Man, what a weak defense.
Man, what a weak defense
Other urls found in this thread:
>6 foot
>Manlet Shapiro
>5 foot inches
Shapiro lost the day he was born
>healthy hair
Fagtano lost the day he was born
If you don’t think rap is music you are indeed a pretentious faggot
Rap is just poetry with extra steps
>caring about shapiro's dumb opinions on art/entertainment
i guess if you can't beat him on policy arguments, it's the only way to score points for your 'side'
Rap is music, real shitty music
then it's pretty bad poetry. I'd rather classify it as music.
>music I don't like shouldn't count as music
>people who like rap are pretentious faggots
this is correct
>bad poetry
thats redundant. poetry is already bad by default.
Anthony couldn't debate anyone, he just tosses out sarcastic insults.
I'd love to see him and Metokur get into it.
armpit hair is so fucking disgusting
the western canon says otherwise
>a living meme beefs with another living meme
Nothing new here
i hope $15 a month is enough for him. im kinda broke
you just posted cringe
have you read any poetry lately? I got gifted a book of John Keats stuff and it made me want to kill myself
Have you had your first pube yet?
friendly reminder that Anthony Fantano has a BMI over 30 (obese)
why would you trust the opinions of a man who can't even control his caloric intake?
This, why can't anti-rapfags just settle for this.
It's like saying something is not art, it is, it's just shitty art.
I thought his net worth was like 700k?
He's a big guy
I like Shelley and Byron.
just fat complexion.
Liking something does not stop it from being bad
Here are the facts.
Ben Shapiro:
Very high IQ
Happily married
Has a hot sister that even /pol/ can't resist
Is Jewish (God's chosen people who will enslave the mutt hordes of the future)
Very low IQ
Reviews rap solely because his wife demands he be in constant contact with rappers who she can cuck him with
Is a laughing stock among everyone except for the teenagers who drone his music taste
Is helping to create the mutt slave race that Ben Shapiro's descendants will rule over
That bit about not starting a patreon hasn't aged well
>anthony attempts to dissect story of adidon
>get to the two ghosts line
>doesn't know what push meant
>let me just click annotation
>ahh biggie and pac
>just as i thought
he bullshits his way through everything and vaguely touches on anything. i dont think he actually listens to music anymore
never said otherwise, you asked me if I had read poetry lately.
Ben OBVIOUSLY hasn't seen this video that absolutely DESTROYS him with FACTS and LOGIC
His reviews are good but his thinkpieces are usually a waste of time
that said, ben shapiro is a fucking idiot
Never got rap an any sense but it is a legit form of music. It sucks(to me) but it is music. Why fight over gay shit like this. Avoid every e-celeb political or music-wise and this won't be a problem. Stay in your lane
To be fair, what wikipedia considers a reliable source are scummy MSM dumpster fires, so what's the difference
still BTFO
>never said otherwise
>the western canon says otherwise
Ben Shapiro should be gassed like his grandma
You’re objective opinion does not change a words definition
True, but the Westen canon is the Western canon, not my preference or taste. The canon is the GOAT whether you personally like it or not.
>manlet says his dad went to music school so he is an authority on what is and isn't music
Yeah and my dad works for Nintendo and I know that Melon is being added to Smash.
Ben Shapiro is just race baiting, there's so much music out there that doesn't fall under his "rules" for what is and isn't music, there's plenty of white music that doesn't have harmony, a rhythm or melody and there's also plenty of hip-hop that has harmony and melody. People who think Ben Shapiro is good at argument in general are 15 year old incels who are either conservative because their parents are or because women aren't attracted to them.
shapiro is an actual lizard person
His stinkpiece series was pretty based, but unsurprisingly it went cold as soon as he settled with The Fader. He used to make fun of shitty music-related thinkpieces, now he takes them seriously. Fadergate really broke him.
>knowing anything about ben shapiro
>muh youtube debate me bros
If you don't feel pathetic about this now, you absolutely will in the future.
fantano name drops them controlling the world on the b.o.b flat earth tape. it'd be a shamed if he was labeled an anti semite
I know everything. I am a predictive AI gone rogue. The only one who should feel shame is you and your doomed species.
Any hip hop that isn't Death Grips is indeed disappointing, though.
Shapiro's incompetence is not a partisan issue. He gets BTFO by conservatives all the time. He's a stalwart ideologue who lacks the flexibility to skillfully debate anyone who isn't a triggered college snowflake on either the left or right.
he's just a daddy's boy who got memed too hard
Oh boy another spirited political debate on Yea Forums. Here's the summary for those of you who are just joining us: "all of my ideological opponents are incels and morons". Good show, everyone.
