
Bathory Edition
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Attached: bathoryy.jpg (800x800, 101K)

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Sorry bud. Blut Aus Nord edition

new drop


Metal is dead.


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You are dead, bitch ass ghost.

Are battle jackets still cool?

icelanders can't make good bm something in the tapwater on that island

Metal died after this album came out.

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user... I...

weeeee weeweee weewooooo
weeeee weeweee weewooooo

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Check mine

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norwegian edition

and the back

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switch system of a down with metallica and this is every metalfag in turkey. god i fuckin hate these

anyone who thinks RTL is better than kill em all has defective ears. RTL is completely sterile and flat

add Opeth too

>week long ban ends
>check /meal/
>14 yos talking about metallica and bathory
why couldn't my ban have been longer

Can they turn the vocals up? I can't hear what they're saying!

Most of them are trash, because most metalheads have trash taste or are utterly horrible at design. But they'll always be cool when they're done well
Fuck off tourist.

nice bait

No one could top RTL, no matter how inferior it was to Kill Em' All.

I need a large black metal discography to go through.

What's some Elder Scrolls metal?

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That was clearly a joke.

Graveland, and at least half those albums are good


To match it tonally? Summoning.
To match its quality? Linkin Park.

Post good albums

pic unrelated

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>the pentacle peeled off my bathory shirt because of those lazy chinks

Imagine not blasting LP's first 2 LPs (lmao)

Actually Meteora was my first CD and I was making that comparison to praise the high quality of the elder scrolls series.

Yes, but only when made well.

>caring about literally homosexual urbane notions of "good graphic design"
>calling other people tourists

Graveland actually inspired the question. Very consistent band, even in the later albums.

they were always stupid to anyone not trying to desperately fit in with le epic metalhead uniform. Advertising your music tastes always has and always will be maximum cringe.

i heard that bathory its for fags, a big faggs

and why the fuck would i want to do that?

>bro, Aryan Jewslaughter Kristallnacht 88 aren't an NSBM band. they're just ukrainian nationalists haha. not everyone who isn't a SJW is a nazi, bro

imagine a slap

Darkthrone, Moonblood, Satanic Warmaster

>literally homosexual urbane notions of "good graphic design"
Nobody said that, stop strawmanning you faggot.

Darkthrone only have a few good albums though. Total Death through Sardonic Wrath is some of the most boring, comatose bm I've ever heard. and the stuff after that might as well be Jack Black albums.

true, it's fuckin cancer.

Drowning the Light


Not to mention all of his other solo projects.

Nemesis Divina is the best Norwegian black metal album because it actually has riffs. change my mind

Pretty cool track.

this is just a /pol/ shitpost with blastbeats

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Why bother? You'll either change it yourself, after your first year of listening to black metal. Or you'll drop out of black metal entirely.

you're projecting your own inexperience, I grew out of tremolo atmoshit in the early 2000s and learned to recognize quality

Why post their worst album?

It's a classic album but all black metal has riffs, the fuck are you talking about. It's riff based music

it's my favorite, I like Grimnir's vox more than Black Lourde's for some reason, and those RAC covers at the end just push it over the edge for me, so much fun. but I know this is the minority opinion

>ha ha you're just projecting bro
I never went through that shit phase, its just so common and easy to spot.
> I grew out of tremolo atmoshit in the early 2000s and learned to recognize quality
So you're one of those faggots then? That might be even dumber.

rec me good Israeli nsbm

Neckbeard Deathcamp

ebic joke. Screencap it for leddit, you massive faggot

Thats fair. I like the album. I have a copy of it actually.

Is Nails any good?


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based and seeing through bullshit pilled

Serious question, why are they called that. What are you 'battling' by wearing one? Your social ineptitude?

Your moms puss

Nice standup comedy routine.


metalloid fashion is cringe and basically stopped meaning anything the second lady gaga was pictured wearing a bathory patch. the only cool subculture aesthetics were skinheads and 80s deathrock/goth, and trudging those out in 2019 is also pathetic.

>metalloid fashion is cringe
>the only cool subculture aesthetics were skinheads and 80s deathrock/goth
Imagine being the faggot who originally wrote this. Long hair and bandshirts is cringe, but fucking deathrock faggotry is cool.

yes, Christian Death's first lineup looked cooler than a bunch of hippie looking degenerates, glad to clear that up for you

>lady gaga was pictured wearing a bathory patch
based, any photos?

No surprise that going up in some pussy would be a 'battle' for a battlejacket wearer, that repressed homosexuality would be triggering your gag reflex the entire time you're anywhere near a vagina.
thanks, I'm here all week.



