Is this really true?
Is this really true?
This picture fails to explain Randy Rhoads
He’s the middle child.
Kurt quite frankly doesn't deserve to be in that company. Nirvana got huge because of right image right time, not because of stellar talent.
>No, I don't know how to read sheet music. I look up tabs.
Yeah, Snarky Puppy is frankly embarrassing and emblematic of the death of art. Soulless is a retarded buzzword, but it perfectly captures the essence of Snarky Puppy. It's empty technical navel-gazing with little artistic sense behind it: the music sounds less like "Funky Coltrane" and more like "Sterile Hancock".
Based chad earlet
Bad too, yes, grammar is, soul sentences without makes you
Yes, if playing music by memorizing a fixed sequence of finger motions counts as soul
Adam Neely did nothing wrong
No amount of theory will save your music if you got nothing to SAY!
I see a lot of people go down the rabbit hole and trap themselves in autistic exploration of various scales, modulations, polyrhythms and stuff like that just for the sake of it, instead of trying to actually express themselves with music.
you need both
theory cannot create anything meaningful without soul
soul cannot express itself in unique/interesting ways without theory
when both are present, masterpieces are made
>b-b-but [modern artist] didn't know any theory!!!!
he probably did. tablature is theory. basic chords are theory. only outsider artists can go without any theory
>b-b-but [classical composer] didn't know any theory!!!!
let me guess, Mozart? this has been argued before, and it has been refuted before. sure, Mozart had natural talent, but we have historical evidence he was musically educated. this most likely applies to any other classical composer you may think of
>that urban hipster that gushes over Cory Henry
That shit is pissing me off
IIt's like a guy who memorised the whole dictionary but still can't even write a good short story if his life depended on it
>you need both
lmao no you really don't
You can make music without knowing theory
But you can't make music knowing ONLY theory
It's as simple as that. Everything you just said is meaningless trite
I'll take the earnest musician who does whatever it takes to make his point and only gets complex if he really feels he needs to than somebody with years of training and nothing to say.
>But you can't make music knowing ONLY theory
Jacob Collier proves otherwise. just because he makes bad music doesn't mean he doesn't make music
Point taken I suppose
Music is a funny thing. Popular music is full of composers who were not classically raised on theory, song structure, or any of that. It's been said that The Beatles could not read sheet music. Glen Campbell, a first-call L.A. session guitarist/bassist could not read sheet music. He would come to a session, listen to what the others were playing, then jump in and play as though he wrote the song.
Playing and writing are different skills, but there's some overlap here. I believe some of the greatest songs we've ever heard were penned by guys who heard the song in their heads as sound rather than seeing notes on a page. They next got out whatever instrument was at their disposal and figured out how to replicate on the instrument what they heard in their head. At no point thinking about ANYTHING in your meme, and possibly not even knowing what all that stuff is.
I coach kids in basketball. Most of the time, I have my team just wing it. "What's the play coach?" "There is no play. Just score baskets and stop the other team from scoring." When you have a good team, they can do it. They improvise. That's the best basketball. And yet, after games, I've often had opponent coaches compliment me on my play calling and the grasp that my team has on advanced play concepts. I never let on that all that they are seeing is essentially street ball. But GOOD street ball. I guess some of it is complex, if you break it down and diagram it, but that wasn't the intent of my players. They were living in the moment, simply reacting to how the other team set up. Music is just like this.
This guy is definitely molesting those kids.