Where were you when Denzel Curry referred to Brian Wilson as a "cracker"?

Where were you when Denzel Curry referred to Brian Wilson as a "cracker"?

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Who is either of these people

Denzel Curry and JPEGmafia


I can’t take him seriously anymore knowing he’s sold his soul and body to the biggest industry plant in music right now.

So.... edgelord.

You would think Denzel would know who he is because he loves rock

Not the kind the Beach Boys made. He says he listens to Black Sabbath and Pink Floyd IIRC.

Who cares? Curry has always been a giant black idpoler (so has Peggy) who threw around terms like “cracker” all over his early work. He also has a song where he says Jesus was black.


based. lmaoing at all the seeting vvytes in this thread

More melanin = greater soul

>Curry has always been a giant black idpoler (so has Peggy) who threw around terms like “cracker” all over his early work. He also has a song where he says Jesus was black

The song is corny but the visual storytelling here is excellent.

The future of hip hop.

lmao this dude is calling out jpeg for being a white hipster sell out. he asks if he was trying to sound like logic lmao jpegmafia BTFO eternally

also, the mainstream image of the beach boys is very "cracker", if denzel knew that Brian Wilson was a studio god he would def put respek on his name

Mayocide when?

to be fair Wilson is kind of a cracker.

You know the entire video was a troll right?

shut up fantano watcher

never, satan

God damn that's the most JUST hairline I've ever seen in my life

Fucking kek. Based and breadpilled.

How are they more “cracker” than Black Sabbath?

retarded niggers. sage

Keep this shit in pol.

Pet Sounds was objectively better than Sabbath and Floyd’s entire discographies.

Hi tyrone, Where's daddy?

I don't think I will blackie

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Nothing wrong with being black m8.

Found the contrarian.

I don't care nazi

He hasn’t been good since N64.

if you actually care about the word cracker go back to /pol/

Relisten to Pipers ffs.

black sabbath is also "cracker" literally all mainstream white music is cracker music in this casual context

Take your meds SGP.

This vid is hilarious as fuck. Why so few views?

its a real shame bc i think zilla and denzel curry are decent artists but both of their verses are just so fucking corny in this song, i really don't think this track is indicative of the rest of their work so if u think u might enjoy either of them u should check out Imperial by denzel curry and city morgue vol. 1 if ur interested in hearing more zilla

Curry doesn't bother me with the word cracker, he's just an edgelord that refers to every race by their slur. It's like getting offended by an Australian for calling you a cunt. Gook is probably the best trap song of all time.

Jpeg genuinely hates white people unless they can boost his career because he's a Baltimore hipster that ate lead paint chips as a kid.

Gentrification in Baltimore is pretty terrible. I do t blame him for hating white people when they’re displacing blacks at an alarming rate.

Denzel is actually pretty talented, even if he's an edge lord. Peg is just a racist dipshit that makes dollar store death grips music.

It's not the white man's fault that cities become objectively better with less black people in them.

>Curry doesn't bother me with the word cracker, he's just an edgelord that refers to every race by their slur
i'd literally have zero problem with this if he weren't a hypocrite and let people call him "nigger" as long as it was in jest. Gonna go out on a limb and say he'd start chimping out if you did that. Even if he'd called you "cracker" two sentences ago. Blacks lack of sentience/self-awareness is hilarious to me. It's my fav meme

There are plenty of valid reasons to be racist by that measure. Who do you think you're helping by perpetuating that racism?

yeah we don't do nazi shit here

Ugly Mane probably called Curry a silly nigger at one time or another for puking his syrup or something

Go back to .
Go back to .
Go back to .

Don't make excuses for people to be shitty racists,

>defending use of the word cracker

Cringe twitter post

Sure we do. Jpegmafia is an openly racist person who is very much into identity politics. He loves this shit. A Jpegmafia without Nazis wouldn't be right at all.

Get the fuck out.

yeah we do. it's an objective fact that cities are more prosperous and SAFER when there are more whites than other races inhabiting the city. That's a fact that's been proven 100x over, so idk why you're mad about facts.

Why do you want me to go to pol so bad? That's like the worst board on Yea Forums.

You belong there as a white supremacist

Why would you come to a thread that's about a man who despises white people and not expect there to be /pol/ shit in it? It's what Jpegmafia wants. He wouldn't fan the flames of hatred if we didn't want there to be more hatred.

>muh reverse racism
Stop this clown shit.

It's also a proven fact that systematic displacement of minorities causes the crime to multiply and spill out into surrounding areas, resulting in a shitshow like Baltimore with the highest racial tension in the whole country.

