Fuck this even after ten years this shit still fucking enrages me. If I need to do this to sound like Hendrix...

Fuck this even after ten years this shit still fucking enrages me. If I need to do this to sound like Hendrix, I don't want to ever play Hendrix again. Fuck.
>inb4 barre chords literally impossible

Attached: thumbchord.jpg (300x250, 17K)

Do people seriously play barre chords?

Both this technique, and barre chords are completely possible. Make sure your wrists are straight and after that it's just a matter of practice. Try on a nylon string or easily set up electric to get going ;)

>wanting to play Hendicks

Try lighter strings or going to the music store and having them lower your action, it makes barre chords easier to play. Practice helps too obviously.

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dont waste your time trying to sound like hendrix because you're never going to sound like him even if you fully know exactly how to play everything he does. even guthrie govan can't pull it off

this isnt even hard. how long have you been playing?

oh nevermind it says ten years. just give up then dude

why not just play barre?

>ten years
Oh nononononononono

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wow ten years and you can't even do that?
try another instrument dude

It's not that I can't but I hate playing it, it's always been uncomfortable. I just wish I could free my other fingers without having to use my thumb.

>10 years
Bruh, I got thumbchords down within the first 9 months of learning

I love using my thumb to mute the bass strings on chords that don't require them to ring out so I don't have to think about what strings I hit on the downstrokes of my strumming hand

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Get a smaller guitar, handlet.

Sounds like a really bad habit, why not just be more precise or mute them with your wrist?

My fingers are grossly long

You have no idea what you're talking about

what is happening here? using your thumb? is this an actual problem after 10 fucking years? i really don't know what to tell you, man. i don't see the inherent difficulty with learning this.

>t. didgeridoo player
have you ever actually picked up a guitar?

Get a bigger guitar, then.

This is unironically my easiest and goto chord when I pick up a guitar I can vamp around it for hours

then play it the right way. Hendrix was shit with technique.

Attached: checkem.jpg (600x350, 26K)

made my day

Attached: Screenshot_20190818-212914.png (2048x1051, 418K)


No op must learn on heavy steel strings. There is no excuse for work. Learn to play guitar. Trust me, get your finger tips to not even exist anymore from playing.