It's up

>Bon Iver, i,i - 6/10
>Bruce Hornsby, Absolute Zero - 7/10
>National, I am Easy to Find - 5/10
>Taj Mahal Travelers, July 15 1972 - 8,5/10
>Tool, Fear Inoculum - 5/10
>Vampire Weekend, Father of the Bride - 6/10

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Are his books on AI anygood?

senile old coot is going soft

>some obscure trash music 10/10
>some actually good music 5/10
scaruffi is literally retarded

it's like the Cannes Film Festival but it's a person

>Tool, Fear Inoculum - 5/10

none of these are obscure

a deft outing of the self as both a music pleb and a tv pleb, good job user

it's been up since yesterday, dummy

what the fuck did you expect? lol

Fear Inoculum is their worst/most boring album yet, honestly surprised he didn't give that shit a 4/10 since 10,000 Days was better desu

>Taj Mahal Travelers, July 15 1972 - 8,5/10

what do you mean?

>the Cannes Film Festival

listening to shitty music and watching trash movies is not replacement for personality

yeah it is

>>Taj Mahal Travelers, July 15 1972 - 8,5/10
Holy shit is that AOTD?

I meant the films they chose as Palm dO'r winners, not the actual festival. It's always the most hipster choice instead of the best films in competition.


That Taj Mahal record was already a 8 though. It’s great obviously.

i guess

>imagine being this retarded

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Cannes film festival is the only festival worth noting

if I see only one film a year, I'm watching the Palm D'or.

However, on some years I did watch 300 films, but skipped the AA Best Picture

>50 minutes of wooshing noises scores highest
glad these professional music critics are doing the sifting for me

how was that new JPEGMAFIA album?

>Taj Mahal Travelers, July 15 1972 - 8,5/10
Based as FUCK

>Tool, Fear Inoculum - 5/10
Tools get rekt

Does it really matter at this point? P4K, Fantano, now Scaruffi, surely Christgau if he ever reviews it, none of them liked FI.

what do you define as shitty? something that intimidates you because you haven't heard of it and people more qualified than you say it's good?

wow kill yourself

Where is Daughters review

he'll only give it a 6.5 or 7/10 at the very highest

there's literally nothing on that album that hasn't been done already on dozens of albums that Scaruffi has given 8/10+'s to in the past

RYM scruffites disagree. You would be surprised to know that Scaruffi gets advice from his drones.

>Bruce Hornsby, Absolute Zero - 7/10

>he only considers 2 out of the 6 albums good or great
>he's gone soft

where is norman fucking rockwell?

there's no way in god's green earth that Scaruffi will give an unoriginal-sounding album like YWGWYW an inflated score, and no amount of coping is going to make that happen

>The appeal of the ten-minute Fear Inoculum lasts less than three minutes: Danny Carey's tablas and Adam Jones' doom-y oscillating guitar rumble open for a syncopated funk rhythm and Keenan's litany, but then the band doesn't seem to know where to go.
Scruffy's basically just confirming what most people with taste have been saying since the single dropped

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listen to more music plebs

Those guys ( & ) were referring to the fact that the user thought that the July 15, 1972 album came out this year, hence him thinking that Scaruffi would give it AOTY, you absolute fucking retard.

good bait, user.


>Taj Mahal Travelers, July 15 1972

>After a hiatus of 13 years, Tool released its fifth album, Fear Inoculum (2019), an 80-minute juggernaut that contains six lengthy pieces and a brief instrumental. The appeal of the ten-minute Fear Inoculum lasts less than three minutes: Danny Carey's tablas and Adam Jones' doom-y oscillating guitar rumble open for a syncopated funk rhythm and Keenan's litany, but then the band doesn't seem to know where to go. The eleven-minute Pneuma begins again with percussion and guitar chiseling an exotic ambient atmosphere but then, again, the times goes by without much happening (the instrumental break for tabla and synth is an amateurish interlude). >The 13-minute Invincible opens with the sounds of storm and ocean, and then turns into a melodic power-ballad with atmospheric synth lines; certainly classy pop-metal, but not exactly revolutionary. The 15-minute 7empest begins and ends with a clock-like ticking of guitar and percussion. In between it chugs along with Black Sabbath-ian ferocity, but, other than Jones' guitar workout, it quickly becomes uninteresting. Keenan's sermons are luckily left in the background, while Carey remains a force of nature for the whole 80 minutes, and Jones turns every riff into an epic project. But this album is mostly filled with a lot of dejavu.

Scaruffi echoing some of the smarter anons here, like me. Danny Carey is the ultimate piece of the puzzle. If an album's success depended upon his ability to drum then every Tool album would be perfect. He's 10/10 on every track they've ever made. The problem is the songwriting and Maynard DRAGGING his ass.

>mfw scaruffi gives Vampire Weekend a higher rating than tool

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>>Taj Mahal Travelers, July 15 1972 - 8,5/10

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