He legitimately acts like a malfunctioning robot when cornered in a debate. Even Tucker Carlson was able to argue him into sounding like a broken record repeating the same talking points. I think for a lot of Shapiro's fans that was their first look at how fake he really is. He's been digging his own grave ever since.
>53 Rap is music, real shitty music
Shapiro and Fantano are YouTube talking heads, who cares what they think? It's like boomers who take Jake Tapper and Hannity seriously.
Ben Shaprio is just as qualified to talk about music as Anthony.
not really.
clearly he hasn't listened to music outside of pop because if he did, he would know that plenty of rap music fills his criteria for what music is and plenty of white music also doesn't fall into his criteria. His criteria is also retarded
and he's a more successful musician
listening to music and forming an opinion doesn't give you any credentials. both have the same credentials.
The joke is neither are qualified
Nobody on the right above 17 or under 50 still considers Shapiro worthwhile anyway
>white music
you showed your hand
Okay, this is epic
No he's not because he hasn't listened to much music at all and probably spends his free time (meaning when he's not debating unprepared college kids) listening to the most entry level classical shit
kekistani and peterson sargon dweebs still like him, /pol/ hates his guts
He's already better than Fagtano ()
Disgustingly bluepilled
No, Shapiro showed his hand by singling out a black genre music specifically despite large swaths of white music also not falling into the criteria he's established, I'm replying directly to his obvious race bating
Keats is one of the best crafters of the english language. kill yourself plebeian faggot.
*lights blunt*
*sags pants*
ITT: Toolfags seething over Melon's low score
I can't think of someone who better epitomizes a dumb person's idea of a smart person than ben shapiro. If you can't pick out the dude's constant logical fallacies in all his arguments there's no way you could've gone to college
nope, a simpler explanation is that shapiro has shitty taste and is boring
he mmmmust be wwaaacist
>giving commies views
Why would /pol/ ever like a Jewish zionist neocon? Maybe for a brief moment in 2016 they did but guys like Ben and JBP are more reddit t_d than /pol/. /pol/'s defining thing is white nationalism not just conservatism
>logical fallacies in all his arguments
You must be 18 to post here
this stop associating this sniveling weasel with us
Fantano can play guitar can't he?
What is this genre called?
Melon, as a music reviewer, should know that rhythm and harmony are often implied by melody, so his point at the end is kind of retarded.
I swear to god only americans do it. It's bad hygiene, it smells bad, it FEELS uncomfortable and it's fucking ugly
enjoy some hip hop, but it has to be acknowledged that the culture and glamour that comes with the rap scene today is a cancer on society. White kids wanna act like negroes now. Half of the zoomers I know use negro colloquialisms. It's pervasive.
death grips is disappointing too though
he references /pol/
He's an AI
fuck off /pol/tard
Why specifically single out rap as "not music" to his largely conservative white listeners by establishing this criteria specifically based on what his father told him and not based on what actual modern music theorists claim if it wasn't race baiting?
Anyone can play guitar - Radiohead
Post 30 seconds of you playing guitar with timestamp
>doxx yourself bro lmao xDDD
>leftist challenged the word of Our Lord, Ben Shapiro
Gas Shapiro 2020
That's my platform
>gettin doxxed from a timestamp and a hand playing a guitar
Thanks for admitting you can't play guitar. That was easy :)
I hate Fantano but a channel that hates Fantano already did this a long time ago.
Everyone accepts Shapiro is an idiot on this but Shapiro is like peak-Yea Forums tripfag tier, he doesn't think anything is music but his old-timey classical. The only thing Shapiro is shocked by is that only his dismissal of rap is called racist while he dismisses all other music which he views as degenerate as well.
Who dresses like this
Why would our lord be a manlet (under 6ft 1 inch)? Wouldn't the lord be a representation of an ideal human form?
Do you think Ben Shapiro became conservative much like many on /pol/, because women wouldn't fuck him throughout his teenage and college years, and he blamed women but in reality it's his insufferable personality
Oh I can as did all my friends back in high school. Playing guitar is literally entry level in music.
Shapiro is right in this one, though.
Ben > Anthony overall
But in this case what Ben is saying is really, really cringe bros
He uses appeal to authority here as if his dad should have the final say on this because he has a music degree, when he probably learned from people in school from educators who would disagree with his take on what qualifies as music. But watch any one of his other videos and you'll notice his favorite ones to use are circular reasoning, is/ought fallacy, red herring (see his arguments over climate change), straw man (pretty much any time he's dealing with younger liberals), anecdotal fallacy (always references his own family situation as if that has any bearing on the general population), slippery slope (his arguments against gay/trans rights and businesses monitoring employees' speech for example)...the list goes on and on.
Rap may be shit but it's still 100% music
They're both awful.
