin now

oh no........

Attached: D74ew_oVsAATuyG.jpg (800x1200, 153K)

what the fuck is queendom

i had to do it to em

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if anything taemin would date jimin not him

No. They came in 4th last round and come in 3rd this round according to spoilers.



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His gf looks like Taemin

I was just about to post this

i doubt that. he's a narcissistic attention whore. being disgraced, unable to appear on tv anymore judging teenage girls, and also not knowing when this shit ends, it's all probably pretty terrible for him and for seungri

who leaked their photos? what a rat

she's just a friend

that's his dyke friend

that he puts his penis inside

Article: BTS Jungkook's dating rumors... back hug picture in Geoje-do?

Source: E-Daily via Naver

1. [+402, -17] Dating rumors aside, can you use a store's CCTV footage like this?

2. [+150, -13] Stupid fangirls, please stay within the lines and be mature, stop digging into someone's life

3. [+140, -11] I'm an Army myself and I can't stand some of these fan comments because I feel so bad for their delusions... he is not hugging a man, it's clearly a blonde woman, there's evidence all out there ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ she's a blonde-haired tattooist and BTS' manager once left a comment too so it seems that these dating rumors are true this time around.

4. [+62, -2] There are other pictures of a blonde woman drinking with two men so yeah, that's a woman. And you can tell from the picture that it's really Jungkook. What's so wrong with a young man being in a relationship? The only problem here is that fans went and caused a fuss with the wrong person.

5. [+16, -0] Let him be, he's at an age where he should be dating


Source: Nate

1. [+293, -19] Even if it really is Jungkook in that picture, he's an adult, shouldn't he be allowed to date?? Why are his fans being so disrespectful and causing a scandal out of nothing? tsk tsk

2. [+246, -9] Fans kept asking Hash Swan to clarify if it's him in the picture or not so he did and now he's being ridiculed by them ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ these fans are a mess

3. [+222, -22] Isn't the owner of the store who shared this CCTV in violation of privacy laws?

4. [+28, -7] Jungkook, I'll always support you even if you're dating not like you'll ever date me just because you're single

5. [+13, -5] Jungkook's at that age, he's gotta release that energy somewhere

...right...just a friend....

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but english version > k version

who knew their vacation turned out to be this lit

Attached: 1567212306881.webm (480x600, 2.96M)

OMG you subhuman fags who the fuck cares about that inane fagshit crap. Shut the fuck up Jesus

Attached: 1537827967275.jpg (500x500, 69K)


Article: Hash Swan called into Jungkook's Geoje-do sighting rumors "that's not me"

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+204, -6] Idol fans have strong fantasies about their idols so dating rumors will obviously impact them negatively, which is why they act so disrespectfully without a second thought... Hash Swan is being attacked for no reason but at least everyone knows how disrespectful BTS fans can be so I hope they take this as a wake up call...

2. [+139, -13] I'm a fanclub member myself but I think Armies are really taking this too far. If he's dating, he's dating, don't go to some stranger's Instagram who has nothing to do with this and kick up a fuss there.

3. [+114, -4] Army fans, please apologize to him

4. [+11, -1] It's not just Armies, this is just how stupid fangirls and fanboys really are. They think they own these idols because they raised them themselves, like this is some kind of life simulation game. The minute the idols do something that they don't like, they all go into a frenzy.

5. [+10, -3] Armies love to act like they're all so respectful but they're no different from other fans ㅋㅋㅋ whenever something bad happens, they're like "that's not a real Army" ㅋㅋㅋ past or present, stupid fangirls are hopeless.


Source: Nate

1. [+764, -41] Seems like fans attempted to direct the attention towards Hash Swan before the scandal got any bigger. Hash Swan is a victim. He listened to what the BTS fans wanted only to end up a fool in the end ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+653, -53] Dating is not a problem, it's these fans that are

3. [+592, -53] Remember when BTS fans were caught throwing out plastic cups on the streets? I thought they were hopeless then but they truly are now ㅋㅋ

4. [+39, -5] That blonde person is totally a woman ㅋㅋㅋ stop trying to say it's a man

5. [+33, -1] He's at a beautiful age where he's doing well in life, wouldn't it be weird if he wasn't dating? Do you want your oppas to be celibates?

shut the fuck up teenage roastie

Source: Naver

1. [+2,146, -81] I seriously can't stand disrespectful Armies, what's wrong with them? Why go so extreme? Seems like this is their last resort because they can't keep their delusions alive with their lies.

2. [+1,256, -18] Why drag Hash Swan into this? ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+843, -34] Stupid fangirls are hopeless. Hash Swan did nothing to deserve this, why take it out on him? So did you expect him to stay quiet while you all beat him down? Do you fans think you're thugs?

4. [+467, -30] Armies, please apologize

5. [+158, -7] So the fans tried to deny that it was their oppa by dragging some random person into this and claiming that it's him but once that person denied it was him, they're hating on him ㅋㅋㅋ stupid fangirls


Source: Naver

1. [+1,642, -20] To all of Jungkook's disrespectful fans, please stop tainting his name and leave the fandom

2. [+747, -17] Sigh, what a shame, I hope BTS fans apologize now~ talk about being hit with a stone out of no where for Hash Swan

3. [+408, -39] Stupid fangirls, please live in reality. These guys aren't going to date you. They're all doing it with other female idols behind your backs.

