What does Yea Forums think of Baroness?
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never have a female in your band. even if she's ugly. she'll fuck more than one of the dudes in the band, the dudes will start infighting, and the band will be over.
Purple > Blue > Red > Orange and Silver > Yellow and Green
>le tough chick with meme haircut
Actually, extremely lame.
they were pretty good, then got into a bus crash that turned them into a post-grunge band
Where would you put Gold & Grey?
I like them a lot, but I also think they're overrated. They did a lot of solid songs, but I've never heard them do anything amazing. Basically the same way I feel about Corrosion of Conformity.
Yeah sorry I forgot I was called like that, instead I just wrote it like "Orange and Silver"
can't stand the vocals, they're lowish but also hollow like the guy's running out of breath but he also isn't wheezing
it just isn't a sound that should be sustained that long and gives me a pressure headache
Hipster metal.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Gina is lesbian or asexual, she kind of has that impossible to sexualize kind of personality. I think she's cute anyway.
And more importantly she's a very good guitarist.
Pretty sure she's a lesbo, her voice is gruff as hell.
I also think she's oddly cute tho
Only the Red Album and before is worth listening to.
Saw them live this tour, don't care that much for anything other than a few songs off of their studio work but live, they put on a great show.
I fuckin love Red Album, but it feels like they get worse and worse with every release
Electric Wizard is the best band ever tho
Just get a based stoic androgynous girl like Moe Tucker
If balls were nickels you would have a million dollars in your fag mouth.
Fucking love Red and Blue, Yellow and Green I really liked about half of, didn't like Purple, Gold and Grey is a step in the right direction.
>If bills wiri nickils yii wiild hivi i milliin dillirs in yiir fig miith
reddit metal for people who don't actually like metal
This, same goes for any of the other "post-sludge" bands. Pretty much all sludge and doom, really.
vv aesthetic album covers
i thought that was burzum
Anything a particular metalfag doesn't like is "metal for people who don't like metal", I've heard it said about everything under the sun.
Fuck em, jam to what you want.
You can kind of see Gina's ass at 1:25
Also she is wife material