Maynard barely cares about the band, Danny Carey is almost 60, the new album doesn't have any fibonacci sequence-tier creativity or any impressive instrumentation. Will they make one more album after Fear Inoculum or is it all over now?
The future of TOOL?
is there an algorithm that automatically filters images with bald men in glasses i'm tired of seeing fantano and basedjaks
no, this is last album
I've been asking for days and no one has shown me any song released this year better than either invincible, descending or 7empest. And who cares what fantano says, only people who take him seriously are mental midgets that are one cunt hair away from being banned off the internet by their moms.
I found the last Tool album boring and annoying, and I never really cared about them, but I also know Fantano has become a total prick lately. So idk where I stand.
>fibonacci sequence-tier creativity
It gets memed on, but that shit is based.
Tool's main appeal has always been their creativity. Without that they're just a generic band. I ca kinda understand the disappointment, the new album doesn't really have anything like that and the there's nothing special about the vocals/instrumentals either. 7empest had a good start but like all the other songs the buildup had no great payoff.
But the build ups do have great payoffs. Also tool is literally the only non post rock band where build up/climax is even discussed. Interesting, Idc what anyone says, tool is unique as hell. Probably the only band where people bring up "intelligence" too lmao
The fact that you think those songs are good is the reason why you're not getting any recommendations. They'd be lost on your tasteless ass
No, people just don't know any songs that are better.
>the new album doesn't have any fibonacci sequence-tier creativity
to be fair the only other album that had this level of creativity was probably what they did with viginiti tres wings of marie and 10,000 days.
but yea this album sucks
The payoffs weren't that great. And this is coming from someone who did Tool covers in front of a class in highschool and been to many of their shows. Tool is unique and creative, that's why we like them. I just feel like no matter how many times I force myself to "like" F.I. it just ends up falling flat. I never had to do that with Lateralus and their other albums, those instantly clicked with the first listen. The melodies and the 'climax' of the songs in this one is severely lacking in personality and technical prowess that their best stuff had. The drumming, bass, guitar and vocals are very basic and dull. The buildup parts were actually great, if only the endings had me satisfied but they didn't. When the songs do become aggressive, those segments not aggressive enough, when they try to be haunting, it's not as effective as it should be. Also Maynard has zero presence in this album, at least Danny had that chocolate chip trip song. I'm not trying to be buzzkill on purpose, I'm just a huge fan who was heartbroken by this underwhelming album. And I know everyone in this thread is gonna shit on me for not sucking this album's dick but fuck it.
It's because Tool's last album before FI was in 2006 and you've had thirteen years since then to broaden your horizons and discover other forms of music. Also in that timeframe metal and related scenes basically got a second wind of life creatively, within the technical/prog scene alone you had acts like Animals as Leaders, Periphery, Between the Buried and Me, and Devin Townsend popping up with kickass shit.
Long story short, Tool's new album sucks because in the thirteen years they spent dicking around between releases an entire new wave of prog metal came along and left them in the dust both technical and songwriting wise.
their latest album sounds like they put no effort or soul into it at all, this is their last
I actually like the fibonacci idea, but the actual music and lyrics are shit.
I think it's more they got fat and happy over the last 13 years. They toured in that time frame, a lot, and they weren't cheap tickets.
Maynard is the only one who is still trying. He hit it big a second time with APC, and is doing good, solid stuff with Puscifer when the stars align and they can all get together. And he built a winery to profitability in that time, too. (It's not bad stuff. Not a wine snob at all, but it's very drinkable. But too pricey for "imma pick up a bottle of red".)
Maynard straight out said the slowup was from the other three dicking around too long. But they're all rich,'s fine, I guess. I want inspired music, not "we owe the label an album, okay, let's do one." that FI strikes me as. Throw in that they're all married with kids now, and we get the middle age era of a band. The chinos are getting tight in the ass and your daily routine at home is more important than making art.
Watch. They'll tour this album for another decade, make their piles of cash bigger, and then...nothing ever again. But I expect at least a couple more albums from APC and Puscifer.
Fake deep and lame hipster music.
Hopefully never making anything again
Really fucking tired of the autistic obsession over the "fibonacci" bullshit. They did it on ONE song, kind of. It's not that important, or interesting. It's fucking exhausting, the sheer flood of runny bullshit posted about it - and i'm a fan of the band.
"B-but, no fibonacci, reeeeeeeeee!" Just shut the fuck up already. Nobody cares, including the members of Tool.
First off, you sound butthurt. Second, no one is saying it has to be specifically a fibonacci sequence again. Fibonacci-tier creativity doesn't mean someone is asking for that same sequence just something as creative as it. hence, fibonacci-tier creativity. Fear Inoculum doesn't have anything as ambitious, creative as that or anything really impressive when it comes to the band's performance. Tool fans need to grow thicker skin.
Dude, you brought it up. Go reeeeeeee at someone else who didn't see that you're the one reeeeeeeing about "Muh fibonacci".
Bonus cunt punch: I posted that they got fat and happy, shithead. Go project your failure as a man at someone else.
tool is anything but hipster music
desu i think tool fans have very thick skin, if people say they love tool they get bombarded by people questioning their intelligence and calling them pseuds, posting pictures of old hippy moms and fat fedora kids and genuinely believe that is who the person is they are insulting. it gets fucking brutal sometimes. and it's never general music related type shit-talking either. i dont listen to tool and will probably never give them a chance, but i pay attention and imo it's brave to like tool publicly because of the strong stereotype attached to them. even pitchfork is is on it. just sayin...
no one is even going to try lel. AOTY
it took them this long to release one album. they're not releasing another one
Fake deep and lame are perfect descriptors of Maynard.