
No lazyposting edition.
Recc, criticize constructive or destructively, have fun!

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Newfag genre tourist here. Wish I could recc but I'm sure anyone on here has heard everything on my chart.

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Biosphere - N-Plants
Popol Vuh - In den Gärten Pharaos

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Ga'an - Ga'an
You ever find anything similar to Popol Vuh?
Sweet Trip - You Will Never Know Why

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Cluster - Cluster II

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ibliss - supernova

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based patgod

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Stop posting the same chart in every thread

It's my first chart and I made it yesterday.
>every thread
I made the last thread, dumbass. I haven't posted the chart anywhere else.


The "I'm getting the last word even though I'm wrong" response. Classic.

Sticky fingers- yours to keep
Adult jazz- gist is
Kauf- regrowth

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You wont get any good recs when your chart is a bunch of Yea Forumscore, chose a genre and branch out instead.

no point in posting when its this generic
planning for burial - desideratum

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that a-v-p album is kind of cool
also impressed that you are smart enough to screencap instead of save image
topsters been shit lately


gunna try out surface of the earth
ill prob like it
from what i remember it seems like my shit this time around
what kind of psych is purling hiss?



if i remember correctly that album with the dog is stupid long
worth it tho?

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it's 4 hours but it's 4 discs as well so you can split it up pretty easily
i like it


like two hendrixes wanking on the guitar over a nice groove for the entire duration of 10+min tracks. yeah, I think you will like surface as well

what’re these albums? they look p interesting and i’m lurking cause i’m a newfag

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polaris - 音色
his name is alive - stars on e.s.p.

Babatunde Olatunji - Drums of Passion
Gong Gede STSI - Tabuh Lelambatan Klasik, Vol. 2

Crescent - Now
Gäa - Auf der Bahn zum Uranus

Lightning Bolt - Wonderful Rainbow
Yusef Lateef - Eastern Sounds

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megaptera - a horse in the eye is part of the art
darja kazimira & dagmar gertot - death of the bull
r.h.g.t. - depersonalization
jay munly - munly and the lee lewis harlots
lonesome wyatt & rachel brooke - a bitter harvest
birch book - fortune & folly
kyle press - overtones, drones, & saxophones
high priest of saturn - son of earth and sky
mainliner - solid stick attack
yair elazar glotman - compound
dual action - back in
phoebe bridgers - stranger in the alps
rose kemp - unholy majesty
melting euphoria - inside the gardens of the mind
subrosa - no help for the mighty ones
yellow swans - at all ends
melting hand - faces of the earth
skullflower - strange keys to untune god's firmament
ramleh - circular time
alex zhang hungtai - devine weight
broken english club - accidents and romance
bardo pond - bufo alvarius, amen 29:15
moodie black - lucas acid
dalek - respect to the authors
16 - drop out
darkside - psychic
a place to bury strangers - worship
kyle press - overtones, drones, & saxophones
lea bertucci - resonant field
simon wickham-smith - a hidden life and other works
lilacs & champagne - s/t

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venetian snares - huge chrome cylinder box unfolding
shinsei kamattechan - tsumanne
branikald - Pдяндaлиp
solid space - space museum
kenichi fumoto - bika
pan sonic - kesto
his hero is gone - monuments to thieves
madonna - madonna

past ~month
Bill Fay - Time of the Last Persecution
donate your bussy to me
Lives of Angels - Elevator to Eden

forgot chart

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jay munly - munly and the lee lewis harlots
lonesome wyatt & rachel brooke - a bitter harvest
birch book - fortune & folly
white rainbow - boring guitar music


Flotation Toy Warning - Bluffer's Guide to the Flight Deck
Pink Floyd - Meddle
The Moody Blues - Days of Future Passed
Covet - Currents

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Sam Flax - Age Waves
Astro - Chicos de la Luz
Antena - Camino Del Sol

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I just wanna say, to whichever user recommended the album to me on that one thread, I don't know who you are or if you're even still here. But thank you. I've never found another album that I love and resonate with more. I found it 15 years late but I'll hold it close to me until I die.

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chris††† - No Lives Matter
Nuno Canavarro - Plux Quba
i dunno tho your taste feels complete
D.L.I.M.C. - November Cassingle
Dirty Beaches - Badlands
Cindy Lee - Act of Tenderness
John Frusciante - To Record Only Water for Ten Days
Smog - Julius Caesar
Coлoмeнныe eнoты [Solomennye enoty] - Heдocтoвepныe дaнныe o cчacтьe
Standing on the Corner - Red Burns
Electric Wizard - Come My Fanatics
Gorguts - Obscura
Disco Inferno - D. I. Go Pop
This Heat - Health and Efficiency
Band Apart - Band Apart
Rosa Yemen - Rosa Yemen
The Raincoats - Odyshape
Silver Apples - Contact
fucking tastemaker man, you rec me

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I'm not good at giving recs

UFO - Phenomenon
Groundhogs - Split
Omega - 10000 Lépés
Iceage - Plowing into the Fields of Love
Blackout - Dreamworld
My Dead Girlfriend - Hades
Nausea - Extinction
Antemasque - Antemasque
Anna Von Hausswolf - Dead Magic
Das Kabinette - Spy Thriller
Mike Westbrook Orchestra - Metropolis
Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat - Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water
Alien Sex Fiend - Acid Bath
Vágtázó Halottkémek - Az Éden Visszahódítása Vol 1+2
LSD and the Search for God - Self Titled

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wha-what did I do?

