If you held me at gunpoint, telling me to name a more boring album than this, I still wouldn't be able to name any.
Galaxie 500 - On Fire
Tool is too complicated for Yea Forums. It’s like a little toddler listening to a symphony and expecting him to comprehend its brilliance
There's nothing complicated about Fear Inoculum or any Tool song.
I love tool but Fear Inoculum was not very good.
7empest might be the only innovative song on the entire album.
Slipknot - WANYK
>implying the long build-ups with the aimless riffing wasn’t commentary on the production of the album itself after years of working on it and delaying its release when it could have been released years earlier
Yea Forums doesn’t understand art at all. FL is the TMR of prog metal and it was too brilliant for Yea Forums to comprehend
As someone who was a Tool fanatic 10 years ago, will this album disappoint me?
Duuuude, a 5 minute guitar solo! So innovative!
Melon's morse code comment was spot on. The album is 75% CHUGGA CHUGCHUG...CHUG...CHUGGACHUGGA CHUGGA CHUGCHUG....CHUG...CHUGGACHUGGA
someone tool autist should actually see if they put some fucking morse code message in the riffs throughout the album
Listen to it and find out
DESU I'm mortified of doing this. I can't stand anymore disappointment, user,
Alright, fuck it; you've convinced me- I'll listen to it.
I mean, I enjoyed the album a lot. I thought it was a solid 9. Hope you enjoy it user
I've seen this album get knocked on /mu so often for not being "complex" and "innovative" enough, as if to BE good, music MUST have complexity. What utter bullshit. The Ramones disproved that theory. Muddy Waters & Chuck Berry, too. The Stones, the early Kinks....
"Oh my! It wasn't clever or tricky enough. I give it a 0/10."
Now, if what you hate about it is that the music isn't GOOD, then say THAT. But the "complex argument" simply is wearing your preference on your sleeve. You wanted mint chocolate chip but you got vanilla. So you hate it -- never mind that as vanilla goes, it's pretty good.
Just say you didn't like it.
Who do you think is right, professional music journalists classically trained at Julliard, or a bunch of bitter incels hiding in their basements who like listening to trash cans crashing while some clown in corpse makeup screams at them?
>7th track on the physical album
>"A TEM-PEST MUST BE JUST THAT" has 7 syllables and is repeated throughout the song
>Your preferences are invalid, but mine aren't... Because they're mine!
they also lack the emotional intelligence to truly get this album
this album is full of 7s, and you'll understand one day, too late mind you, but you'll get it
I would call this bait but I've actually met Tool fans in real life and this is really what they're like.
only tool gets this treatment tb h. it's weird
Can confirm.
I used to actually think that people who didn't acknowledge Tool's genius were just subhuman mongs. Little did I know that I WAS THE MONG THE WHOLE TIME :(
it is bait, but also true.
youre the kind of guy who goes on the internet and larps as an ex-fan of bands. it's kinda cool desu
Tool is the worst
>More Sex With The Dead
>(From July/Aug 1981 Issue)
>Dear WET,
>I read with sadness and some surprise your "Sex with the Dead" article in March/April 1981 WET. In 1976, I had access to a morgue and did a piece called Necrophilia.
>Perhaps John Duncan would not have had to put himself through the mental agony, had he seen that I had done the piece several years before.
>The necrophilia piece came to me after having a dream that I was fucking a seductive and beautiful living woman who rapidly aged and died as we were making love. She clamped her arms around me and the sides of the bed became a coffin enclosure.
>The dream was terrifying but I saw the Necrophilia piece as the ultimate resolution of polarities - Life/Death - if you could love death you could accept and love life more fully.
>After doing the morgue pieces I felt less afraid of death, but more afraid of the moral and karmic consequences of my actions. I was heavy into LSD at the time and had a few revelations about our immortality. In 1979 I hallucinated a trial of the souls who were involved. I met the soul of the woman that I had sex with. She was extremely angry and screamed at me saying - didn't I know I was violating her and that she was a person just as I was. I was so sorry, disgraced and disgusted with myself, I cried and begged her forgiveness. She did not forgive me, but I was put on a kind of probation by the judge and told to do good works, not harmful and negative works. A day has not gone by that I haven't thought of the necrophilia piece. I guess, during the past couple of years, I have come to regard the body as a sacred thing as well as a piece of meat.
>Alex Grey
It's true.
I fucking wish, nigger. I fucking wish.
what was the last symphony you listed to?
Fear Inoculum
>After a hiatus of 13 years, Tool released its fifth album, Fear Inoculum (2019), an 80-minute juggernaut that contains six lengthy pieces and a brief instrumental. The appeal of the ten-minute Fear Inoculum lasts less than three minutes: Danny Carey's tablas and Adam Jones' doom-y oscillating guitar rumble open for a syncopated funk rhythm and Keenan's litany, but then the band doesn't seem to know where to go. The eleven-minute Pneuma begins again with percussion and guitar chiseling an exotic ambient atmosphere but then, again, the times goes by without much happening (the instrumental break for tabla and synth is an amateurish interlude). The 13-minute Invincible opens with the sounds of storm and ocean, and then turns into a melodic power-ballad with atmospheric synth lines; certainly classy pop-metal, but not exactly revolutionary. The 15-minute 7empest begins and ends with a clock-like ticking of guitar and percussion. In between it chugs along with Black Sabbath-ian ferocity, but, other than Jones' guitar workout, it quickly becomes uninteresting. Keenan's sermons are luckily left in the background, while Carey remains a force of nature for the whole 80 minutes, and Jones turns every riff into an epic project. But this album is mostly filled with a lot of dejavu.
That's a great album.
Definitely can confirm.
Tool fans compare Tool to high IQ classical music writing, but can't name one composer.
Duster - Stratosphere
good bait
I agree.
I've always been a hardcore fan and listening to this album (which I really wanted to enjoy) was like h-heh yeah it's great. I think they couldn't deviate very much from their "sound" without pissing everyone off but I might have liked it more if they progressed a bit more stylistically to show that decade of time. Maynards a fucking farmer now. He also whines about Trump on Twitter. 2019 sucks ass.