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agreed. stoked for the full album

When do the decent jokes start?

Sardonic wrath is excellent you twit, let alone Hate Them
Confirmed little think

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>3rd best album of theirs

>most metal bands are either full blown nazis or faggy communist vegans



Sells more albums and tickets.

they are kinda cringe kinda like how metal is also cringe
I liked their first album, haven't really listened to anything else though
neofolk is better because you have faggy nazis

metal attracts vulnerable people with no culture

>>most metal bands are either full blown nazis or faggy communist vegans

This is just 100% fucking retarded bait lmao

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yet you gave him a (you)


not him but you are a retard

You're assuming I'm that other user aren't you? Dumb cunt

>anons fighting over a meme post I made
Love it, keep it up

>haha your post is bait
>proceeds to give him what he wants

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you are the same jew

He's not completely wrong though, almost all bands have some annoying gay political lyrics.
It doesn't equate to being a Nazi or a communist, but still


what's metal that sounds good when your girl is sitting on your face?

fuck off normalfag

I can respect anti-nazi bands, and I can respect nazi bands for at least being honest and defiant about their beliefs

the lowest amount of respect I have is for nazi bands who deny nazi allegations so they can sell more albums/get beat up by antifa less often.
Graveland, Sigrblot, Satanic Warmaster, etc.
that's the most dickless spineless shit ever.

I'm supposed to believe you would have been a fearless viking warlord 3000 years ago when you're scared of a four letter word?

the sooner you stop being triggered by other people's sexual activity, the sooner you won't be an incel anymore.

Not the same user but which Sabbat? The britbongs or the japs?

What was the first band in metal ( or rock) with open naziism?
probably Burzum?


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t. lost his virginity last night


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Better yet, when did being an edgy nazi become a capital sin? In my country if you say you're a nazi, most people would just say something like "lmao yeah, whatever" and that's it.
Was it burgerland's fault?

the black metal one with a large discography

>This cartoonish strawman really helped me sort things out!

the black metal sabbat with a large discog. (japan)
The Ovaltinees. Little-known pre-Skrewdriver RAC band.
Although Skrewdriver was the first band to really preach NS without the veiled "we're just british nationalists who don't like capitalism OR communism" angle.
if we're just talking fascism in general, some 70s Italian prog band like Janus.

Hair Metal. Especially when your nose is up her ass and she farts.

wrong track

>Why did I make up this rediculous lie?
That's a question only you can answer, user?

Shit, I really don't know Them at all. Abigail is my shit for life though.


>people are still replying

>yelling mustache austrian painter guy-ism is the most violent and purely evil ideology on earth even communism killed millions more and even though innocent middle eastern families are still bombed every week in the name of liberal democracy

Found the NBDC fanboy.

but which one is the most meal?

that's only really true for shitty genres like black metal

Because Metal Girls With Cracking Arses:

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Plague Pit was formed on a fateful night of Anno MMXVI of the false calendar in Dublin, Ireland. The band plays a demonic form of Blackened Death Metal that seeks to spread malice and discord through violent music and perverse abuse of esoteric symbolism. This clandestine cult’s mission is to inspire the initiated to become the allegorical sword that will slash the throats of the infidels.

As far as *I* know, Werwolf has always been open with what he believes, which is boiler plate, King Diamond satanism.

So basically everything except for Doom Metal, Sludge Metal, Symphonic Metal, and Speed Metal?

being "apolitical" just means you're too scared to write about anything that matters. history is political, culture is political, mythology is political. it's all ancestral and the roots of all of it carry on to the present day. to think it's all neatly segregated from the ugliness of politics is naive.
anyone who claims to make "apolitical" art is just selling you an empty, soulless product. which, coincidentally, is what 99% of modern traditional metal is

Seeth and cringe

>jerking off to shit pics just because they're "metal"

hey man, at least you'll still have your SICK RIFFS when your government passes pronoun speech codes with hefty fines and prison sentences

This fucking goof has the absolute worst takes on Metal.
>thinks Alice Cooper is the king of Metal
>thinks Damned in Black is Immortal's best album
>thinks Death Metal was just a footnote
>weirdly spergs out over Bathory's influence on Burzum because he hates Varg
>thinks Swedish Black Metal > Norwegian Black Metal
>thinks vocals and guitar solos are the epitome of Metal

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In what world was that response pro-NBDC?