>admitting to the fact that more whites in an area leads to lower crime rates makes you a white supremacist. i'd call you nigger, but i know for a fact you're white. Guess what, all that virtue signaling for darkies isn't gonna do shit for you. They'll still stomp your white skull into pink mush when the shit hits the fan. Solely based on the fact that you're white. So have fun fighting for people that wanna kill your ass

I'm not a white supremacist. Just because Jpeg is a racist, doesn't mean that I have to be. Are you projecting, or just very very stupid?

stop trolling and post an album or something, homo

Blablabla, fuck off scum.

This is a textbook white supremacist, going on about "race wars". Evil.
You're just a misguided idiot unlike the above guy

not gonna. i'm gonna say nazi stuff.
>Hatebreed was better when they were HHatebreed
>GG Alin made great music
>Johnny Rebel deserves a grammy
>Phil Anselmo did nothing wrong

you seethin? ya steamin? you feel assaulted? your butt leaking? Describe to me your feelings in NAUSEATING detail pls

There's nothing reverse about it, it's the dictionary definition of racism. It sucks because I know plenty of reasonable black people that don't buy that "only systematic oppression is real racism" autism, but their perspective is just not present at all in the greater discourse.

not a homo :(

Educate yourself on what racism is.

Half of the idiots on pol are chinks and self hating Mexicans

>niggers can't stop nigging
Don't see how that's the fault of the whites. We can talk when black people start getting their shit together as a community, stop putting all their blame on discrimination (plays a role sure, but not the whole story) and condemning the reprehensible actions of their peers instead of making excuses for them. But instead we get public black figures endorsing a criminal lifestyle through their image and music. Young blacks don't have good role models because black culture is entrenched in criminal culture.

Of course this is all just a manifestation of class cucking, and we all know why that's never going to change.

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>posts infernal coil
i take that back. never post another album here ever again, homo

>Where were you when Denzel Curry referred to Brian Wilson as a "cracker"?
I was sitting here wondering why Billie Holiday was such an uppity negro.

>right wingers pretending they care about class issues because everyone except boomers hates capitalism
At least you're learning

>He also has a song where he says Jesus was black.
It's a great song though.

Seething where no man has seethed before. I am actually embarrassed for you.

trust me senpai, the future of the right is natsoc but actually socialist and less hitler autism

In fairness, Gook in the way he uses it is not the same as the slur, it's south florida slang.

Damn there's a lot of people here who ate lead paint as a kid, no wonder Jpeg keeps getting shilled

That's the boomer generation with the lead poisoning. Zoomers just smoke too much weed

Wokeness the song holy shit.

Curry isn't even black-black either, he's Bahamian and Native American.

Leftists don't even know what's up with their opposition. Neoliberalism, trickle down, lolberg etc is Reagan boomer shit. /pol/ is closer to nazbol now.

Guys, let's just put all of these petty identity politics aside and agree that Brian Wilson is vastly more talented than Jpeg and Curry combined.

Not better than Piper and Master of Reality.


So many of my college friends just burnt out their brains smoking weed. Christ, it's pathetic. If someone drank themselves into a stupor every day and every other interaction with them involved alcohol you'd call them an alcoholic, I don't see why it should be any different with weed.

I don't know I can't remember anything this past week someone please help me

It only means they report rape more often, which is a good thing. I'm certain Jamaica has way more rapes they just don't report them.

Bahamians are some of the smartest blacks you will ever meet, not to mention they pretty much built Miami.

eh it's like a 50/50 split, a lot of right wingers still believe the bootstraps meme and ayn rand style "capitalism = natural law" thing. the shapiro crowd

>(plays a role sure, but not the whole story)
Bullshit. Although after acting like fucking jerks for the last 11 years, they might see an upswing in it. People like Jesse Smullet wouldn't have to fake attacks on themselves either.

I don't believe you when you support Trump/GOP. Also nazbol/nazis/etc are literally just fascists. You always support big business in the end, we have history to show us that.

>eh it's like a 50/50 split, a lot of right wingers still believe the bootstraps meme and ayn rand style "capitalism = natural law" thing. the shapiro crowd
You sound like a fucking bum.

Sup boomer?

good goy die for israel

His new song is lit af.

He's right though, boomer faggot.

I think it's fair to say that historically blacks have been targeted by the judicial system -- you can cite examples like the discrepancy in the harshness of punishment for possession of crack and cocaine in the 80s (crack was punished much more severely).

Again though, this is a manifestation of class warfare -- targeting the lower classes, which minorities comprise in disproportionately. The issue is when blacks internalize this and tie their cultural heritage to their low-class / criminal roots. It made sense in the 90s, it doesn't make sense anymore and it's portrayed in a positive light by the media because "diversity" is all that matters and a criminal upbringing are "ethnic". The whole thing is just a ploy to encourage people to give up more and more ground to the mega-rich pushing these narratives in the first place.