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>fucking tastemaker man, you rec me
Here I go
Ini - Center of Attention
Dj Krush - Code4109
Awfully kind, but I'm not bent
Damenbart - Impressionen '71
Organization - Tone Float

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++ Satanicpornocultshop, MBV, Pink Floyd, Sweet Trip, Candy Claws

++All your Krautrock shit including Amon Duul and Harmonia, DCD

++Stereolab, Talk Talk, Basic Channel, Seefeel

++your whole bottom row

++Talk Talk, ITAOTS. Magnolia Electric Co., Beach Boys

++Marvin Gaye, Pharaoh Sanders, Robbie Basho
also based Olatunji rec. That person better listen to it.

++The Bats, Spiritualized, Pink Floyd, Moody Blues, Bowery Electric, Cocteau Twins, Love
Rec : The Moody Blues - To Our Children's Children's Children ( my favorite from the band)

++Cocteau Twins, Antena

++ Jim O' Rourke, Branca, Sufjan
My Rec for EVERYBODY is the transitional; rolling stones albums. Out of Our Heads, Aftermath, Satanic Majesties Request and my favorite of them all, Tender Buttons. This is my favorite era of the Stones and I'm just getting around to to now. Such a revelation.

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Only thing I've ever liked from the stones is Their Satanic Majesties Request.

You like any other techno aside for Seefeel & Basic channel?
Maybe I can give you better reccs.

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Grateful Dead's live albums

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Their Satanic Majesties... is easily their most experimental and psychedelic. I tend to love Out Of Our Heads and Between the Buttons the most. Either way, the Brain Jones days were the best.
Also see feel and basic channel aren't techno, right? I like some IDM stuff like BT, Jon Hopkins, Voices from the Lake/Donato Dozzy & some others

+Lou Reed. Have you heard Berlin yet?

What about me sempai

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++Sweet Trip, Gang Gang Dance, Broadcast, Stereolab

this dj mix by deadbeat is probably one of the best to recc to get someone into dub techno.
just pick through the tracklisting from what you like the most
you might also like Shed and his aliases.

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Here is some stuff i have enjoyed lately.
Maybe listen to some more progressive rock, looks like you enjoy that the most.
++ amon duul, bowie, the velvet undeground
have you listened to Soft Machine - Third?
have you listened to any Slowdive?
nice chart! Check out Can.
Try Darondo.
Saucerful of secrets :)
Nice chart, you might like Captain Beefheart - Safe as Milk

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+Eugeniusz Rudnik, Devo

+Rome, Yellow Swans, Prurient

+Current 93, Swans, Bauhaus, Enemite, Throbbing Gristle

+Scott Walker

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i love slowdive
shit and shine - ladybird

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thanks for the rec
blood urn - ...of gory sorcery and death

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men I trust - oncle jazz
heavenly - atta girl ep
france gall - laisse tomber les filles ep

>You're dull, John. You're boring and you're boring because while these shitheads were getting outside and into the sun, making mistakes and experiencing the wonders of youth, you were in your room, learning about every facet of your favorite RPG, pretending to understand arguments about religion and politics to appear smart and creating dreadful, dreadful heartbroken poetry, trying to convince yourself that knowledge is better than wisdom. It isn't, John, and the only reason I would go out with anybody who spent so much time learning about ancient conflicts that don't matter anymore is if they were great in bed, things that I suspect you know nothing about. These guys know that we girls need excitement, variation, cuddles, arguments and not to just trundle along for the rest of our lives with some submissive coward telling us that we're great, because having to listen to the same soppy sweet talk over and over again is boring.
I like it when I fight with my ex-boyfriends. It shows that they aren't afraid to voice their true intention of having sex with me when he wants and then trying to have deep, meaningful conversations with me to maintain the fictitious image he has of his sensitive, caring side. Girls want to be with assholes because they are savage and uncivilized, and in many cases this means that they are impulsive, full of energy and strong, as opposed to pale-skinned, calculating, "intellectual" men who, when push comes to shove, wouldn't know excitement if it hit them in the face.

I'm sorry if I consider the future of our species to be more important than your pathetic lust for a pure, innocent virgin, but quite frankly, the only thing that your introversion says to me is that you are trying to appear timid, shy and misunderstood, when in reality, your reluctance to take some control over your life and your tendency to whine and feign depression when things don't go your way makes me think of you as nothing more than a selfish, cowardly prick.

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shoegaze kind of sucks man
just graduate to noise rock

i did but then i went back to poogaze

a.r. kane - when you're sad 12"
dating - goodnight teen sleep
luxurious bags - frayed knots
the sweetest ache - if I could shine 7"
snapper - a.d.m.
in heaven - aquanova

Darkside - psychic
Shahmen - all in the circle
Cathose terror secretion - s/t
Sutcliffe jugend - offal
Megaptera - a horse in the eye is part of the art
Grails - deep politics
Yatra - death ritual
Monolord - rust
16 - drop out
Franisco lopez - ultimate noise ensemble

Pere Ubu - The Tenement Year
Faust - Faust
Faust, Dalek - Derbe Respect, Alder
based clouddead, go listen to Doseone's solo album Hemispheres

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into US maple at all?

maybe you'd like wooden veil - s/t

i find it hard to believe you unironically enjoy xenakis looking at the rest of your chart

based, 100% sure you would love the pastoral by country teasers

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Mort Garson - Mother Earth's Plantasia
You have Ballads 1 on your chart but not Pink Season. What are you gay?
No Death Grips? Seems like they would fit your chart.
Metal Boys - Tokio Airport
Based Color Organizer.
Batsumi - s/t
If you like Truckfighters check out anything that the Youtube channel StonedMeadowofDoom posts.
I feel like I've seen this chart before so I must have rec'd you plenty of stuff in the past.
Archbishop Kebab - Beyond My Ken

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Eminem and Tupac

>You have Ballads 1 on your chart but not Pink Season.
Just because it's not on the chart doesn't mean I haven't heard it.

Where is this from?

Where is this from?

So you're gay?