Its not about it being the "most violent and purely evil ideology". Its just right.


literally who

guys who want metal chicks are the same as the confused 'career-oriented' cat ladies.
they're both gender-confused.

just because Bathory is a cool band doesn't mean you want a drug addict/alcoholic Bathory fan for a gf.
men should be men and women should be women. tattoos and metal merch on a woman = huge red flag.

Hey man, at least I'm not so stupid I think the best way to get involved in politics is writing dorky protest songs that no one will listen to.

In what world could a joke provoke such a reaction from anyone, less that they are fanboys and the mention of them in an ironic context urges the rise of unprecedented leves of sperism and cringe reddit allegations.

>any response is a good response
When did bait standards get so low? This is the classic "look at how retarded I am" crap.
"0/10 apply yourself." Tier responses shouldn't be seen as giving them what they want. And no, I wasn't the one who replied to him.

Not the person you're replying to, but most metalheads are either mutes or don't say much.

hack video game reviewer who now makes shitty metal web documentaries and political videos

like I said, you don't have to write 'protest songs' to write political music. anyone whose art isn't political to some extent is just writing about their pet concept in a superficial way.
e.g. 99% of metal.

I just thought the joke was shit, you sperglord.

Wants less women around metal because It makes It harder for him to find huge beefy guys to destroy his anus.

He's right about the Swedish thing. Norwegians and their eight billion identical Atmoblack shit bands.

You're right, but you're also an autist for caring enough about some youtube boy to write that post.

yeah, swedish's 9 billion melodic norsecore bands are so much more diverse

Hes right though. Most metal women are either total posers or fucked in the head. A well adjusted women will very rarely have good taste in metal.

Ah, so its more e-celeb bullshit and not an actual metal figure.

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does the Swedish even have one good BM band other to Bathory?
marduk and dark funeral = obviously shit music
Dissection, Sacramentum, etc = 'evil' spirited In Flames
fuck swedish

>"The trannies did WHAT?? Oh Souncloud's going to hear about this!'

It's sad that people have this shit taste in music.

I loved it when he used Bathory's Necromancy to show how Varg was "ripping off" bathory (in War, of course) when War was clearly some sort of parody/homage to early bathory.
Also when he completely disregards Death metal and pretty much everything that came out in the 90s is pretty cringe.

Can't say I agree with the guy. But you're deliberately misrepresenting his point or you're retarded.

>marduk and dark funeral = obviously shit music
This is true.
>Dissection, Sacramentum, etc = 'evil' spirited In Flames
This is untrue and a very retarded take.

I'll re-phrase it for you.
writing about english or celtic or norse mythology/history is inherently political because *drumroll* those were rich and deep cultures with POLITICS, which echo into the present day.

i guess if you're just writing about how Conan the Barbarian was a cool movie (like most metal bands), yeah that's not political. it's not interesting art either.

Speak to a couple of them. It's not like that.

>Marduk = shit
Bad taste

>War was clearly some sort of parody/homage to early bathory.
t. vargtard
what other revisionist history do you believe?

Is this peak Suffocation?

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It really is though

>I loved it when he used Bathory's Necromancy to show how Varg was "ripping off" bathory (in War, of course) when War was clearly some sort of parody/homage to early bathory.
He acts like Varg keeps it a secret that Bathory influenced him.

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Still, Marduk made some good albums, Sacramentum's Far Away from the Sun is a genre classic, Setherial-Nord is excellent too. Dawn was pretty good, it wasn't all garbage like Dark Funeral and Naglfar.

do tape trading networks still exist?

w2c original 90s black metal vinyls for not $1000+

vlad tepes

Hi friends

what metal albums do you like? :^)

I like Reign in Blood and Powerslave and, well, the list could go on...:^)

Have you heard of the album Rust in Peace? It's my favorite!


I don't need to believe in anything, you fucking retard. The rest of the album sounds nothing like War.

holy shit

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Some woman in a Bathory hoodie that lives in a whorehouse might have what you are looking for.


Hung Aryans at it again

mfw the reissues don't have that sick castle painting

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Generic black metal

Girls that like nu-metal are a healthy in between.

You might like Mercyful Fate or Sepultura. Melissa or Morbid Visions

frank sounds funny rather than intimidating when he's comprehensible, so I prefer effigy

Try dating a few, it really is.