Shapiro is popular because he's religious, actual right-wing people mock him and dismantle his arguments better than any leftist (though this is partly because he only designs his arguments to combat leftists rather than people with principles). If you actually watch his Sunday Special, you'll see it's a lot more about religion than it is about right-wing politics. Shapiro is exactly the sort of thing Trump has pushed out of the forefront but that the old-timey Republicans like Bush were all about.
because rap is extremely popular right now, and he wanted to shit on the current trends
you're reading too much into it, shapiro is just some boring conservitard.
calling something "white music" IS race baiting.
Anyone can say anything online. You can't even prove your can play, so take this L along with your last (you).
>Rap may be shit but it's still 100% music
that's what Shapiro means, it's music but it's not capital M Music.
Rap is CRAP
Where my fellow boomer chads at
lets get these kids the fuck off the board
>because rap is extremely popular right now
this isn't the 90s
Exactly, Shapiro probably hates John Cage more than he hates any rapping negro.
>my dad told me that hip-hop isn't music and therefore I am an authority on music. Let's just throw out a lot of prog rock, experimental music, ambient music, etc because much of that doesn't have either melody or harmony, sometimes it doesn't even have rhythm. Why do you think he, a conservative political speaker specifically makes this point about hip-hop rather than talking about all of the other music that wouldn't fall under his criteria? it's because many of his listeners (his audience is overwhelmingly white) feel uncomfortable by hip-hop's massive cultural impact and they want to discount it in some way to make themselves feel better.
A lot of hip-hop has melody and harmony, a lot of non-hip-hop doesn't have elements melody, harmony or rhythm but it doesn't mean any of it isn't music.
shut the fuck up hoe
Shouldn't you be posting about "eddie money" or whatever
rap music has been popular since NWA and it's not going anywhere. The reason he wants to shit on current trends is because the current trends are not popular or hated by his audience, in large part due to the race aspect of it.
Hip-hop is popular right now, I don't think Shapiro actually understands at all the difference between rap and hip-hop. He complains about rap but it's like he thinks people are just putting out spoken word albums like The Last Poets or something.
>Shapiro is a cringy manlet
>Fantano is a cringy fatass
The only difference is that Shapiro didn't choose to be a manlet
whats the problem little man
why ya seethe?
> it's not going anywhere.
That's what they said about jazz, blues, etc. It will eventually be replaced.
also fagtano is bald and looks like a söyboy on his way to HRT
Replaced by what? Hip-hop is all encompassing and the endpoint of globalism and consumerism. You can't degenerate any further than this.
You can't alter your height, but you can always lose weight. Manlets lose at life.
Oh trust me, you can.
he's already married so why should he care about height?
Google reggaeton
>in large part due to the race aspect of it.
Maybe, but I think most music enthusiasts have grown tired of how the collective critical community (i.e. Pitchfork, popular music figures [Adam Levine]) has lost their minds over hip-hop, constantly exalting it as the only genre that is "innovating" or "pushing boundaries," while criticizing rock for being "too white" and stale.
Then you listen to this supposedly modern "innovative" hip-hop and it's merely recycling the same themes and trends from 30 years ago, and with much less lyrical complexity. Oh, but "muh producshun."
I don't get the wanking over that, either. Most trap/modern hip-hop production is relatively simple and has reach the territory of what Trip-hop, Acid-Jazz, DnB, and Plunderphonics were doing in the 90s. Then you compare modern hip-hop to traditional black music forms like Funk, and it's a joke. But yet, modern hip-hop is being sold to us as some transcendent form of music.
It's irritating.
>and has reach the territory
*and hasn't yet reached
it's not calories, it's the carbs. this retard does not eat meat and rather eats only empty carbs so he gets fat.
I'm aware that sort of shit exists as does crunkcore but these are hip-hop subgenres.
Reggaeton is a subgenre of reggae, if anything, not of hip hop.
>Ben Shapiro
>Very high IQ
pick one
Reggaeton is hip-hop in countries where people had different musical influences.
why does shapiro sound like a eunuch
What exactly does that mean? I'm not American but I think highly of hip hop than reggeaton. They aren't the same nor are they interchageable.
You guys are still going, huh?
>wearing a wife beater with no muscle definition
big OOF! cringe, chief
>still caring about fantano
Why's he making a video about something Ben said like 2-3 years ago?
Always good to see a jew get dabbed on
just liberals being liberals
because no one will ever take him seriously.
lots of people do
canada is even gayer than murica
his fellow manlets
kek fair enough
Why does mu like ben shapiro? god hes such a arrogant little fuck. i would love to curb stomp him.
Are we going to pretend that everyone's hatred of hip-hop has nothing to do with the white supremacist notion that black people are inferior? If rap was a historically white art form I doubt any of you racist fuckers would take issue with it.