4. [+84, -10] I suppose this is the "positive influence" that Armies are always going on about. It's truly scary to see what can happen when you lose yourselves to these cult delusions and lose your grip on reality.

5. [+58, -0] I'd be pissed if I were Hash Swan too. I hope those disrespectful fans will step up and apologize.

6. [+53, -4] Fact: the person in the photo is Jungkook, allegedly in a relationship with someone. Disrespectful Armies who want to deny reality are trying to say that it's Hash Swan and not Jungkook and went to his Instagram to terrorize his comments, which in turn pissed Hash Swan off...

gross, I hate this new mentality that idols can be impure and have romantic lives, that would never fly in the old days
make kpop pure again

it’s gonna be funny when everyone realizes that she’s just a friend because there’s no way a bts member would be stupid enough to go out in public with their SO especially around cameras

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OMG = Oh My Girl

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jimin's scandal was much funnier

Will ARMY roasties finally leave Yeri alone now?

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i'm shocked at how ugly that girl is. isn't jungkook considered one of the most desirable gaypops in the game?

forgot there was an english version

you know what you meant

who the fuck is Hash Swan

also why is korean culture so dumb, why can't a guy and a girl hug without people thinking they're dating

i absolutely did not miss btshitters

she's just a friend

is there a pic of this without the censor?


she's just a friend

they don't give a fuck anymore. they're all worth 8 figures each and their lives have probably taken a heavy toll on them

Some ugly rapper

he's unironically gay and she's his dyke friend

g idle will

Attached: D-jvlA9VAAQVlYq[1].jpg (1365x2048, 395K)


exactly! thank you brother
why can't these idiots understand this
kpop needs o be pure

Fine. As long as it's not fucking Mamamoo.

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/kpg/ roastie and fag gaypoop gossip general

virgins ITT thinking that a girl and a boy can’t be platonic friends

bts btfo

Attached: Screenshot_20190916-203234_Facebook.jpg (1080x2220, 607K)

ew hopefully not
who's competing?

they can't unless they're gay.

westerners ALWAYS have the same comments to make on kpop


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Kai next and then Taemin last for these teasers right? I hope Taemin's cameo in Kai's teaser is gay as fuck

what are you going on facebook? you some normie?

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idols have always gone on dates discretely but it seems in this case the restaurant owner leaked the cctv footage which is insane. it's more a testament of how little privacy bts has

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LMAO fat roastie pigs on suicide watch

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for sure, taemin seems to be the protag in this group

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purple beck
pink fantasy

the cctv footage is from the same they he got his tattoos done
she's a tattoo artist as well
the restaurant pic was taken by a sasaeng

that's a man

>cropping sehun

Attached: cult of SM.jpg (1800x1298, 467K)

Tom Holland dressed like them recently

how do i get indoctrinated

I hope those subhuman roasties and fags didn't try to dox and get that guy fired. Those subhumans are known to do that to people who make fun of those fag twinks

Attached: 1558798882792.webm (208x368, 951K)

cute manlets

imagine tom holland in exo..

Attached: b6bd44b7db9418e0b5896319c401e3e7.jpg (1080x1346, 143K)

no please

the technicalchads get this one

teenpost and someone that clearly spends his time on /pol/ or Yea Forums

Attached: EEjjIuKUYAAAbrS[2].jpg (1365x2048, 316K)

Xiusoo Thee Stallion...

Attached: 1568240448265.jpg (3402x4605, 832K)

does anyone else lose huge amounts of precious sleep wasting away in these threads?


anyone got the backhug pic of kookie and that girl?

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Shut the fuck up you fat ugly c*nt

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who or what is tom holland

any retards in


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mr stark... i don't feel so good..

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I love her. Unless you mean the T-ara one then I have no strong feelings.

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I don't think they would lower themselves to participate in something like this. Never heard of the other though.

last spidertwink

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iron man jr

it’s becoming a problem with relationship

what even is that picture? it's basically a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot

jay why pee...


uh how the hell does anyone think that is a girl? the blonde one i mean.



cuter and more fuckable than 100% of the people usually posted here

That's not even the real line up and there's far bigger groups than Loona doing it.

did you see the other pics?

it is a girl
probably a butch lesbian though

This is nice but whoever leaked it needs to get skinned alive.

girls might have male orbiters but a man of higher sexual status doesn't have female orbiters. since it's obvious that the woman isn't more attractive than jungkook the just friends thing doesn't apply

Alfred Merc I asked my daughter why she was listening to 7 lesbians.

i hope he ages well

yeah, it's a girl


dont forget to love yourself first roastie

please link some twitter roastie shitstorms

Don't bring the roasties and fags to our comfy thread you retard

fuck off

most ifans think they're just friends, the real shitstorm is happening with pann femcels right now

bts suck anyway

make a real thread

lmao pathetic

it still looks like a guy to me. idk maybe that's just cuz most male kpop idols look like lesbians to me.



i didn't see the instagram at first. it def looks like her now that i see it. she probably did jungkook's tattoos.

non twicecuck thread