Name a better band than pic related, oh wait you can't

Name a better band than pic related, oh wait you can't.

Attached: bestbandofalltime.jpg (425x275, 24K)

>Mechanical Animals turned 21 this year a few days ago
Jesus fuck.

I know this is bait and all, but as someone who was a teenager during Manson's peak, they were easily one of the biggest bands in the world and he was household name.
It was all downhill after this album.

Attached: mmchart.jpg (952x744, 125K)

I like going home to visit because the parents always have this kind of stuff playing in the background. I don't listen to it myself really but it's really comfy and nostalgic.

The Smashing Pumpkins were easily bigger than MM back in those days. MM was for the cringe, boot wearing dweebs.

Eat Me, Drink Me is really good though.

>It was all downhill after this album.
Agreed. MA is still their absolute best. 10/10 production and every track flows perfectly.

Manson's vision, Twiggy and Pogo's music, Michael Beinhorn's production. It was always going to be hard to top, but goddamn they fell off hard after this.

i know it's bait but MM has had more of an influence on me than my family and friends.

Manson was always mallgoth shit, but he was the "oh wow he sounds so smart in interviews guy" even though he wasn't so he has built a reputation of being "better" than other mallgoth shit to certain crowds (gays)

Attached: marilyn-manson-fans-jill-cairns-stephanie-B4N53Y.jpg (1300x942, 190K)

def leppard

Why are all the mallgoth pics on alamy / gettyimages of bong origin?

put Holy Wood up one and this ia spot on

There's a lot of legal stuff around it.

I was the biggest Manson fan as a teenager and this lineup was unironically talented af. Should have Cobain'ed himself after Holy Wood and he would be a immortal legend

*blocks your path*

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He would ironically kill himself to satirize celebrity suicides.

*walks right past them*

What do I need a band for?

Attached: reznorangry560.jpg (560x370, 39K)

Go home, dumb Americans.

Attached: c1b8_3.jpg (600x399, 38K)

Trent Reznor exists. Also after beautiful people Manson made his career on goth covers of pop songs. I think of him as an overrated cover artist.

You all ripped off ministry/skinny puppy anyways