The Smullet thing I would have hoped would have served as a sign as to how artificial and easily manipulable the whole narrative is, but it seems to have been swept under the rug like everything else. Society is in for a seizure

This. I lived in Baltimore in the early 2010s and saw this shit happen firsthand, i.e. hipsters moving into the areas around Johns Hopkins thereby pushing blacks out into the suburbs where they have no means of getting by without stealing.

Landlords deserve the guillotine.

Keep munching those boots

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>no means of getting by without stealing
lmao what? if illegals working 3.50 an hour can get by in california, a notoriously expensive state, i think blacks can survive without holding up the convenience store

Undocumented immigrants don't get by though. Their standards of living are slave-like.

To be fair, touring with Billie gave him the opportunity to perform in front of tens of thousands of people. Before he could barely sell out a 1000-capacity club.



Capitalism is going to crash sooner than later. Oh hell, porky never made up the money lost in the '08 crash. Add in the pending climate disaster and we're fucked for a long time.

Rural California is cheap. One you're out of the major cities (LA, SD, Bay Area) it's almost as cheap as the American midwest. A medium-sized house in Bakersfield still goes for 300k.


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Denzel Curry and JPegmafia are peak white boy shit

they hate "crackers" because they know only "crackers" listen to their mayo crap.

t. white boy

Purrp is going insane again:

Him being being white means he probably interacts with a lot of white people and would know very well what they're listening to. You can try and deny that Jpegmafia's audience isn't primarily white, but the identity politics and white hate he preaches is shit that white people love in this day and age. They want nothing more than to pay black people to yell it in their faces. The mind of the self-hating white is a very broken thing.

He's going to be okay for a while, r-r-right guys?

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When does Peggy ever express "hatred" of whites?

lol being so thin skinned that the term "cracker" offends you

Lmao all Black, Asian, Jewish, and Latino rappers hate white people
>Beastie Boys
>B L A C K I E
>Immortal Technique
>Lil Dicky
>MC Ride
>Rich Brian

Just to name a few


Anyone offended by the term "cracker" has an ego paper-thin.


im white

I wasn't asking a question, boy

>lol being so thin skinned that the term "nigger" offends you

Back to pol pls.

>accusing a survivor of childhood sexual assault of sexually assaulting a child

I can't stop laughing at this shit.

>1488 posting BASED truth even if in jest
children who were sexually assaulted stand at a statistically HIGHER rate of continuing the cycle of abuse later in life.

baha men

>Devano Mckenzie saunters along Cable Beach in the Bahamas, carrying a plastic basket of large conch shells. The 36-year-old native Bahamian sings as he passes by sunbathers sipping from coconuts: “Call me on my shell phone,” he croons, enticing people to buy the tropical marine mollusks he dived and fished for from 4 to 7 that morning, which he’s been doing each morning with his brothers since he was 17 years old. He’s cleaned and inserted a hole into the base of each shell so people can blow sound through them, and he harvests the conch meat to sell by the pound at different area restaurants and food stores. Bahamians have relied on conch as a staple source of protein since the 1830s, and the food is widely considered an aphrodisiac when eaten raw, like an oyster.

>“It’s true,” Mckenzie insists as we stand together on the beach. “I know guys who got eight or nine kids. Some guys eat conch right out of the shell and drink a Guinness stout. It’s a chemical combustion when the two come together. It puts a lot of lead in the pencil.”

Attached: bahamianconch.jpg (1100x825, 107K)

Wilson is IMMORTAL.

He'll probably have a heart attack after hearing Curry call him a cracker.

i only like junkanoo


yes definitely not a false equivalence there

So that explains the rape rate.

You Caribbean?

I only ask because my bf is Bajan.


Not going to happen, r-r-right guys?

Based if true.

This and it's embarrassing kids wear this kinda stuff on their sleeve.
Cannot tell if joking
k retard here (You) are

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i dont think youve ever been around a black person before.

ITT: crackers

There is literally nothing wrong with idpol so as long as it's anti-capitalist.

Capitalism and white supremacy are two sides of the same coin. Identical twins. You can't have one without the other.

South Florida mating ritual right here.

trust me, i have. it's why i hate them.


when white americans aren't in power anymore the chinese are gonna show this world what real misery is like. the freedom you seek is a fucking fairy tale.

White Americans aren't in power anymore, unless you consider Jews white.

Keep this shit in pol.

China is a degenerated workers' state. I'd rather have Chinese hegemony than white hegemony. At least the Chinese treat blacks with respect.

china is already guilty of abuses in africa. they do not care. not about your precious blacks. not about anyone.

China builds infrastructure in Africa, dipshit. What "abuses" have they committed?

Keep ignoring the elephant in the room.

Jews are white, they're yours. Yes they're shady and they're yours

>i saw one at the bus stop once and his music was LOUD. omggg i hate them so muuuuch

lol k

You forgot stinky

Jews were also victims of white supremacy and continue to be.

