Holy shit this is based

holy shit this is based


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What the fuck happened, his first 2 albums were great but this is garbage

>He's looking grizzlier than Lou Reed when he died.
>Starts making early 00's techno-psychodelia.
Yeah, I'm thinking coke's back.

More like weed

Oasis was a bar band. When their aspirations went beyond that, they fell apart.

Heard an interview he did with BBC Radio 1 earlier this year when he said he only started listening to Bowie last year. The man is an absolute turbo pleb.

Honestly, that's a bit based.

I find Morning Glory to be painfully overrated. It had a ton of great b-sides, much better than the album tracks. I unironically love Be Here Now but they lost the plot after that one.

lol Noel's solo music is some of the worst shit ever.

That's funny because a few years ago I heard him raving about Buffalo Springfield. I guess everyone has their blindspots and artists put on the backburner

I meant his first 2 solo albums as well, they were true return to form

Based Noel finally doing some great music

>It’s a good job I didn’t have a mobile phone when I was on the dole at 17. I wouldn’t be sat here today, I f---ing assure you of that. I’d have spent all day watching The Beatles on YouTube, getting stoned, thinking, 'This is the greatest thing of all time.'


>What the fuck happened
He's been working with producer David Holmes the last two albums and that's literally all it took to wash away Noel's decades-long stance against artists getting too "artsy" or disappearing up their own ass and just do whatever """experimental""" shit his producer wants him to. Literally, Noel from just 10 years ago would have laughed at this shit and mocked it endlessly, but he's convinced himself it's cool so he's all in now.

Honestly, Noel getting experimental could be cool but he's going about it in such a lame way.

He really is. He's said many times that even when it comes to older, classic artists he usually only knows their greatest hits. There was also a video on youtube from around 2011 or so where Liam was getting a T-Rex album and saying he never really listened to them before. Hilarious considering they had a hit ripping them off.

I mean you have to admire the fucking cheek

I've always admired that about them honestly. I always found it funny how upset people got over them openly bashing other bands/artists they don't like. That's how everyone talks about music but since they're famous they should keep their opinions to themselves? But I will say that I've found Noel coming across as more of an out-of-touch geezer these days whereas Liam is still loud-mouthed but seems more mature in a way that he never did before.


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kek I hope this is satire

So he lied for this entire article?

if you like Oasis more than this you probably have a low IQ

stfu Noel, Liam has you beat alredy.


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yep this is going in my coomer playlist

...c coomer?

Jesus Christ he needs to retire
