We create Morrissey song
>I have never ever kissed a girl
>but why should i?
>it don't make sense
>but not in a way that means happy
>fuck Jannies
>fuck Charles, you prick, you self-righteous twat
>said the prince to the popper
>But for me it was Tuesday
You already fucked up
>somebody saaavee meeee
>dude oscar wilde
Well he's never kissed one cause he's a faggot
>Take me
>Or I’ll dream that you took me
Somebody make a vocaroo of this.
This nigga can’t spell pauper
>and they say people up north are daft
>but how could I disagree
>I'm the one that posts these threads go fuck yourself
>and he actually tried but was too short, too shy
but he did. he was in a serious relationship with one and even told her he wanted her to have his children. shit hit the fan and now he's... childless
>oh, i know i shouldn't have tried because it waaaaas a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie
>Oh, but love, I'm too shy
>ohh, but I am gay
>and I voted for Obama
>The Chinaman, he has no soul