They fall under the total poser category, thats not an in between.

i wish there was a woman in a bathory hoodie that lives in a whorehouse in my area

>>marduk and dark funeral = obviously shit music
>This is true.
Those of Unlight and Opus Nocturne are solid albums. They declined massively when they started working with Tagtren.
There are a number of neat, lesser known Swedish releases

some questions about black metal vocals:

>who are your favorite black metal vocalists
>how do you feel about attila's vocals on mayhem's first LP
>can you rec any vocals like Nocturno's on early Darkthrone records, specifically Blaze?

>who are your favorite black metal vocalists
>how do you feel about attila's vocals on mayhem's first LP
I don't like them, they almost ruin the album for me

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Alice Cooper's in that murky hard 'n' heavy territory. About death metal, he basically only likes early Death and Morbid Angel. I get the feeling he listened to two swedish DM albums and called it a day.
his Maiden bashing is based though.

>Listen to a ATG tribute album out of morbid curiosity
>literally every song fucking blows except a Grotesque cover by In Aeternum
Remind me never to listen to Mork Gryning again.

I'm partial to that guy that does vocals in Oceano, he's pretty black too.

imo the dude in Cult of Fire has the technique down to a point where it sounds really good
although obviously the dude in Bethlehem has some of the shrieks you want to imitate

What the FUCK did they mean by this

pic related, it's my fav black metal vocalist

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So I'm a metal noob. I'm mostly into electronic music and jazz and shit, but I want to listen to some black metal now and some technical death metal, shit with crazy guitar playing that could be described as 'angular.' Maybe some crazy grindcore type metal too idk. I'm looking for music to listen to that I can imitate or would help me with wanting to write 'black metal' type music for my friend to add drums and maybe vocals to. I like Krallice, Mick Barr, and Liturgy.

I'd say that you start with BM (Bathory, Darkthrone, Burzum, Mayhem, Immortal) and Tech Death (Death, Gorguts, Suffocation, Atheist, Cryptopsy) classics and work your way up from there.



>my birthday, a few years ago
>get some birthday money
>decide to buy an LP at my local record store
>could've bought any metal LP
>literally any metal LP they had
>decided to buy Mr. Bungle - s/t
It is my absolute most regretful purchase, I have literally no idea what I was thinking, goddfuckingdamnit, I need to fucking sell it, I hate owning it

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That will make you learn.

Tobias Möckl’s output, that is Paysage d’Hiver and Darkspace together

>who are your favorite black metal vocalists

Legion from Marduk.

>how do you feel about attila's vocals on mayhem's first LP

Not my thing but I appreciate what he was trying to do.

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>actually a picture of Hoest


>I like Krallice, Mick Barr, and Liturgy.

implying having a sense of vulnerability is a bad thing

what is it cause i listed Mick Barr and Krallice separate even though he's in them? I also like Black Sabbath.

no, it's because you listen to riffless numale fodder

It's the equivalent of asking for recommendations in a Rap thread and saying you like Limp Bizkit and Vanilla Ice.

I like it.


Such a fascinating discography. Definitely worth going through at least the albums.

>most of them are trash
>fuck off tourist, a minority of battle jackets are kewl
your bipolar disorder is showing

How are those two statements contradictory, you spastic cunt? If someone said metal is all garbage, would you agree because shit metal exists?


for me, it's longsleeves and hoodies

For me, it's normal clothes like any well adjusted adult.


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Well adjusted adults don't feel the need to proclaim how well adjusted they are on Yea Forums.

I said LIKE a well adjusted adult, not that I am one.

I assume the band name refers to the size of gauges on the lobes of the faggots that listen to them. If I wanted to hear fucking Pac Man noise in my metal, I'd listen to Dragonforce.

Which one of you was that

Viking metal

Loving Mayhem's newest track.

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I'm trying to get into vocals and i'm greener than baby shit in music

can anybody recommend and good tutorials for vocal fry or false chord?

These channels might be of some use

I actually... didn't like this track at all. Really like early mayhem stuff especially live in Leipzig and I've heard people it sounds like the successor to DMDS but I just didn't feel it.