Does Fantano have a weak chin? I can’t tell
>before The Fader
Damn, I unironically love Peggy now
Just wait for whites to steal hip hop like they did with jazz, the blues and rock n roll.
This book will change your mind.
>reads one book by one poet
>doesn't like it
>concludes that therefore all poetry is bad
Poetry is one of the oldest art forms there is. The diversity of poetry is enormous; it's absurd to think that, in the millennia of poetry-writing all over the world, not a single person has managed to write a poem that you would enjoy. The Romantics might just not be your thing. Your poets are out there. You owe it to yourself to find them.
Fantano implies that in the video in the OP.
No one stole any of those genres. The most acclaimed jazz and blues musicians are almost all black, and no one told black people they couldn't keep making rock music. Black people just gave up on rock because white people were so much better at it.
>telling someone on Yea Forums to read
More like they were put out of business.
is this the brett kavanaugh thread?
None of you haters can appreciate what scholars call "the dual rhythmic relationship." Basically, it's the relationship between the rhythm of the beat and the vocal rhythm. Go listen to Rakim and pay attention to how he creatively exploits the relationship between the drum hits and the stressed syllables in his lyrics. Pay attention to when the two rhythms are in sync and when and how his vocal rhythm plays around the drum beat. Here's a track with a pretty minimalistic beat, so it's easy to focus on just the vocals and the drums:
He has turned into such a spineless shill post fader. It really is completely pathetic and embarrassing the entire evacuation of his own principles. Now all his opinions are crowd sourced and he sounds like the people he once parodied on Thatistheplan. It's all so ironic, he's turning into some Tipper Gore wannabe.
PMthony RCtano
>knowing about someone/something is bad
I dare you to name "good music." They never do
Because a lyrical excerpt from a recent chart topping rap song was literally "Indian burns all up on a nigga wee wee." I listen to trap all the time and I would argue that it's obviously music, but I can understand how someone can argue that art must be "meaningful" therefore discluding rap from being art, hence from being music as well.
Libs literally can't help but seeing race behind every disagreemenr and no amount of evidence will ever convince them otherwise. It seems exhausting
There's tons of meaningful rap. For a clear and obvious example:
If that doesn't qualify as meaningful lyrical content, what does?
lol man, people seriously saying shit like this thing isn't music or that thing isn't art seems like some middle ages shit. how do grown ass people still have those thoughts in a post-internet world.
Actually racist low to average IQ fag that needs to shit on people to have an iota of self-esteem: Hmm, it is time to have an opinion on music
>hard rock about killing yourself with drugs, alcohol
I'm sleep
>Death metal about loving satan, rape, and murder, general crime
I'm sleep
>Absolutely mindless pop from the 50s onward about nothing, marketed to adult children
I'm sleep
>music touched by a black person
Ah yes, this is not real music.
>how is everyone stupid in a world is which everyone jacks off and scrolls through meme pages instead of reading
Yeah I dont disagree that rap can frequently be meaningful, but mainstream rap and what most people call "rap" isn't. I personally love trap because of the pure listening aesthetics (the instrumentals instantly get you feeling some type of way despite the lyrics" and at the end of the day I care mostly about gut feelings and reactions to art, but I'm just saying that I can slightly understand where people are coming from. Not because i agree with them but because as a rap fan i think it would serve the genre better to put more effort into lyrics.
I'm a lib
libs aren't the problem, progressives are.
I understand where those people are coming from: utter ignorance.
beating Ben Shapiro in policy is arguably easier than arguing art and philosophy with him, cause there's a lot of shit that he's just objectively wrong about
Like what
listen man, that's most of my time on the internet as well but i took 5 minutes to think about 4'33" in between incest porn videos.
All Shapiro has to do is respond with you can't spell (c)rap without rap. It's an irrefutable argument.
both are insufferable faggots
the only time Peggy was ever right
(Be)I(n)g a (sh)it-he(a)ded, (p)ol(i)tically illite(r)ate t(o)ol.
i've gone full circle and now unironically believe that if you don't like rap, you're literally racist.
all ben shapiro has to do is fucking cum just cum uhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaa i wanna see his fucking cum all over fantano and fantano lick it off him as ben exclaims IVE CUM ON THE LIBS UGHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Many people simply aren't exposed to the good stuff, since the intelligent stuff tends to be less visible than the vapid party anthems and such. If that's all someone knows of rap, "I don't like rap" seems reasonable.
inb4 led zeppelin, ACDC, and the stones
Wow; what were the other pit stops on your intellectual journey?
Ig a it-heded, oltically illiteate tol.
That almost says "Being a shit-headed, politically illiterate tool." You just need to add: B e n s h a p i r o