Fuck all antisemites LARPing as "anti-capitalists".

oh noooo crime rate goes down and property value goes up this is terrible nooooooo

Eat more foreskins kike

Poor people (especially black and brown people) are displaced, dipshit.

Follow your leader and drink some cyanide, Nazi scum.

noooooo neighborhoods getting safer is a bad thing wont someone think of the poor gangbangers noooooo

Your grandma is in my ashtray

>'i support ethnic cleansing and colonialism if it raises my property value!"

I shit on your Reich. Death to all fascism.

Fuck your reich in Palestine, Moshe.

nooooo people having to move is literally a holocaust and slavery this is terrible nooooooooooooo

Who said anything about Israel? Nazis are a real fucking problem and the same people who hate black and brown people also hate Jews.

everyone here has only hung out with the few woke black kids who got to go to college, and never lived in a chicago ghetto with black dudes who didnt even go to highschool and ask you to say some ridiculous crazy racist thing with your white voice and dare you to go up to their friend walking down the street who doesnt know you and call him a nigger lel
poor black people are bros, and you can say whatever you want as long as you can look them in the eye when you talk and have eaten dinner with them a few times.

gangbangers are like 2% of any major black population though, fucking sucks but no need to lump all the normal people in with them which is what people do.

Srs question: so should we just enforce that certain neighborhoods can't have rent raised for fear of people being forced to move (or end up homeless)? Has this not happened forever? Do people just care more since the poor people getting the boot from the area are black?

Housing should be controlled by the tenants, not landlords.

shitposting aside its a real problem how gang culture is tolerated and even glorified in minority communities so that even if most are not overtly gang affiliated gangsters are still given social prestige while those trying to pursue legitimate success either through school or working a real job are seen as selling out or "acting white" and rap music is a major contributor to this toxic cultural phenomenon

I'm not white and I love Brian Wilson.

Looks like peggy is going full mc ride mode now

Even if they are underpaying for where they live? Could more tenants show up willing to pay more and just fuck everything up?

Is it weird that I, white woman, find both Denzel and Peggy to be highly attractive?

>white supremacist can't even greentext properly

lmaoing at all you incels who actually think that calling a white person a Cracker and a black person a Nigger are equivalent

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fuck off boomer

room mustve smelled like corn

we get it you're very scared of black people

a boy named peggy
they're both coons
brian wilson's a coon


Whites have never been systematically oppressed.

All My Heroes Are Cornballs is fantastic

what do you expect? people arent that smart. Yea Forums has thousands of white kids who live miserable lives, all of their own doing and their shitty parents, and see the world and society as a hopeless hell hole, but cant understand that they literally had/have life on easy mode.

Whites left because of niggers and then came back. Big deal. Ironically, the ones moving into Baltimore don't hack blacks.

Baltimore has been shit because of terrible law enforcement, welfare and the appeasement of criminals. Shut up, you nigger.

>Whites left because of niggers and then came back. Big deal

>the ones moving into Baltimore don't hack blacks.
The shithead Yuppies moving in aren't openly racist, but they don't give a fuck about blacks either

Also, terrible Democrat policies that cause high costs of living, don't do anything about out of wedlock births and encourage people to be dependent on the state.

t. nigger or plain retarded.

By that logic anyone in the first world has it on easy mode historically and comparatively to anyone else on the planet. Shut up, pseud.

Great rebuttal nazi.

>white boys are completely unable to understand what minorities go through
color me surprised

You're right, but whites are on very easy mode

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Papi I Missed U 10/10


He didn't even perform alongside her. Waste.

gang culture exist because of oppression and segregation, not hiphop or whatever. it's a ghetto problem, aka people forced into being poor and hated. idc what you think about the word oppression, it's real, and all people are "equal" on paper, but you cant control how people think and what they do, i work in property management, and i can think of lke 40 people who own apartments and houses who have said they "cant let niggers move in". black people are fucked. but yeh, since the 90s blacks have been going to college and making higher wages at the rate as anyone else who has been "oppressed,"entire communities dont change overnight, they take decades and they are on a normal pace for kids to be inheriting houses and jobs and trust funds to live great lives and actually have the ability to move and get jobs where ever they want. things are getting "normal" for blacks, and it's causing shitstorms with certain people, they are on tv and movies, getting ceo positions and buying houses and shit, some people do not want that to happen. and soon, hiphop culture will be a problem for everyone, and it wont even be an issue.
i just said some really "leftist" shit and that's a nono here, but guess what you can suck my cock

umm yeah? being first world is awesome, didnt even know that was up for debate

Don't expect whites on here to "get it". They still hold to the myth that the only systematic oppression is da jooz vs. whites.