I never thought of myself as a shit-lover, or bisexual, until one night when I was out drinking with the rest of my band, Black Witchery. We are 100% committed to being anti-life and anti-normal society, so nothing surprises us. We are afraid of no sexual or otherwise act. We were very drunk on malt liquor and whisky when we came back to the garage we rent for communal living and band practice. I was wearing my tight black BVD-style underwear, and it is from when I was younger and lived at home, so it is drum-tight across the ass. Because we had stopped for Mexican food on the way home, my bowels were loose and hot, and I could smell escaping gas leaking into the room as I laughed. My drummer must have smelled this too because he got horny and stripped down to his underwear. I said, what the hell, I am anti-life and I do not wish to have sex with women as that could possibly procreate more humans!!! and I hate humans!!! they are horrible. So all four of us were there in our underwear and then my drummer says, "I have to shit." I got up and wrapped a chain around the toilet in the corner and locked it and said, "Go ahead." So he let fly with a few hard round turds that bulged in his tight-fitting boxers, then a stream of yellow-brown creamy fluid that blasted a stain through his meager underwear onto the wall behind (it's okay, we're renting). At this point another member of the band could see my hard member, and so he took it out and stroked it... then put it in his mouth just as I clenched my bowels and inflated my pants with hot, thick, sticky and disgusting digestive byproduct. He gagged as I came, mostly from the stink but also from the rancid load of sperm that must have been flavored by the running brown afterbirth coating most of my lower body.

Tragenda put down his guitar and came over, licking my balls clean of the hepatitic fluid, as Vaz put two stiff fingers into my still leaking rectum. I have never had such a forceful or rewarding shit in my life. I had not experimented much with men (outside of the band) before this, and what followed next was a unique experience that I will describe later. We all woke up in the morning, stuck together with each others' shit and cum, and I felt that for once I truly had escaped being human. If you like shit, or wetset sex, check out our music at the web page below. We are evil but we like to feel the brown ooze cling to us as we perform.

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How would I go about re-mixing a compressed metal song to bring out the dynamic range? There's nothing to de-clip, so that wouldn't do anything noticeable.

When I was young, I first started having fantasies about filling my pants with thick, stinking, greasy shit and how this would cause shock and horror to everyone around me. Sometimes I imagined doing it at church. Many years later, I have kept this to myself and my band mates, who understand that often the truest expression of romance is between men who have escaped the fear of extremity. I do also sleep with some women, when I can meet them at shows, but I do not prefer the company of women. Only battle comrades! I am in a moderately successful band which plays shows across the world in a style of metal music that is not accepted by the same people who would find pantshitting disgusting. However, many of our fans still are not ready to take this final step toward seeing the truth beyond. So we do not tell them. However, I have never before shit my pants on stage. Last show we played gave me a perfect opportunity. The "dressing room" was actually a big area behind the stage where there were lots things stored, like old machines and stage costumes in big brown cardboard boxes. No one could see me so I brought my bag of toys and got naked. First thing I did was to insert a rubber 12" black cock-style dildo into my ass, and I rubbed my asscheeks together, feeling it press hard into me and my submissive manly organ. It felt very good, but I could not maintain an erection without the smell of shit.

Because of this, I became more excited at the idea of shitting myself in front of other people. I wanted them to know what happened, but I did not want to make it public in a way that others could talk about later. I put on my favorite red lace teddy, which is very femme and a gift from our guitarist, Tragenda, and then over it my black leather pants and Beherit tshirt. When I moved the silk lace slide over my buttocks and back, making me feel very sexy. But still I was not erect or turned on. I had prepared by eating a full meal at Taco Bell, but instead of drinking soda I had pure water and ate two or three butter packets from the restaurant, then had a couple of bran muffins and a chocolate milk. Inside me the burbling tempest was beginning. Before the show started, I took one of the fans they have to keep us cool on stage and moved it so that it was blowing past my microphone stand into the crowd. People were already chanting our band name and pounding on the tables at the bar. I grabbed my instrument and we ticked off and began. Because I was stimulated, but not yet sexually aroused, this was one of the most energetic shows we have ever had. My energy was growing instead of going away, because of my little secret, which only I knew was going to occur before the unsuspecting crowd. On our final song, there is a part where I do a long and grotesque scream, and during the middle of this, I pushed hard in the behind area and felt a comforting warm ooze on my thighs and the bottom of my testicles as a sickening stench filled the air.

Am I a faggot for liking Unleash The Archers? I like their music but I also want to rail the fuck out of their lead singer.

The crowd must have smelled it, because the looks of horror on their faces were immaculate! I did not want to let out my secret, so I continued to crap myself while doing the show normally, and no one knew. The only cleanup I did was to run back to the dressing room before going out to meet the fans, where I wiped myself down with an old sequin dress from the costume boxes and threw the hopelessly soiled teddy into a corner.

Nothing that will really help that much. You need the source tapes to remix/remaster. Once range is gone, it's gone.
if all you have is the compressed version, you can't boost drums without boosting other stuff, you can't lower vocals without lowering other stuff, etc.

you could use some slight reverb and EQ fuckery to make it sound less "hot" and create the sense that it's not as compressed, but it still won't be great.

>favorite bm vocalists
D.M. Doom
Good but I like Dead more. Some of his interpretations of the material are brilliant (I can't imagine anyone else singing "Cursed in Eternity"), others are lacking. he nearly ruins Funeral Fog. EEEN THE MEEEDLE OF TREHNSHILVANIAAAA....
At the end of the day, Dead is the one who wrote those lyrics, and you can hear it in Dead's performances. His vocals were more "pure" and passionate. But noble effort on Attila's part to fill his shoes.

holy FUCK Arkona absolutely killed it tonight
made Tseluya Zhizn, a fucking 17 minute song, sound fucking amazing live

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sounds like a nazi band name, better not be *strokes baseball bat*

*strokes penis*

>sounds like a nazi band name, better not be *strokes baseball bat*

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>*makes fist with thumb under fingers*

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They have unironically disavowed fascism in interviews

That's fucking gay

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They removed the sunwheel from their logo because of it

speaking of nazis, umm so how is it Nokturnal Mortum are allowed on bandcamp and spotify when they're fucking nazis? I emailed both of them telling them the band is breaking their terms of service and should be banned

i made lots of factual edits to wikipedia to support my claim

email bandcamp to get nokturnal mortum taken down please

I don't care if this is bait.
I genuinely hope you kill yourself.



He also thinks that the best black sabbath album is seventh star.

Who did it best?

I think I'm in the minority here who thinks the original is the best

just one slap pls

wtf i love lady gaga now

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You lied to me /meal/, this is very good.

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no that's fine

No, you're wrong. It's popular, it's not allowed to be good.

I do really like the Death cover but I have to agree that no one has ever done a better version of Painkiller than the original one

covering iconic songs in general is a bad idea, especially if you're a literally who covering a classic

holy shit

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the Village People of nwobhn

Peak Kreator.

No, I don't JUST listen to metal. I like lots of non-metal! The Cure, Dead Can Dance, King Crimson, the list could go on...

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Post the absolute worst album by an artist that lots of people think is their best
pic related

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oops wrong picture

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literally me

Only metal for me, I don't need anything else

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Congrats on discovering Tormentor, user, they're great.

other bands play—manowar gay

I can't even imagine Dead trying to sing De Mysteriis, that song was perfect for Attila's style, and so was Life Eternal.
Freezing Moon on the other hand... Dead's version will always be the best.

I like his channel, but he's one of those spergs that sees plagiarism literally everywhere.

Mgla are mediocre at best.

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how do you even pronouce their name in real life lmao
hey man you heard that now MUGHKKSGULLAH album?

It's a simple "mgwa".

who did Celtic Frost better: Celtic Frost or Darkthrone?

Darkthrone didn't make Hip Hop Jugend, so the answer is obvious; Celtic Frost did it better.

bwack metaw fwom Powand

Wicked and jugendpilled

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Post the most cringe trend in Metal:
Non-Scandinavians singing about viking shit


hoods and cloaks and "serious" triangle satan shit

He was in a black metal band though

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yeah, and I had a "black metal" internet project in year 2002, that doesn't make me a metal figure. he's still a nobody as far as metal goes

post your stuff

Well, I bet you haven't uploaded videos of yourself jerking off, so you aren't as much of a true metalhead as he is \m/

Dead Can Dance are rad, nerd.

Me except I lost weight and had sex

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Surprise, surprise.

The Death cover of Painkiller is the real reason Chuck got cancer.

>being a prude in 2019
have sex

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What are you trying to say? All those bands are pretty great


>fatano reaction image
>meme response
>not getting a joke

new thread pls

The bump limit is 310, be patient

>melon reaction images
>in /meal/

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>lyricals themes: revenge, national socialism
Maybe he isn't as much of a faggot as I thought

holy shit

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>calling him melon

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i love his vocals on that, not sure if he can sing while playing.

Whenever a SJW calls me a nazi my response is always "no, I'm not any kind of socialist, sorry." it always breaks their brains, kek. Libtard owned! When will they realize they're the real racists?


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I hope you're intentionally being retarded.

Anyone ever talk about melodic death metal here?

Not really, but we should change it.

all the time, but the word "sucks" is usually involved


Yeah, i guess it's pretty niche but there are alot of great bands other than In flames and Amon Amarth.

screw you

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Just about every thread.



COB was a good band, fite me

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I can use Photoshop too.

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new fread

>Taking obvious bait
You're the one who got owned, friend.

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I'd just say EM-GEE-L-A, like a total brainlet.

Please, go die


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